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Death guard 2500


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Hey everyone, going to a friendly event soon and decided to take my death guard. 

im not planning on taking a WAAC army and rather keep it as fluffy as possible while hopefully not being steamrolled.


Calas Typhon- xxx


20x tacticals- Art armor, scythe, rad grenades- 270


20x tacticals- Art armor, scythe, rad grenades- 270


4x deathshroud terms- melta bombs, land raider phobos- 435


7x destroyers- 1x missile launchers, rhino , 1x phosphex bomb- 270


3xpredators- (1x magna melta bolters and machine spirit, 2x plasma and bolters) 465 


2x medusa- 310


leviathan- claw/drill. flamers w/ chem, phosphex- 290


i plan on completely ignoring (slightly wishing) the possibility of fliers. i havent noticed many around but you never know. i think i have most bases covered except fliers but i just couldnt fit a mortis in for the life of me. 


other units at my disposal


Mortarion (we may have a large team game so he may see table time anyway)

2x contemptor mortis with assault cannons (1 unpainted)

contemptor with dual ccw

10x grave wardens also unpainted 

20 man tactical

5x heavy support with flamers



may be more im forgetting but cant remember for now


thanks guys



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I like it, except for sadly the coolness that is destroyers. Really, all they bring is a single red missile a turn for almost 300 points!


I'd drop them and instead focus n getting a few more things in:

  • Drop pod for the Leviathan - without it hes going to be walking and with no ranged weapon, not doing a lot.
  • Apothecary's for the Tactical squads - the FNP will greatly help them get where they need to be in numbers.
  • Extra CCW on the Tacs - lets them be a bit more versatile.

But, they are a really cool unit - so I can see why you'd want to bring them :)

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Whoops. I didnt write it but was using the reaping RoW so no drop pods :|

I know what you mean about destroyers, crazy over priced but they are so fluffy and i rarely had a chance to use them. May test them out a bit more before I decide.

I had 2 apoths in there but the destroyers soaked up all their points.


Maybe I'll try trading out destroyers. In lieu of 6x grave wardens and 2 apoths how about that??

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You'll need a transport for those Wardens for sure, which in lies the problem.


If you are using those guys then you have to lose a heavy support, which may well be the leviathan, as without deep strike it's a little iffy.


I'd ask what the Reaping is providing you beyond some Rad Grenades on the Tacticals too, as all it's doing it stopping you from Deep Striking - as Typhon already has Rads in his wargear.


I'd also say that Typhon is a bad fit to roll with the Deathshroud as his Cataphractii armour stops them from sweeping!


I feel for you though, as you are running into the same problems as me when I wanted to list hammer Deathguard - making it fluffy is hard!

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Have to agree with Charlo. You aren't having any benefit from the reaping. No extra heavy squads etc. Typhoon already has rad. He does slow the shroud down tho but so does the reaping as stops run move. I'd be inclined to drop the shroud and raider and take 10 gravewardens and rain chemical death.
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ok lets try a rewrite then.


im not at home so my costs on some things may be a little off



typhon- xxx (pride of legion)


20x tacticals- art armour and scythe, vexilla- 270


10x veterans- rhino, 2x heavy flamers w/ chem. art armor and scythe. 250??


5x deathshroud- land raider phobos- 455


9x grave wardens- 2x chainfists. 345


1x apothecary. aug scanner- 50


2x predator ( 2x plasma and bolters)


leviathan. claw/drill phosphex- 290


2x medusa- 310


2470. so can trick out something a little bit. grave wardens are walking w/ typhon but im hoping i have enough armor that I hope they wont take too much heat. i should have some time on sunday to give it a test run on sunday but will probably be against a 40k-er so it probably wont tell me much of its weakness if any. 

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No reason to take tacs if you have pride IMO! They are far superior and also pretty damn fluffy for DG! You could even footslog outflank them and do major damage, the cheaper cost makes them just so good.


Otherwise it's pretty nice :) Wardens walking is iffy, but still cool!

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You have 4 Heavy Support choices Nightmare84 - Grave Wardens do not become Troops in Pride of the Legion, as they are Heavy Support, not Elites. Footslogging them is a major risk - they may get blown to bits, or they may achieve absolutely nothing if your opponent avoids them. I'd definitely drop a few of them and take a Spartan to cart them around.


Yes, the Veteran Squad you have listed is 250 points. I'd take "Marksmen" on them for sweet, sweet re-rolls on Sniper heavy flamers! :) Also, maybe consider a dozer blade for the Rhino?


Totally agree with Charlo about the Veterans-over-Tacticals - they are so good now. A second squad like the one above is a good idea. :)

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Balls, I completely missed the heavy support choices. rewrite it is then. i really the reaping RoW and i think its a nice way to have a fluffy army so here i go.


RoW The Reaping


Delegatus- scythe, tartaros armorur, rad grenades- 115


4x deathshroud melta bombs, land raider phobos-  415


2x apoth w/ aug scanners- 100


Contemptor mortis- assault cannons


20x tacticals- scythe, AA, rad grenades,- 270


20x tacticals- scythe, AA, rad grenades,- 270


10x vets, scythe, rad, AA, 2x flamers rhino- 260


2x medusa- 310


2x predator- plasma/bolters- 300


leviathan. claw/drill phosphex- 290




comes to 2510 so have to drop AA or grenades off someone. Reaping is giving me grenades everywhere plus a extra scoring unit (now 4) which i think is pretty good to most HH armies. atleast in my area.


for 3k i would probably add Morty and swap delegatus for Siege breaker giving me phosphex shells for the medusas

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Not too sure about it... It doesn't seem to work for me. Can't quite put my figure on it but I'll try with a few observations


- I feel the preds and Levi don't add much. A footsloging combat Levi seems a bit of a waste in my opinion. I'd put the points into a unit of grave wardens in l.r or Spartan I think


- 20 man tac squads on foot is a pain in the ass. They will die easily and won't get anywhere fast due to inevitably having to move through difficult terrain, especially as the reaping doesn't let you run. I'd maybe just go for 2 X 10 in rhinos. Troops done


- vets, not sure. Depends what their roll is but maybe if you want chemical munitions, just wack a heavy flamer squad in a rhino thus utilising the reaping a little better


- I'd keep the medusas without phosphex, str10 will do more damage


- contemptor is an ok choice but not a huge fan


- really like to see Calas in this list as I love him


Sorry it's a bit of a miss match of words! I tried to articulate as best I could!

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Levi is a great distraction. And can tank a fair few anti tank shots.

-Sniper flamer vets work a dream at the moment. Refilling wounds with chance at ap2.

Foot slogging is fluffy and I got move through cover so I shouldn't be too slow.

I'm not sold on the contemptor either I initially had 3x quad guns in there

- I love calas and wardens too but so hard to fit him with with a spartan.

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Put some Phosphex Quadguns in there if you want Phosphex - the Medusas are much better left stock with S10 AP2.


The Leviathan sure is a Distraction... but with not too long a range and costing almost 300 points, when does it go from Distraction to points sink?

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