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2500pt EC 3rd Company Elite


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Hi folks,


Looking for a bit of help. Going to start putting together a 2500-3000pt 3rd Company Elite force, decided on the core elements I like but not sure where else to go...




Emperor's Children - 3rd Company Elite (1506pts) Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1506pts) HQ (347pts) Legion Centurion (142pts)  
    • Artificer Armour (10pts), Jump Pack (20pts), Melta Bombs (5pts), Phoenix Spear (20pts), Sonic Shrieker (2pts)

Consul (35pts)  
      • Primus Medicae (35pts)

Lord Commander Eidolon (205pts)  
    • Jump Pack (20pts)

Master of the Legion  
      • 3rd Company Elite

Troops (570pts) The Kakophani of the Emperor's Children (285pts)  
    • 8x Chora (160pts), Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (35pts)

Orchestrator (25pts)  
      • Artificer Armour (10pts), Phoenix Spear (15pts)

The Kakophani of the Emperor's Children (285pts)  
    • 8x Chora (160pts), Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier (35pts)

Orchestrator (25pts)  
      • Artificer Armour (10pts), Phoenix Spear (15pts)

Elites (589pts) Apothecarion Detachment (144pts) Legion Apothecary (72pts)  
      • Artificer Armour (10pts), Augury Scanner (5pts), Power Sword (10pts), Sonic Shrieker (2pts)

Legion Apothecary (72pts)  
      • Artificer Armour (10pts), Augury Scanner (5pts), Power Sword (10pts), Sonic Shrieker (2pts)

Palatine Blade Squad (445pts)  
    • Jump packs (100pts), 9x Palatine Warrior (180pts), 9x Pheonix Spear (90pts), Sonic Shriekers (20pts)

Legion Legion Astartes  
    • III: Emperor's Children, Traitor

Created with BattleScribe




Not sure what sort of fast attack or heavy support to go for?


Should I include another squad of Kakophani?




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Quite a few things have changed with the latest issue of the LA red book, but my base instincts are to go towards either:


- Fast units (Assault Squad, Javelins, Outriders, Jetbikes) with the kakophoni providing fire support

- Heavy Gunline (Quads with Shatter Shells, Predator Executioner, Laser Vindicator) with the Kakophoni forming the core of your fusillade.

- A mixture of both approaches


3rd Company is one of the best Rites of War in the game and is exceptional versatile. You can even take a fortification if you want!


In any case, I'd strongly recommend you include at least 3 Scoring Units. That means either 3 units of Kakophoni or 2 plus Veterans/Assault Squads/Terminators/Seekers. Since Kakophoni have a tendency to gradually kill themselves over the course of a battle having options to grab objectives is essential.

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I would take the pheonix spears out of the kakophani squads and just give the sgt AA and melta bombs. They shouldn't be in combat and only need to punch the occasional dread with the melta bomb.


Those palentines are going to die fast. I would trade them for a 20 man assault squad with all the trimmings. Or stick them and eidolon in an anvilus.


As far as heavy, I'm a fan of spam. I like running three predators with lascannon sponses with no other upgrades. Then a Scorpius and sicaran venator. I just like the variety.


Really almost any heavy is awesome except heavy support squads. Because you basically already have those as troops.

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