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Potential hersey.....


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Hey guys,


I might be committing some light hersey here....



I have an absolute butt load of miniatures from a pretty crappy game called Dust Tactics. The game was a flop, but the models were pretty cool. Now, I have nothing to do with all these cool minis and I was thinking about doing some conversions and using them to create a IG force to compliment my Marines.


Any one ever used these minis as proxy for IG?

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Correct me if im wrong, but isnt Dust 1/48, making them closer to 32mm scale while 40k is 28mm?

Those would be pretty damn big guardsmen IMO.


The better choice would be to make a 30k Militia list, creating some sort of gene bred posthuman army.

HH book 5 gives you the rules to make your own militia list and rules how to have them modified and have the points value reflect that,  ie gene bred.

That might be in the Crusade Imperialis red book as well but im not sure.

From what I know of the Dust stuff they have a pretty clear aesthetic, but you can work pretty much anything into a Guard force as long as the scale isn't too far off. While I think they are a bit larger I don't think I've ever seen the models side by side so I don't know how much so.

Here's a comparison shot......Dust Tactic, IG, Space Marine, Bolt Action.



I think the Bolt Action mini is probably the closest in size, but will take a TON of work to convert. The Dust Tactic mini isn't too bad, only a tad taller than the IG, but on the same level as the Marine.

If there were Squats, Ratlings and Ogryn... and mini Ogryn (Catachan Jungle Fighters), Why not an army from a lower gravity world where the people are taller than elsewhere? 


It looks like swapping the base will take a mm off the height and, as long as all the troops come from the same source, the army should look fine.


It would need a decent backstory... maybe the population were systematically bred to be taller by means of a very strict genetic policy? Maybe the lower gravity levels have made them taller? Maybe deliberate genetic modification was used in order to raise the height? 


In game terms, with LOS it is a slight disadvantage to be bigger/taller so it wouldn't provide any advantages... all reasons to accept the bigger miniatures.

Personally, I think it would be fine. I mean, there's only a hundred TRILLION or so 'umies in the Imperium scattered across millions (or even billions?) of different worlds throughout the galaxy. Statistically speaking, there's gonna be at least a handful of worlds where the gravity is light or the food is particularly potent, leading to some big burly dudes. 


Or maybe they are recently re-discovered and integrated world who's history revolved around worshipping their diety Jim and his manifestation, the Bar Bell. 


Or play them as a different world of the Catachan system. After all, Catachans are nicknamed "baby Ogryns." 


The beauty of the Imperium, and the Guard especially, is that you can easily make up whatever you want to justify them. 


From a gameplay perspective, the model's size is a double-edged sword. On one hand, having taller guardsmen puts you at a disadvantage since your enemy will get more LoS on you. On the flip side, it means that Leman Russ's and such are far more likely to be 25% or more obscured. 


Again, IMO I think it's fine as long as you keep the paint scheme consisent and throw in whatever GW banners, icons, vehicles, what-have-you as you can to tie it all together. 


Ask your opponents, play group, or tournament organizer ahead of time. I am willing to bet they would be happy to see something unique, unusual, and made with love above all else.


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