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Death Guard Zone Mortalis 850 Pts Help


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So after a break from the Heresy due to real life, I'm jumping back into it. After my failure to complete 2500 points for a tourney here in San Diego, I'm shooting for quite a bit smaller of a force for a small 850 Zone Mortalis Tournament. So I have a couple lists I thought I'd run by you guys.


My first list is based around my siege breaker and my love for Death Guard Terminators.


+++ DG ZM Siege (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v32) (847pts) +++


++ (Zone Mortalis) Combatant (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v157) ++


+ HQ +


········Legion Centurion [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Combi-Weapon, Power Scythe]

············Consul [siege Breaker]


+ Elites +


········Deathshroud Terminator Squad [5x Deathshroud Terminators, Melta Bombs]


+ Troops +


········Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


········Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs]


+ Heavy Support +


········Grave Warden Terminator Squad [Chainfist, 4x Grave Warden Terminator]

············Chem-master [Chainfist]


My second list uses Mortarion, which based off my reading of the Primarch's Chosen ROW should be legal. My main question is it legal and is it a mean choice to make?


+++ DG ZM (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v32) (850pts) +++


++ (Zone Mortalis) Combatant (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v157) ++


+ HQ +


········Mortarion the Reaper

············Master of the Legion [Primarch's Chosen]


+ Elites +


········Deathshroud Terminator Squad [5x Deathshroud Terminators, Melta Bombs]


+ Troops +


········Legion Tactical Squad [14x Legion Tactical Space Marines]

············Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]


So any thoughts, corrections, etc. Would be much appreciated. I have never played Zone mortalis before so I'm interested to see what you think!



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First list is awesome for ZM.


2nd list with primarchs chosen you need to take vets as troops and possibly terminators I don't have book with me.

I think it's a little mean in such a small game.

But depending on your 30k meta may not be that bad. Here I don't think I would win many friends

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Thanks Nightmare84.  I am going to go with the first list, the 2nd list was just so I could use Morty for the first time ever.  I will have to update about how it goes.  Thanks for the advice though!

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Morty in zm is evil!! He can walk through walls with his redeploy! Lol

Have you thought about a pride list tho. Pretor, deathshroud and gravewardens☺


Morty in zm is evil!! He can walk through walls with his redeploy! Lol

Have you thought about a pride list tho. Pretor, deathshroud and gravewardens☺

This, but with Typhon instead of a praetor
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Morty in zm is evil!! He can walk through walls with his redeploy! Lol

Have you thought about a pride list tho. Pretor, deathshroud and gravewardens☺


Morty in zm is evil!! He can walk through walls with his redeploy! Lol

Have you thought about a pride list tho. Pretor, deathshroud and gravewardens☺

This, but with Typhon instead of a praetor
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I thought it was one per 1000 points?.


If you have a blast or template weapon in zm you gain shred! As deathshroud already have shread they get +1str hahaha!

Gravewardens have shreading poisoned assault2 grenade launchers. What's not to love!

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For anyone curious I ended up using Typhon and my first list minus 1 Deathshroud against my buddies Iron Warriors.  Ended up totally annihilating him at the end of the 3rd turn.  Grave Wardens with Typhon were insane, didn't get to try to the Deathshroud though as they got greased by plasma cannons.  Thanks for the help everyone!

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