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2,5k Dynat led Orbital Assault


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Hi guys,


with the new book having been released i had to modify my Army list heavily; less dreads more Assault Marines as it seems. The intention behind this list is a kind of Beta-Strike. The Leviathan and the two Vet squads in the Dread Claws remain embarked in their vehicles trying to survive returning fire. The rest of the army hopefully drops in in T2. Dynat is with the Terminators (giving himself DS) to give them BS5 and to have a sturdy retinue. The Seeker Squads get Combi-Plasma guns.



MT: Tank Hunters






2 x 10 Assault Marines w 2 Power Axes and Power Axe on Sergeant


3 Elite

2 x 10 Veterans w 2 Melta Guns, Meltabombs, Banestrike, 4 Combi-Meltas incl. Sergeant in Dread Claws (Machine Killers)

5 Terminators w 5 Combi-Melta incl Sergeant, Power Dagger and chainfist on the Sergeant


2 Fast Attack

2 x 5 Seekers w 5 Combi-Plasma in DP's


1 Heavy Support

1 Leviathan w Melta-Lance, AC in DP


2500 pts


I'm not really content with the army. The theme is a Veteran Siege Battalion led by Dynat  spearheading into the enemy. I wanted to include as many Veterans and Terminators and Leviathans as possible as they would fit the Theme the most. 


What do you think? Please let me know and post your interpretation. I've been thinking about it so long that i need some input :/


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not an Alpha Legion expert but I would definetly drop at least one squad of seekers for another unit of terminators (Cathapratii or Tartaros?). Other than that there isn't much room for tweeking the list really. The troops are solid, veterans are cool and leviatan just rocks. I personally dislike 5-man serker squads as they are too expensive to be one-trick pony and die easily.

Just my 2 eurocents.

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Overall I like the list, I think Dynat is awesome for orbital assault, but I think you've loaded up on too many anti tank options and not enough anti infantry. Nearly all your deep striking units are geared for anti tank besides the seekers. So I'd swap out the combi meltas on the terminators for combi plas. Double the shots for dealing with infantry, plus they can be fairly effective against vehicles.


More assault Marines would also be nice, I feel like 15 is much better than 10, but that's difficult to fit in. Maybe change out the dreadclaws for normal drop pods and save some pts there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys

already forgot about this topic since i didn't receive a reply for over a week haha

Since i already came up with new thoughts i created a new, current list i'd like to play. Shame i don't have money for those dread claws atm sad.png

MT: Tank Hunters


Dynat (Orbital Assault) (Joins terminators)


2 Tactical Squads w Nuncio-Vox, Combi-Weapon and Melta Bombs on the Sergeant in DP's


2 x 10 Veterans w 2 Melta Guns, Meltabombs, nuncio vox, 4 Combi-Meltas incl. Sergeant in Dread Claws

2 x 5 Terminators w 5 Combi-Plasma incl Sergeant, Power Dagger and chainfist on the Sergeant, 4 Power fists

Fast Attack

Lightning w 6 Kraken heavy missiles, Battle Servitor Control and Ground-Tracking Auguries

Heavy Support

Leviathan w Cyclonic Melta lance, Siege Drill and Armoured Ceramite +DDP



Veterans and leviathan drop in first survive the first turn and wait for the terminators and the lightning to show up. Tacticals take objectives or go for cheeky rear shots on AV10 tanks and charge in with their Melta bomb. actually i should give them CCW instead of their bolters, shouldn't i?

Biggest strength of this list is armour basically every kind of it. Every infantry unit can dish out damage against tanks even terminators with 10 AP1 shots can destroy light thanks or get rear shots in medium. The melta bomb wielding veterans and of course the lightning and leviathan go the spartans and land raiders. Against infantry i still have the veterans with lots of melta guns and sniper shots and of course 2 units of terminators with combo-plasma guns. Weaknesses? Still infantry i reckon, could still tailor the leviathan for anti infantry..

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You're not using Dynat's free deep strike and a Leviathan without a dreadnought pod is a bad investment.


Oh of course it has a DDP i just forgot mentioning it since it is so incredible obligatory haha Dynat deepstrikes himself and joins one terminator squad.

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I don't know if it would confer his re-roll, but either way the list is a bit light on points - I make it as being 2235, not 2500. I think you might have a few points to play with!
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Ah, interesting.  I guess this would allow the terminator squad re-roll their scatter?


I don't know about that but i would WAI make sense. RAW there is no indication sadly.

I don't know if it would confer his re-roll, but either way the list is a bit light on points - I make it as being 2235, not 2500. I think you might have a few points to play with!


Edited the list again. forgot a second squad of terminators and some nuncio voxes.

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