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Imperial Fist Descendant Chapter Refinement


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Chapter Name: Imperial Templars (Open To Suggestion. Another Name Might Be: The StarStriders)

GeneSeed: Imperial Fists

Company: 2nd Company

Usually Led By: Librarian -=FRAGMENT DELETED=-(Status:Unknown)

Company Captain -=FRAGMENT DELETED=-(Statius:MIA)

Founding:7th Founding.

Armor:  Yellow Like The Imperial Fists, But Darker.

Based In: Ultima Segmentum

BattleCry: -=FRAGMENT DELETED=- (UnKnown Official Battle Cry. Open To Suggestion)

Known Heroes: Animus Orbitus

Recruitment Worlds: -=FRAGMENT DELETED=-

Company Chaptain: Reinkrieger (Status: MIA)

-=FRAGMENT DELETED=- Is basically I don't know or open to suggestion and details I need help with but cooler.


I made this new topic since the other was the rough draft. This is the refinement. So I could use help refining the details. Feel free to ask questions and make helpful suggestions as those help as well.


Upon their founding they were created using marines from both the Imperial Fists with the occasional recruit from the Imperial Fists.


Their Captain is unknown and MIA (I almost never use a force commander/captain. I almost always used Chaplains and Librarians.


The Chapter has a fondness for sending Librarians with jump packs to assault the leaders of the enemy army. The chapter has a major fondness for force weapons.


The company Chaplain ReinKrieger is MIA but was recruited from the Templars. 


That's a jumbled miss of lore from the first draft. Which I was wanting to refine their fluff/lore. I also needed to design a badge for them. As well as naming their recruit worlds, and some characters. Several other details along those kinds of aspects.


Also to decide if my old heroes from my older armies from a decade ago retired, went back to help recruits, fell in battle, went missing, or undertook personal heroic quests.


(In A Most Interesting Note: All I Have As Remnants Of My Old Librarian Figurine And Chaplain Figurine Are My Librarian's Arm, and My Chaplain's Hand Still Holding His Bolt Pistol. Finding only their hands/arms seems quite fitting with the chapter. ) That is why they are MIA as only their Hands and Arms were found.


As for the new Heroes, I'm not sure if they should be the same guys in RP but in different figurines/armor or if they should be their apprentices that earned a promotion. For example many years ago Lysander was only a Captain, Before that a Veteran Sergeant. But in recent rules he is a Captain in Terminator Armor.


Also a theme and other ideas to solidify the lore more about these guys.


I hope I'm not bothering any of you by putting this in a new topic. But the old topic was the rough draft. This is the refinement. If I made a new topic again it would be closer to the complete draft, or battle lore On That.



Right, so there's some things I haven't quite grasped about this refinement: why are you precising a certain company? Also a chapter is led by a Chapter Master, and is composed of companies which themselves are led by captains. A company is generally led by captains, not librarians, except for extremely specific circumstances.

A new chapter's first marines don't come from another chapter: however, there is a generally accepted theory amongst fandom that the parent chapter does actually send a few members as part of a training cadre, but that would be original chapter masters, captains, and some specialists, not line marines.



In all honesty, I think you're mixing the concept of the DIY chapter and the army that you can field on the tabletop. And in brutal honesty, it feels like you're asking us to do the main work for creating your DIY chapter...


EDIT: I appologize for hurting your feeling :(

I apologize. That's not what I'm asking at all. I'm asking what would fit and what wouldn't fit.  Every occasion I try any ideas of my own people are like, nope that wouldn't fit . No matter what I try. So that went to more ideas that wouldn't fit. Even 10 years ago I had a regular battle company that was merely one group of a chapter and kept strictly to the codex and lore. Even then people said nope, that wouldn't fit. So I have been trying to go through most of the aspects to avoid areas that wouldn't fit.


2nd Company was because they had yellow/gold shoulders and the list seemed identical to several other companies. No other reasons.


I know there is a Chapter Master. But I never field units like Marneus Calgar except when that's an absolute requirement. I hate fielding established heroes that already have set lore and items.


I half forgot about scouts since I wasn't thinking clearly. But I didn't mean all of the marines were from other chapters. Just 4 of the  veteran sergeants, the chief librarian and the highest ranking chaplain. The Chapter Master and 1 Captain The rest were all from scouts and original recruits. None of the line marines themselves are from other chapters. Only the HQ I mentioned. That was trying to incorporate remnants of the old army into the new army.


I apologize. I was not being lazy or trying to offend any of you. I wasn't asking any of you to do the work.  I actually sort resent that accusation and am greatly hurt that you would think that.


The fact that I made so many mistakes in creating a new chapter is why I've been so repetitive and trying to concentrate even on basic details. It's not like I have friends. Most of the people at the new store I have been visiting barely even care about the story lore at all. They only care about what units win and who has the most forgeworld tanks. I've been trying to bring some aspect of creativity back to the hobby in places.


I apologize to all of you in case I was bothering any of you.



Sorry, I didn't mean it as an accusation or anything unsure.png Making "mistakes" is by no means a problem, is perfectly fine and normal. I'm really sorry you haven't been able to find like minded people in your local store, so we'll try on making your stay here as great as possible smile.png

Right, let's start back from the beginning:

You've obviously got some pretty cool ideas going on here, for instance having jump pack librarians going to challenge enemy leaders is quite a unique tactic I believe. You've also got some characters already, as well as a chapter name and chapter colours, those are already some very good starting points smile.png

One thing where it might be difficult for us to help you is in finding a culture for inspiration, or creating your own culture. I'd very much recommend trying to look for an ancient (or not so ancient) culture to start drawing parallels with your chapter's or your homeworld's beliefs. Even if you don't stick religiously to that, it can at least give you a starting point.

Now, some canon examples of chapters inspired by real-world cultures are, for instance, the Ultramarines (Roman Legions), Imperial Fists (Holy Roman Empire), Thousand Sons (Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia), Dark Angels (feudal France and England), Black Templars (crusading monastic orders like the Templars, the Hospitalers and the Teutonic Knights)... and of course many, many more. In non-canon examples from the Liber Cluster, we also find some examples of not-so-ancienct cultures as inspiration, with the Scarlet Sentinels based on the early-modern English Redcoats and Corsairs Noble Mariner Knights in the name of the Queen, or the Eagles of Glory based on the USA (and their habit of getting into other peoples' business tongue.png )

Now, choosing a culture for inspiration is a very personal thing, as only you can really know how you want your chapter to feel, but I can still try and give a possible example. So your guys are called the "Imperial Templars"? Let's see: Black Templars are a crusading chapter, and they have a rather grim disposition. Their whole nature is summed up by their name, so what nature could "Imperial Templars" represent? Well in 40k, a crusade is really more of a conquest/invasion. Your guys could also be trying to do that. However, to make them a bit different from the Black Templars, perhaps their first loyalty goes to the Imperium itself, the concept of an Empire of Humanity in the Stars, rather then to the Emperor of Mankind, hence "Imperial". In historical cultures/organisations, what examples are there of great Empires trying to extend their lands? Well, obviously there are a lot, but it's rarer to see them doing it far from their homelands. The example I can think of is the Spanish Conquistadors. They roamed half a world away from their homes in search of land and riches. What's even better, is that there isn't a well known example of "Conquistadors in Space" in 40k (to my knowledge). Could that be a starting point?

Next point:

I apologize. That's not what I'm asking at all. I'm asking what would fit and what wouldn't fit. Every occasion I try any ideas of my own people are like, nope that wouldn't fit . No matter what I try. So that went to more ideas that wouldn't fit. Even 10 years ago I had a regular battle company that was merely one group of a chapter and kept strictly to the codex and lore. Even then people said nope, that wouldn't fit. So I have been trying to go through most of the aspects to avoid areas that wouldn't fit.

2nd Company was because they had yellow/gold shoulders and the list seemed identical to several other companies. No other reasons.

I know there is a Chapter Master. But I never field units like Marneus Calgar except when that's an absolute requirement. I hate fielding established heroes that already have set lore and items.

I find it really weird that anybody should say that a battle company from a codex adherent wouldn't fit. According to the fluff, that's pretty much the best fit you could find.

However, I think it is important to dissociate the DIY chapter from a tabletop army: a tabletop army shouldn't be forced to fit exactly a battle company, as even in the fluff units are temporarily detached to a specific company; similarly, the DIY shouldn't focus exclusively on your own tabletop army. You generally aren't going to field even 10% of a whole chapter, so trying to make one fit the other perfectly will be complicated, and ultimately not that useful. Therefore, you can create your own chapter master, from the ground up: there is no reason for him to have anything to do with Marneus Calgar or any of the other named characters if you don't want to.

The reason I was asking about "why 2nd company" wasn't because I wanted to know "why 2nd rather then 3rd", it was because I don't know why you mention it in the first place. You are trying to create fluff for a descendent chapter of the Imperial Fists, not a company of this chapter. Because of this, the training cadre will probably be captains rather then sergeants in the Imperial Templars.

What's more, they were created during the 7th Founding, which happened around the 33rd or 34th millenium: that means you have around 6 millenia of history to give at least a bit of fleshing out. Since even the oldest of Space Marines rarely get to be 1000 years old, it is nearly certain that the orginal founding characters of the chapter are long dead. (that's not to say you can't flesh those out more then a lot of the rest of the chapter, just think that they will have died before the end of the 41st Millenium/Now). This shouldn't be seen as a constraint, more an opportunity to explore your chapter and how it may have evolved over the millenia.

Now, regarding those arms and hands. There is definitely a story that could be quite interesting there: what if these body parts of two of the founding heroes of the chapter are now reverred relics, kept in honoured places in the Chapter's Reclusiam and Librarius? Of course, that would mean that their deaths would have to have been suitably epic. Perhaps to further venerate the memory of these ancestors, Chaplains and Librarians of the Imperial Templars paint sections of their armour in gold (arm for Libby, gauntlet for Chaplain)?

Once again, I appologize for any hurt I may have caused sad.png

The most likely cultures would probably be a mix of mostly Germanic. Maybe more towards Holy Roman Empire, sort of like the WHFB Germans. Not so much like the Space Wolves Nord but maybe some names from there. But there could perhaps be some people like that from the mountains. My old Templar army had mostly Germanic characters. Such as Reinkrieger, Hanze, Deeter, Schultz, Wulfheim, and an Emperor's Champion named Sigheld. But I'm open to suggestions. But the Holy Roman Empire is the main influence for them probably.


Imperial Templar is because I like the Templar and fist originally. But another name I was considering was the Star Striders. But that seems rather Elven. But then again the White Scars have a descendant called the Rainbow Warriors. But if that was a marine chapter that might be a good name for crusading chapters.


Hm. Well then perhaps the Chapter Master could be a guy that almost never actually takes the field in most battles. But advises tactics and administrative duties?


The only reason I mentioned 2nd Company was because their heraldry is Gold/Yellow. Since I didn't want to paint the others on the shoulders.


The original chapter masters and heroes might be gone. But perhaps some heroes might be in a Dreadnought or some other preservation method like that? Also that might be an opportunity for naming relics and planets, regions  and continents on their fief worlds ( If they have any).


The main battles before I had to quit years ago some of them that involved the Librarian and Chaplain were battles against Tyrranid, A Keeper Of Secrets, Dark Eldar, Iron Warriors, And Tau. But I don't remember the exact order.


All that was found of the old Librarian was the Arm. The Chaplain only had a hand recovered along with the Bolt Pistol, and that Cross with the skull in the middle that hung from the bolt pistol with a tassle.



The most likely cultures would probably be a mix of mostly Germanic. Maybe more towards Holy Roman Empire, sort of like the WHFB Germans. Not so much like the Space Wolves Nord but maybe some names from there. But there could perhaps be some people like that from the mountains. My old Templar army had mostly Germanic characters. Such as Reinkrieger, Hanze, Deeter, Schultz, Wulfheim, and an Emperor's Champion named Sigheld. But I'm open to suggestions. But the Holy Roman Empire is the main influence for them probably.

Okay, so a Germanic culture. Since the Imperial Fists are pretty much Holy Roman Empire/Prussians, I'd suggest finding something slightly different, to make your guys a bit more unique: after all, we don't want to make Imperial Fist clones :) How about tending towards the Austrian and Austro-hungarian empire? I don't know all that much about them, but you  might be able to find something?


Imperial Templar is because I like the Templar and fist originally. But another name I was considering was the Star Striders. But that seems rather Elven. But then again the White Scars have a descendant called the Rainbow Warriors. But if that was a marine chapter that might be a good name for crusading chapters.

Imperial Templar works just fine. Perhaps Star Striders could be what the people of their homeworld call them, like the Space Wolves are the Sky Warriors to the people of Fenris.



Hm. Well then perhaps the Chapter Master could be a guy that almost never actually takes the field in most battles. But advises tactics and administrative duties?


The only reason I mentioned 2nd Company was because their heraldry is Gold/Yellow. Since I didn't want to paint the others on the shoulders.

Well one Chapter Master might be. I assume that it would be possible for his successors to take on the same sort of role through tradition. Of course, as the Chapter Master is often one of the best warriors and tacticians of the chapter, so you'd probably need to find a rather good reason. However, I don't understand why you would want that in the first place? Is it because you don't want to field chapter masters when playing, or is it because it would add character to the chapter? It's fine both ways, but we'd need to give some more explanations I think.

When you are developping your chapter, you mustn't just focus on the army you are painting. You can give extra focus to one company (like how the Space Wolves' codex gives particular focus to Ragnar's Great Company), but if I were you I wouldn't mention it just yet in the Original Post, you need to establish the foundations first.



The original chapter masters and heroes might be gone. But perhaps some heroes might be in a Dreadnought or some other preservation method like that? Also that might be an opportunity for naming relics and planets, regions  and continents on their fief worlds ( If they have any).

Oh definitely :) their names might not be the best for places on worlds (after all, these places most likely already have names), but they can be great for relics, tanks or space ships.


The question of fief worlds is an interesting one. I'm struggling to find an easy justification for having that many (appart from Ultramarines, mostly the only worlds rules over by Space Marines are those in their home system), but if you find a good reason (not only for conquering them but also keeping them!) there could be possibilities there. Again though, shall we keep this idea for a bit later?



All that was found of the old Librarian was the Arm. The Chaplain only had a hand recovered along with the Bolt Pistol, and that Cross with the skull in the middle that hung from the bolt pistol with a tassle.

Yeah I'd gathered that. I was thinking it could be cool to give a reminder of that in the fluff, have it actually mean something to the chapter. Perhaps these two marines sacrificed their lives in a heroic fashion to save the chapter, and as you said, only their hand and arm were found. These would later become relics of the chapter, kept in stasis in the most sacred chambers of the Fortress Monastery.  The Bolt Pistol (and I believe Rosarius) could still be wielded by the Chapter's Reclusiarch?

I was considering the Holy Roman Empire more the culture but not quite so religious. More generic German. But also medieval questing knights. But not as French as the Bretonians. Their world might be a steam punk medieval world with castles and such but also modern conveniences.


StarStriders could be what the people call them, or an inner group like the 1st company or the chapter leaders.


Half because I prefer fielding librarians and half because I don't have all the figurines I need. True. I do need to build a foundation. I encounter frequent writer's block aside from occasional excerpts of a battle.


That would also be a good idea. One possible philosophy the chapter might have is that if they put all the effort into fortifying a world then they want to keep it. But that might or might not fit well.


They arms and bolt pistol could be turned into relics to be carried in battle.  One idea was bronzing them and then gold plating them.



I was considering the Holy Roman Empire more the culture but not quite so religious. More generic German. But also medieval questing knights. But not as French as the Bretonians. Their world might be a steam punk medieval world with castles and such but also modern conveniences.

Oooh, what about the German Empire of the late 1800s early 1900s? They were one of the largest industrial nations at the time. And the planet could still have city-sized bunkers/forts, with motorcycle-riding knights?

In any case, your ideas here sound pretty cool to me :)


StarStriders could be what the people call them, or an inner group like the 1st company or the chapter leaders.

Yup, both work :)



Half because I prefer fielding librarians and half because I don't have all the figurines I need. True. I do need to build a foundation. I encounter frequent writer's block aside from occasional excerpts of a battle.

Well, with the proposition of medieval steampunk germans, you have already taken a good step forward imo :) If you prefer fielding librarians and want to show that in the fluff, that's fine: bear in mind though that Chapters generally have their battle groups led by captains, chapter masters or chaplains (at least in the fluff), and they are generally guarded about psykers in general (incl. Librarians) For Black Templars, it is true hate. So having battle groups led by Librarians on a regular basis could cause friction with other chapters: but that only provides good writing opportunities, as long as you think it through :)


That would also be a good idea. One possible philosophy the chapter might have is that if they put all the effort into fortifying a world then they want to keep it. But that might or might not fit well.

They would indeed probably want to keep it, but that doesn't mean the rest of the Imperium will allow it: after the Horus Heresy, Marine Chapters just aren't trusted enough to keep large holdings: the example of the Astral Claws proves that they are right to be wary (Badab War and all...) However, if they are crusading on the outer reaches of the Ultima Segmentum, perhaps the High Lords of Terra have granted them the right to administer newly taken planets for a limited time (a century or two), allowing them the right to extract ressources (manpower, minerals etc.) in exchange for creating infrastructures on the planet and stabilising Imperial governance over the world? There would of course be imperial supervision to make sure they don't strip planets bare...



They arms and bolt pistol could be turned into relics to be carried in battle.  One idea was bronzing them and then gold plating them.

Why not? You could make some reliquary for them, perhaps on top of a Rhino or a Land Raider (you don't have to create that kind of model just yet, emperor knows I don't own a Land Raider!)

BrightStarNova is having trouble editing his post, he's PM'd me a short story he's written:



There was a gentle hum as Animus activated his weapons. A HUD display appeared as the giant animated his armor. Animus then knelt down in ritualistic prayer to The Emperor. "Bless us, so that we might purge thy enemies." Animus then stood and equipped his hood. The doors to the ThunderHawk opened with the whining of metal scraping against metal. Animus activated His Jump pack then leapt. Several miles in the sky, The scanner in His armor got a clear lock on the orc. As Animus neared the target he held his Force Hammer at the ready. Activating thrusters, Animus soared by the Orc war boss in a swooping motion, separating the orc's skull from his shoulders. The skull went sailing clear of the horizon. Animus and the assault marines that were following him landed gently on the ground. Well, Gently as could be landed by a 7 to 9 foot tall super soldier in adamantium armor and a jump pack."What do you call that move, brother?" Asked one of the assault marines that accompanied him. "I believe in ancient times they called it...."Golf." " Animus said as they made their way to the nearby castle.

Made LONG STORIES But they wont allow pasting.


Well, Here's another excerpt.


"Now?" Asked An Assault Marine. "No Brother." Replied Animus.

Several marines of unknown origin were fighting with several of the sons of Rogal in the battered ground beyond the trees that had once been a beautiful clearing. Frag grenades were being hurled back and forth. Whirlwind fire blasted the landscape. Then came the telltale roar of blastmasters. How fitting considering the reputation of the traitors that wielded them, that those blastmasters would strip bare the bushes and trees down to their bare bark. The grassland that had once been emerald green was now covered with craters exposing the dirt and clay, as well as pools of blood both traitorous and loyalist.


"Now?" "No Brother."

Terminators arrived wielding heavy flamers turning the armor of dark and unmentionable shades of purple and pink too horrid to comprehend. Souls danced about in the armor as if it they were in motion. Traitor armor turned to charred cinders. Terminators previously victorious were hurled across the horizon by massive defiler claws,  and shot at as if they were clay pidgeons. If they managed to withstand that, they would know they were favored by the emperor.


"Now?"No Brother."

Swirling portals began to appear, ripping the very fabric of reality in the areas asunder. Some of the most beautiful women imaginable began to appear as they stepped through the portal. Those women were virtually perfect. Virtually because they did come in the forms of women, but had talons for feet and claws for hands. They pranced merrily about the field performing unspeakable acts with the fallen marines from both sides. They seduced the souls from the fallen traitor marines and carried the surviving loyalists across their shoulders and began to retreat towards the portals. Portals now guarded by an immense figure of unimaginable strength drawn purely from the warp.



Animus Orbitus and the assault marines that followed him almost akin to an honor guard activated their jump packs and leapt over the trees and touched down atop a land raider that had two giant pulsating pouches atop it guarded by what appeared to be twins. They leapt again and landed right in front of the massive creature that had been summned from the warp. A creature with four arms and covered in tattoos, horns, talons, spikes, and claws. But almost no armor. The creature grabbed a marine as if picking fruit from the produce isle. A marine in each of it's four hands, Animus' Force Hammer gathered strength. The marines held in it's grasp kicked and struggled, but the creature was too strong. Then Veteran Sergeant Heinz gave the order to activate their chain swords. They hewed through the creatures limbs, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Roaring in agony the creature wore a mask of pure pain, which contorted into an expression of unbridled ecstacy as it's limbs regenerated. "Now then, are there any of you who think yourselves worthy? If so, come and fight" Bellowed the creature.  As it turned around it was greeted with the sweet kiss of a Force Hammer. " FOR THE EMPEROR OF MANKIND." Animus grunted in response. "FEEL THE BLADE OF THE EMPEROR ." Animus Spat as he swung once again.


"That is a hammer, not a blade. Loyalist. What have they been teaching you these past 10,000 years? " Replied the creature as it parried the blows by the hammer. "IT IS A BLADE, AND YOU WILL FEEL IT. " Then atop the hammer a sword of psychic composition appeared turning the top of the hammer into the hilt of a massive Zweihander. Animus Orbitus sliced through the creature with the force hammer encased by a psychic blade which was a manifestation of his will. He cut easily as a hot knife through butter. All that remained were pink swirls in the air as he slew the creature in the Material Realm, thus banishing it back to it's own plane.


They sealed the warp rifts and went home.



Thoughts, Questions, Comments, Opinions On Those 2 Fluff/Lore Exerpts?


Also, I Could Use Advice Designing A Badge. The Current Chapter Badge Is A Templar Cross, But Red.


The Other Idea Was A V On Top Of An M To Make The Shape Of A Bat.



Guess nobody liked that story.


Either way, next I need to figure a good badge that is basic and not tough to make.



It's not necessarily that, but it takes time for people to join a new DIY thread and read what's there.


Personally, I always find it difficult to read stories on the computer, so I generally just don't bother. Not only that, I also never have a clue on how to C&C stories X). I'm happy to give my opinion when it's some kind of Index Astartes though :)


For a badge now... I have to be honest, I can't really see a problem with a templar cross. It works well for the fluff, and it's probably the easiest thing to free hand (that will still look good). Plus, the Black Templar upgrade pack is still around, so you can find some bling for veterans and the like.

If you're okay keeping some kind of cross, but that isn't the black Templar cross, you could always investigate some other cross designs that aren't the maltese cross (too few of those in 40k...) The cross Patee jumps to mind, as a fairly widespread design, and still rather easy to paint. It should be possible to experiment a bit to find what you like, and find something that is quite unique in 40k :) In terms of colours though, you'll definitely have to experiment a bit: red on yellow sounds weird, but if you choose the right shades it could look ace. Other colour combinations might work too, though obviously steer clear of black on white (or even the opposite)

The real templar cross might be easier to paint ? I don't know, it's worth a try :)


Perhaps different ranks could have different crosses? ie, normal guys get a simple line cross, vets get a cross patee, and officers get a maltese cross?

What Does The Codex Say For Painting Veteran Sergeants? Either Way, My VEteran Sergeants Have White Helmets On That.



Works fine. I think Imperial Fists usually use red for their sergeants or something, but it's not fully restrictive.

Ah well. The Imperial Templar Veteran Sergeants Have White Helmets. I don't have the 4th edition codex which clarified that more anymore. So the White Helmet could be turned into a trait of their chapter. Besides, most chapters do have some way of makingthemselves unique.


Not sure what to put onto their tabards and banners for personal /squad heraldry though. Sort of hesitant to even try adding those to the backpacks without a more definitive idea.


As for the names. Most of their names should probably be Germanic or Nord in nature to fit with the theme.


Some name ideas for the squads were: Hanz, Olaf, Wulf, Heinrik, and similar names.


Animus Orbitus was the latin version of the term " Soul Reaver" So the new Liberian could have the name in  German, but SeelenPlunderer doesn't seem like the best name idea. There has to be a better naming convention for selecting names for heroes and sergeants.


I do have pictures of a complete squad at @MYTHRYNN In Twitter On That.



Ah well. The Imperial Templar Veteran Sergeants Have White Helmets. I don't have the 4th edition codex which clarified that more anymore. So the White Helmet could be turned into a trait of their chapter. Besides, most chapters do have some way of makingthemselves unique.

Don't worry about it overmuch, it doesn't seem like the codex Astartes really plays it up all that much, it's more a case of "please denote Veteran Sergeants in a way you see fit" then a hard rule of "any veteran sergeant evar should have a red helmet with these three white vertical stripes and nothing else, evar".


For names, I can't recommend BehindTheName enough! You've already got a couple of good examples.


Soul Reaver doesn't sound like a name. I know somebody who chose the name "Storm" for himself, but generally names like Tom, Dick or Harry aren't given for the meaning of that name. However, Animus Orbitus could be some sort of title.

It was tough trying to name each marine and sergeant. Also tough thinking of their own personal and squad heraldy. Currently none of them have names. Their tabards are either unpainted or have no design aside from basic white and some purity seals On That.


There were 2 ways to approach that: Get a naming book and try random names or try to figure a name that might suit each of them based on actions they did or personality from weapon position and poses.


In my old army some of them had meanings like: SigHeld was the Emperor's Champion and his name meant Victorious Hero or similar. The Chaplain's name was ReinKrieger. Which was basically Pure Warrior or similar.


Like making a story, making names is tough On That.



Wait, you're trying to name EVERY marine??? That's... courageous to say the least. In my mind, sergeants is really the maximum that I'd ever attempt, and even then I've never tried yet


Have you tried behind the name as I suggested? You can generate names from a number of cultures, so it's perfect in this instance

I actually did that once when I had a Templar army. I had "The Guild 2" so it had a random German Name maker.  (I wouldn't recommend buying that series.) And that made names for random German People. Then I painted the names on the bases of those guys. But that was my old army and I don't remember all their names On That. Not Bragging On That. *


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