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Taghmata Omnissiah 2500


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Ran this last Saturday, 17-5 win for Mechanicum against Iron Hands. Pretty standard list until the nerfs hit on the vehicles sometime in the near future(aka their way too cheap tongue.png)

- Archmagos
- Lachrimallus
- Cyber Familiar
- Power fist
- Chain fist (Master-crafted)
- Machinator Array
- Abeyant

Troop 1
Thallax Cohort x3 (no upgrades)

Troop 2
Castellax x2
- 2x Targetting array
- 2x Darkfire Cannon

Troop 3
Castellax x2
- 2x Targetting array
- 2x Darkfire Cannon

Troop 4, 5 & 6
Tech-thralls x10
- Rite of Pure Thought(Fearless)

Heavy 1
3x Krios Battle Tank Squadron x3
- 3x Pulsar-fusil

Heavy 2
Myrmidon Destructors x5
- 1x Vulkite Culverin, 4x Graviton Imploder
_Triaros Armoured Conveyer

Heavy 3
Myrmidon Destructors x5
- 2x Vulkite Culverin, 3x Irradiation Engine
- Triaros Armoured Conveyer

Archamgos goes in the unit with Grav. You essentially tank for that unit and protect them. You move up the field ignoring most things with Flare Shields a plenty and then 1-shot most armour until you get close enough to unload the Myrmidons to destroy infantry and other tanks.

The tech-thralls are insanely good at covering your bases for Objectives. And it's a very meat and potato list after that.

I had an Avenger strike Fighter in there but it's not quite finished being painted. It's not the best flyer by any stretch but it looks very sick and extremely thematic with Mechanicum.

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