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Tactical Strike WB Moritat Help


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I'm messing around with my available models (which isn't much) to have a go at Tactical Strike and thought of doing a non-traditional WB force.  The theme of this group is that they are Hunter-Killers, veterans of Istvaan V and the Shadow Crusade.  I tend to like veteran tactical marines versus a bog-standard legionnaire.


For Troops (300 pts) I have:


5 Vets with bolter/chainsword and 1 Hvy Bolter w/suspenser

6 Vets with bolter/chainsword and 1 Hvy Flamer

1 Recon w/Sniper rifle

4 Seekers


Leader / Heroes (150 pts):


Vet Sarge with AA and Pwr Wpn

Centurion/Moritat w/ AA and 2 bolt pistols


I want the Moritat because I'm anticipating getting FW's new model whenever it is released.  I like the idea of a Moritat leading this group to hunt down specific targets.  Plus, the model looks amazing.


I am concerned about a lack of AP2.  The Moritat eats up most of the 150pts allocated to Heroes.  I'd love to give him a plasma pistol and/or volkite culvern.  It would mean losing the Vet Sarge and his power weapon though.  Do I Go-Big-Or-Go-Home and just use all 150pts to buff the Moritat into a super killing machine?


The lack of a dedicated close combat unit (beyond dual purpose vets) is also a weakness.


Any thoughts are appreciated.

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I love Tactical Strike/Victory is Vengeance games! What I have found is ranged is much more important then close combat so you have that nailed already with your shooty Veterans and Seekers. However, since you can essentially have multiple units of individual marines your Moritat will be wasted on anything but the enemy hero, unless your opponent groups up his guys into Ad-hoc squads.


I would suggest combimelta/plas on your Veterans for anti-teq and armour because you never know if someone will bring along a dreadnought (I usually take a box dread) so you can atleast neutralize harder targets from range. At this level and with the Tactical Strike rules you can actually take a lot of Veterans now since they only cost 2pts more then a standard Tactical marine, so you can decide to go for quantity of sniper vets and hope for rending shots or go for quality and arm them with combimelta/plas and special weapons.

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