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3.5k Dark Angels Ravenwing

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Hey all! I've had a hankering to do a 1st legion army for a while now, and now I've gotten my hands on book 6 I finally have the rules to do so!

I'm looking at a mostly jetbike list, mostly because I love the models. I don't mind if it isn't the most compeditive of lists, but of course it is nice not to get tabled every game!

Anyways, here is the list!



MC paragon

Digi lasers

Iron halo


Acid shells

Rad nades

Ravenwing ROW



Command squad X 5

3 power weapons

2 fists


Acid shells



Primus Medicae

Refractor field

Calibanite warblade


Acid shells



2X 10 jetbikes


Calibanite warblade

Rad nades

3 chooms

Molecular acid



5X terminators (Tartaros)

5 choom chargers

5 fists

Rad nades




5 terminators (Tartaros)

5 fists

Heavy flamer

Rad nades




2X 5 sky slayers




This brings me to 3k on the dot if my calculations are correct, leaving me 500 points.

I'm thinking of taking a lightning with kraken missiles for super heavy-busting duties, not sure what else to take though!

Comments and criticisms most welcome! Suggestions too!

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So I do like volkites, but on your troop bikes the acid shells are just as good if not better (especially as you have to mix the group).  I would suggest if you want to run volkite jetbikes to use a heavy support slot and leave your troops to only have acid shells.  That being said it isn't really much of a detraction for this list to have troops with volkites rather than more acid shells...

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How do you plan on delivering the termies?


Do they get DS? I don't recall


If they don't I'd invest in a spartan to send those bad boys straight up the middle while the jet bikes cause havoc!

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How do you plan on delivering the termies?


Do they get DS? I don't recall


If they don't I'd invest in a spartan to send those bad boys straight up the middle while the jet bikes cause havoc!

The termies have dreadclaw drop pods!


My wife has decided that our armies have to be boosted to 4K points

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