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2000 EC 3rd Company - New Player


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I'm kicking around a starting 2000 point list for EC that focuses on flexibility, reach/maneuverability,  and variety.





HQ: Eidolon w/ Jump Pack, 3rd Company RoW (205)


Troop: 9-man Assault Squad , Sarg w/ AA and MB, attached Apoth w/ JP (190+60)

Troop: 8-man Kakophoni, Chora w/ AA and MB, attached Apoth w/ AA, Rhino w/ Combi (280+55)

Troop: 8-man Kakophoni, Chora w/ AA and MB, attached Apoth w/ AA, Rhino w/ Combi (280+55)


Elites: Appothecary Detachment (already in above sections)


Fast Attack: Legion Land Speeder Squadron, 3x all w/ Graviton Gun and Volkite Culverines (195)


Heavy Support: Legion Jetbike Sky Slayer Squadron w/ MM, Sarg w/ MB (275)

Heavy Support: Leviathan Siege Dreadnought w/ Seige Drill, Storm Cannon, Phosphex Discharger, and DDP (400)


Total: 1995





My core is centered, of course, around Kakophoni 3rd Company.  


The list Theory:



Earlier versions had a 10 man Palatine Blade Squad w/ jump packs lead by Eidolon.  

That unit was horrendously spendy for simple ablative wounds for Eidolon.  Coupled with the recent cost reduction for Assault Squads I decided to swap for now.  I can always change back later.

The Apothecaries are also new thanks to the recent red book changes.  Any way to negate some Gets Hot is well received even if it is at the cost of a Kakophoni model (to make room in the rhino).


I also use to have a fat squad of Phoenix terminator in an assault ram.  I didn't like so many points of a 2k list held in reserve and honestly the Phoenix terminators are #1 at looking FABULOUS, but not so hot when hitting things in melee compared to other legion specific terminator squads.  So they got nixed for now.


The fast attack and Heavy Support took me the longest to settle on.

My list was weak in terms of anit-tank and I wanted units that could multi-role effectively.   


The Jetbikes were a unit I always loved but the FA slot version just added more of what I already had...anti-infantry.  With the incoming changes to melta-bombs they were also no longer viable as a fast tank killer.  The Sky Slayer squadron fits that role much better now.  I can handle non-ceramite vehicles/walkers easier with this unit and 1-shot 2-wound Cataphractii terminators at good standoff range.


The land speeder squadron fills a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none support role.  I've had a great deal of success with them in my 40k Dark Angels lists (HB, Missile configuration).  They are typically low priority on the opponents threat list until they've removed something valuable from the field.  Standoff distance will be key as most things can glance/pen AV10. Push comes and I can deep strike and get some graviton shots off at a high profile target.


Lastly, the Levi Siege Dread.  He is pure flavor and tricked out.  He is designed to hurt all of the things and get the back-line all sorts of hot and bothered turn 1 via pod.  If nothing else he will die in a fantastic 'splosion of perfection!

Honestly though, I was bouncing back and forth between contemptor-cortus dreads and Daredeo dreads.  In the end, I love the model.


I opted not to go with Sonic Shriekers in this list because my primary opponent is immune to the effect and with the changes to -1WS isntead of +1I I found it not as good for a mostly shooting list.





Comments, improvements, questions are always welcome!



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