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2500 Terror Assault vs 40k armies

Valdr Fell-fist

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Hail, brothers.

Like it says at the top, this list is for use mainly against 40k armies, especially the perfidious xenos that are the Eldar, of both craft world and the dark kin.


Just a little brainstorming that I think could work fairly well, but I'm just looking for some feedback.


Legion Praetor- Master-Crafted Thunderhammer, Digital lasers, Trophies of Judgement, Jump pack, Iron Halo.


Forge Lord- Jump pack, Rad grenades, Boarding shield, Cyber-Familiar.


Chaplain-Jump pack, Power Maul, Refractor Field, Artificer armour.


2x Terror Squads- 10 men, 10 Volkite Chargers, Headsman has Nostroman Chainglaive and Artificer Armour


Terror squad-10 men, 10 Volkite Chargers, Headsman has Nostroman Chainglaive and Artificer Armour, Legion Drop Pod.


2x Legion Assault squads- 20 men, Power Axe, Sergeant has Twin Lightning Claws, Meltabombs and Artificer Armour.


Legion Apothecary- Jump Pack.



Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought- Two Kheres Assault Cannon.


Jetbike Sky Slayer Squadron- 6 jetbikes, Multi-Meltas.



So the rough plan would be to outflank the two Terror squads on foot to come at my opponents infantry fire base whilst using the podded squad to sow confusion in his lines turn one, or come down to hold an objective. The Contemptor and Sky Slayers target Fliers/Armour respectively and the two Assault squads bully their way through the main battle line with-hopefully-enough attacks/ grenades to deal with anything, buoyed by the presence of the characters and the apothecary.


I should note that my gaming group has elected to ignore the recent FAQ regarding grenade use in close combat, otherwise I would include more anti-tank.


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Against Eldar I would try a Sicaran. Ignore Jink is pretty fun. I would also swap the Multimelta for Culverin.


More generally, I would find the points for another apothecary (maybe swap out the forgelord?) given your investment in the assault squads.

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