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Coils 2000 updated book.

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Coils list using new book;


Praetor, coils row, jump pack, paragon blade, combi weapon, iron halo, pow dagger, ven sph, mb 210


Mater of Signal 95

Damoclese command rhino 100


Tech marine grav gun, cyber familiar, rad grenades, 4 servitors MLs rad 223


10 tac marines, extra cccw, vox & vex, serg AA, Pf & PD, Mb, Rhino, 235 X 2 = 470


10 Assault marines, serg Aa, PS& Plas pistol, Mb, 215


5 grave wardens land raider Phobos 425


3 Javelin land speeders, Tllc, MM, 2Hks 255.


List takes full advantage of the points drop on Java speeders and the troops and also noticed a lovely little note under tech marines saying the servitors can take rad missiles if they carry the grenades, 4 flesh bane missiles will be a very Nasty surprise.

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Nice idea with the techmarine.


Not sure about the plasma pistol or the vox when you already have the Damoclès 24" bubble. 


It looks nasty but unless i am wrong you need an extra troops choice for coils to be legal.... Sorry.

He... has 3 troop choices already ^^'

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Aye was very pleased when I noticed the little NB saying they can get rad grenades, was thinking to use the damoclese as their transport to keep the coils and then use the MoS to give them the extra bs smile.png makes a fearsome hs support squad with 2 orb bombardments + a grav gun and 4 fleshbane missiles each turm after.

have kept the vox's in case I use coils and/or want to keep the damocles right at the back, plus when i bump up to 2500 I will add in destroyers and an extra speeder so the gauranteed deep strikes is worth the 20 points imo, although if you can think of a better use of the 20/(35pts with plas)pts?

up to 3k games would have a full destroyer squad with Mls and JPs and upgradethe grave wardens to ten man squad with spartan as transport.

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