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Turning Tactical Marines Into Chaplains And Librarians.

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Do you have any banners or skull parts? If so, cut the top of the axe off and stick the banner top icon or skull onto the axe handle.


Another idea is to put a spare Space Marine clenched fist on the axe handle and then glue some little wings to each side.


I really don't know what more can we suggest? Your questions appear to go in circles, and ultimately they are your models - so you can make them and paint them any way you want.

Hm. Well there was an Ultramarine that made his like the skull of a Tyrranid. There was an Imperial Fist that made his like a winged axe. There doesn't seem to be any references that I found stating that HAD to be a bludgeoning weapon On That.



Do you have any banners or skull parts? If so, cut the top of the axe off and stick the banner top icon or skull onto the axe handle.




My Crozius was the top of a command squad banner on the end of a stick.


If you have ever bought a tactical squad, you have the bits to make a crozius.



Which axe do you have? My suggestion is cut the blade/s off above the power source thingy and start putting blunt objects there instead, skulls, banner tops, whatever you may have in your bitz box.




Now that different types of power weapons have different rules and chaplains explicitly have power mails not power weapons; if you want to be WYSIWYG you need something mace, maul or club like.


Unless the current Ed. rules have changed, it was my understanding that equipment provided in a Units entry didn't need to be modelled, as it can't not have it, only upgrades and additional wargear needed to represented.


Having said that, I think *every* Chaplain should be modelled with a Crozius.....actually, now that I think about it, I have an Asmodai with a Power Sword and Blades of Reason (Lightning Claw).





Now that different types of power weapons have different rules and chaplains explicitly have power mails not power weapons; if you want to be WYSIWYG you need something mace, maul or club like.


Unless the current Ed. rules have changed, it was my understanding that equipment provided in a Units entry didn't need to be modelled, as it can't not have it, only upgrades and additional wargear needed to represented.


Having said that, I think *every* Chaplain should be modelled with a Crozius.....actually, now that I think about it, I have an Asmodai with a Power Sword and Blades of Reason (Lightning Claw).






Units still need to be WYSIWYG, though. A chaplain without a crozius could be anything.

Like many people before me said before, cut of the head of the axe and glue something winged blunt item in its place. Almost every kit comes with one the ornaments that Major Gilbear, Xenith and Appiah have mentioned. It makes an instant crozius, with barely any effort. It is a huge help to identify your marine as a chaplain. I recently turned an assault marine into a Chappie just by replacing the axe and the bare head. That's it.




Finding a skull helmet proves more of challenge than making a crozius to be honest.

I think there are two issues in play here:

The first one is: "what will people accept a as e.g. a Chaplain?"
The answer obviously differs from person to person (as for myself I'll accept pretty much anything as a Chaplain, as long as people tell me in advance). In this regard a Tactical Marine with an axe will do fine, assuming your friends are ok with it.

The second one is: "what will I have to do to make a tactical marine actually look recognisably like a Chaplain?"
And in this regard it seems a bit like you're looking for an answer that we simply cannot give you. Because, flatly stated, a Tactical Marine with an axe really won't look like a Chaplain at all.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to dissuade you from converting a Chaplain out of a Tactical Marine - conversions are a fantastic part of the hobby and the modular nature of the Marine range emans the sky is the limit (more or less).

As you can see from the many great suggestions in the thread, it's quite possible to make a crozius out of banner/backpack bits (I've done so myself several times) - it's just that a power axe simply won't look like a crozius to anyone. And it's the crozius more than anything that makes the Chaplain. If you've got a crozius you can probably do without the skull helmet smile.png

Your suggestions are great. I have a tactical squad banner but the eagle doesn't seem like the other tactical squad eagle people used in their conversions. It's a flat emblem icon kind of eagle On That.



Do you have a picture?


Edit: Nevermind, I looked at the sprue online, and that emblem is indeed a bit thin. You need the one from the terminatorkits, any of the 2 will do. So either ask one of your fellow players nicely, or look for one on bitzsites. If you're interested, I can take a look in my bitzjar when I get back from work.


Edit: I found some bitz on this site & this one.

Librarians arent that hard to do anyways, just cut of the small thingie behind the head and do some cutting on a shoulderpad, than put that should pad in place where that other previously cut thing was. There you have a Psychic hood like on the original. 


And if someone doesnt realize its a conversion you should be proud of yourselves (so dont tell). Cause by GW standards a good conversion is one that someone doesnt notice at first glance. (this was quoted ages ago btw when the air was cleaner and that stuff)

I have a tactical squad banner but the eagle doesn't seem like the other tactical squad eagle people used in their conversions. It's a flat emblem icon kind of eagle On That.


You collect Imperial Fists, yes?


You have clenched fists on the sprue, yes?


And you have a banner top with little wings, yes?


Have you considered this:


Another idea is to put a spare Space Marine clenched fist on the axe handle and then glue some little wings to each side.


It gives you something that looks a bit like this but with wings instead of a halo (conversions from our own Brother Chaplain Kage here):



My chaplain uses a similar bit to that which Xenith used on a power axe haft. I just cut away the blade and added the banner top. The helmet is a skull that was decorating the Howdah on a Necrosphinx kit I think. I added it to a Sang Guard head. Chaplains are one of my favourite character types in 40k and they're so easy to convert.



Another way of doing the skull helm and this has been used a lot is the head from the Chaos space marine box.



This is actually the model I butchered for parts to build the Lamenters Chaplain above.


Are you a member of a club? Or near a GW store. I'm sure there will be someone who will have a few of those bits lying around you can use.

Another option, if you can't find bits you like and you've got the time, patience, and some plasticard... is build your own. biggrin.png

This isn't exactly a crozius, I was just making a fancy mace for one of my boys, but it might give you some ideas on how to go about making your own!

sml_gallery_93430_12337_842300.png sml_gallery_93430_12337_129832.png sml_gallery_93430_12337_461807.png sml_gallery_93430_12337_24343.png

Not sure what I could use aside from an axe since the only weapons I have are the axes and swords, along with a Power Fist On That.




Cut off axe head.


Cut off the arm from the powerfist


Stick the fist on the axe pole.


Instant Imperial Fist Crozius.


The winged piece you say you have is fine for a crozius. I mean, GW used this.


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