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5000pt Ultramarines – HQs needed


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Hi all,

I've been gathering my Ultramarines for a few years now, and they've built up to a sizeable 5000pts. If you were given this army, what HQ(s) would you include to make the most of them?


I'm more than aware it's not a very 'competitive' army, but I'd love to hear what HQs you'd add if they were the only thing you could change.



  • 19 Tactical Space Marines, additional chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla, + 1 Tactical Sergeant, power weapon, artificer armour; melta bombs
  • 19 Tactical Space Marines, additional chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla, + 1 Tactical Sergeant, plasma pistol, artificer armour; melta bombs
  • 19 Tactical Space Marines, additional chainswords; nuncio-vox; legion vexilla, + 1 Tactical Sergeant, artificer armour; melta bombs
  • 9 Breacher Space Marines (325), nuncio-vox; legion vexilla, + 1 Breacher Sergeant, artificer armour; Land Raider Proteus, explorator augury web
  • 9 Assault Space Marines, 2× power weapon, + 1 Assault Sergeant, artificer armour, melta bombs



  • Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
    • Contemptor Dreadnought; multimelta; dreadnought close combat weapon (twin-linked bolter)
    • Contemptor Dreadnought; twin-linked heavy bolter; dreadnought close combat weapon (twin-linked bolter)
    • Contemptor Dreadnought; twin-linked heavy bolter; dreadnought close combat weapon (twin-linked bolter)
  • Techmarine Covenant
    • Techmarine
  • Apothecarion Detachment
    • Apothecary, artificer armour; augury scanner
    • Apothecary, artificer armour; augury scanner
    • Apothecary, artificer armour; augury scanner


Fast Attack

  • 9 Seekers, power armour; 9× bolter (kraken bolts; scorpius bolts; tempest bolts)nuncio-vox, + 1 Strike Leader, artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs, + Rhino
  • 9 Seekers, power armour; 9× bolter (kraken bolts; scorpius bolts; tempest bolts)nuncio-vox, + 1 Strike Leader, artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs, + Rhino
  • 9 Seekers, power armour; 9× bolter (kraken bolts; scorpius bolts; tempest bolts)nuncio-vox, + 1 Strike Leader, artificer armour; power weapon; melta bombs, + Rhino 


Heavy Support 

  • Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought; cyclonic melta lance; grav-flux bombard; 2× volkite caliver; extra armour; phosphex discharger
  • Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought, twin-linked Anvilus pattern autocannon battery; twin-linked heavy bolter; atomantic pavaise
  • 4 Heavy Support Marines, heavy bolters, + 1 Heavy Support Sergeant, artificer armour; augury scanner



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I would say Remus Ventanus + Master of the Signals. That way you can run the Logos Lectora. The MoS can babysit the HS squad and Ventanus can make good use of his 6" bubble of fearless. Plus -1 to enemy’s reserves is quite sexy.


If you wanted to fill the third slot I'd recommend a praevian, 'cause robots is blue armour are awesome!

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If you're talking cybernetica bots, it's a little bit restrictive at 500 points, as you're required to take castellax as comp troops with at least 2 in the maniple.

Here's what i would take:

Magos dominus (stock)

3x castellax maniple (darkfire cannons, enhanced targeting arrays)

This gets you some additional anti-tank, which your list has a decided lack of.

But at that rate you could just take a praevian and chose tank hunters instead of LA: Ultramarines for a similar effect, you just won't be able to repair your bots with the magos.

Hope this helps smile.png

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