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2,000pts Ordo Reductor Dream List


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So For Glitch and giggles I decided to share my dream Ordo Reductor list with you guys in the hopes of tweaking it to perfection before I buy it. I like tanks and Str 10 blasts so this seems like a natural way to go for my next project. I do have questions on how things work as I do not have a book for it yet.




==Matrix of Ruin==


Warlord: Archmagos Reductor: (Diijin-skein, x3 Cyber Occuli, Cyber Familiar, Power fist, Photon Gauntlet)


Troop 1: Absecularis Covenant (x20 thralls, Rite of Pure Thought)

Troop 2: Thallax Cohort (x6 Thallax, 2 Plasma Fusils)

Troop 3: Thallax Cohort (x3 Thallax, plasma Fusils)

Troop 4: Thallax Cohort (x3 Thallax, Plasma Fusils) 

Troop 5: Thallax Cohort (x3 Thallax, Multi-Melta, Destructor )


Heavy 1: Krios Venator Battle Tank

Heavy 2: Krios Venator Battle Tank

Heavy 3: Ordo Reductor Artillery battery: (x2 Medusa Cannon tanks, POTMS)

Heavy 4: Ordo Reductor Artillery Battery (x3 Demolisher Cannon Tanks, POTMS)



I have 30 points left over to play with in this list, but I don't know what to use it for.


The general idea is that the Thallax jump around and hit their targets, Plasma for infantry and multi-melta for some deep striking fun. The Archmagos sits in the rear buffing up nearby the medusa tanks or Krios while sitting in the middle of the Covenant. Medusas sit in the back while the Demolishers power forward to strike down any high value targets, probably with an occuli following them everywhere.


Also, I don't know if I should have both Reductor Tanks squadrons be the same. Originally I was going to have two of the Demolisher cannon squadrons but then I thought about the long range medusa blasts, so I made one squad one of those.



What do you guys think?

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