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Blood Angels armoured assault (day of revalation) 3k


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You got more vehicle units than Astartes.

The TL ilastus on the predator comes from the flamestorm cannon? Rather than spend 15 points to downgrade the predator cannon to an ilastus, I'd buy a pintle ilastus for 3 per tank plus predator gun (and you could use this variant for Armoured Breakthrough troop choices if you ever wanted to).


Nevermind, re-read rule, you get the swap for free. Dakka away!

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God I love day of revelation. All the drops with the tanks allowed. This looks awesome though, the battlespeed on the Malcs will let them close in quick to help out the Assault Squads.


Cortus seem like the odd men out though, although they are a little speedy I suppose!


If you are looking for a troop unit I think a Vet squad in an outflanking Rhino would give you some lovely options here.

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God I love day of revelation. All the drops with the tanks allowed. This looks awesome though, the battlespeed on the Malcs will let them close in quick to help out the Assault Squads.


Cortus seem like the odd men out though, although they are a little speedy I suppose!


If you are looking for a troop unit I think a Vet squad in an outflanking Rhino would give you some lovely options here.

Well i would like to rip things apart, in true blood Angels fashion, so cortus seem the way to go.

I could always get rid of one though for a vet squad, or a tax support flame squad, because flames and shiz are very blood Angels.

Or even just a cheapo assault squad, keep in the spirit of things.

But thought the malcs could close up fast and keep up with the the other tanks following the infantry up with all those lovely rending assault cannons

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