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"It is only in our darkest hours that we look up and see the light."

                                                                                               - Anonymous Imperial Scholar






Our Darkest Hour is a freeblade Imperial Knight that is working with the Officio Assasinorum, and is indeed piloted by a former Eversor Assassin trainee. This pilot, known officially as Asset.0011167, is known among the Officio more commonly as the Black Knight. He was recruited from Knight Planet +=REDACTED=+ who's entire ruling elite were assassinated by a Callidus. He was picked up and taken to the Schola Progenium, where he was found eligible for the Assasinorum program. 10 years later, he was fit to join the Eversors by receiving his augmentations, but the Grand Master intervened for recently the Adeptus Mechanicus had visited his former home-world, and had retrieved a single Knight that was genetically encoded to him and him alone. The Inquisition had ceased the Knight, and the Ordo Sicarius had given it to the Officio after they found out they had its pilot in their ranks. Since then, the pilot has been used by all the Temples, but most by the Eversor. There have even been rumors of multiple Black Knights, clones of the original who all pilot Our Darkest Hour and are trained to take it down...just in case. The symbol of a unknown temple upon its Ion Shield, the symbol of the Officio surrounded by acog, lends soe credit to these rumors. When the Inquisition needs to eliminate a target such as a renegade Governor, they send an assassin. When they need to eliminate a Chaos Lord, they send a kill-team. When they need to eliminate something larger, such as a Renegade knight or Titan in construction, and it requires the delicate touch of the Officio, they send Our Darkest Hour.



Our Darkest Hour is armed with a relic Castigator Bolt Shredder as well as a power weapon grown to Knight-size and made far more deadly. 


Using Our Darkest Hour in a Game of Warhammer 40,000


An army including an lone Knight Paladin in an Oathsworn Detachment may upgrade the Paladin to Our Darkest Hour for +75 points. The Knight Paladin is armed with an Ion Shield, Power Destroyer, and Castigator Bolt Shredder, and has +1 WS, BS, Hatred, Rampage, Preferred Enemy (Warlord), and FA 14. 


Power Destroyer

Range: -

S: D

AP: 1

Type: Melee, Soulblaze, Rip and Tear, Sunder

Rip and Tear: This weapon gains +1 to rolls on the Destroyer Table against Super-heavy Vehicles, Super-heavy Walkers, Gargantuan Creatures, and Flying Gargantuan Creatures.


Castigator Bolt Shredder

Range: 36"

S: 8

AP: 3

Type: Heavy 8, Blast, Shred, Colossal

Edited by Cryptix
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Wooaah, a Knight Assassin ?



Instinctively, I was prepared to say that wouldn't be canon-friendly but... why the heck not? :lol: I do wish to warn you however, others might not agree with that, so be prepared to face some amount of criticism.


However, for this to not be over the top, you will need to make sure it is kept a secret from the Imperium: assassins aren't normally allowed to have such kinds of machinery, as it isn't their normal role. The Imperium doesn't generally like people to have any more then the bare minimum of equipment that is required by their trade, as it diminishes the risks of having a very powerful enemy should the user be corrupted.


You might also want to include something about an official Ordo Sicarius sanction, each time that it is used.

I'd also not limit it to a single pilot: it is too important an asset for only one man to be able to pilot it. It might be possible to introduce a secret new assassin temple, created at the time of the acquisition of the Knight, where it's members are trained specifically to use Our Darkest Hour, but also to destroy it's pilot should the assassin go rogue.


Bear in mind that this kind of operation is not normally within the purview of the Officio Assassinorum: destruction of large targets is normally up to the Imperial Guard or the Space Marines, that kind of thing. You'll probably want to give an example of a mission where it was used, where an elligible target of the Assassinorum necessitated the use of a Knight.



However, since it is already such an unusual thing to fit into canon, I'd probably stick to conventional Knight Weaponry, or something along those lines: conventional Imperial equipment at the very most.

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