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++Daemon Forge XIV: 2nd ed era models++

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Welcome to - Daemon Forge -

So first of all, thanks to Kierdale for doing past few Daemon Forge due to a lot of stuff that was happen over the past few months.

- Daemon Forge - is aimed as a hobby challenge. Each month will see a set theme for Chaos. This will range from a set unit type, single models, object marker & set themes. The aim is pretty simple. It's all about seeing cool models for Chaos.

This month Daemon Forge is going to be base on 2nd ed era models. It been 20 years since the codex was release - July 1996 with White Dwarf issue 199, I know it has help time & again offer none stop idea's toward my own Iron Warriors & many other Chaos armies in the past. So though be cool to show those older models if anyone has them in there collection, or chance to paint up Veteran of the Long war models to battle once more in the current era of Warhammer 40,000.

So take part

- Use the time to get those models painted.

- If you already have a unit you've already painted, just post them up. It always cool seen really great models.

The main thing is, that the models are painted.

This is a free for all eg:
- Squads

- Single model

- Tanks/dreadnought.

This will also allow new hobbiest to see what it was like - back in the days & when models where metal ;) I've already shown some of the plastic Khorne Berzerker as part of my vow 1 for ETL.

Start: July 23rd

End: August 27th

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