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Deathwing WIP


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What sort of basing do you have planned for them?

Undecided yet. I was hoping you all could offer suggestions?

Broken concrete? Red desert with rocks? Space Hulk interior deck? Gothic ruins? Something like this or this maybe? smile.png

I like your second suggestion. That's actually an incredible base. Hmm.

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Major_Gilbear beat me to it but I was going to suggest the Red Desert, kind of like you see Mechanicum models based with. It would be a great contrast to your deathwing and if you ever added any Standard DA's or the Ravenwing then it would also complement them as well.


Mind, having them match a Space Hulk board is no bad thing :)



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Major_Gilbear beat me to it but I was going to suggest the Red Desert, kind of like you see Mechanicum models based with. It would be a great contrast to your deathwing and if you ever added any Standard DA's or the Ravenwing then it would also complement them as well.

Mind, having them match a Space Hulk board is no bad thing smile.png


Red desert bases are an option! I do have some weathering pigment to match that too, so I can dust their boots up!

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