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Beserkers of the Twelfth.


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Just finished a couple of conversions. I don't have any other World Eater models but these base models cried out to me.




Larger scale than usual but I'll put that down to the chaos gifts. Might start a traitor XIIth to face off against my loyal Death Guard.

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Looks awesome dude, I just wish more of the 12th forgot to wear their armour - may have helped bring the Heresy to an earlier close tongue.png

*looks at the wulfen...*

Sorry, couldn't help myself :lol:

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Thanks all.


The conversion is pretty simple really. It's a couple of Age of Sigmar slaughterpriests, one from a blister pack and one from a heroes of the silver tower pack.

Then added some bits from forge world's World Eater rampager squad. And some green stuff, jewelry chain and little bits and pieces.

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