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Hey guys,


I've been building a Sons of Horus army over the last couple of months and finally got around to playing my first game with a friend this week, which I lost very badly!


Abaddon was very poor in my game and I really feel he needs eternal warrior and more bite, I want to try and use him in at least some of my games as it allows me to deep strike my justaerin, if I drop him sometimes will footslogging justaerin be terrible?


My opponent had lots of nasty units which made it tough for me;

- a spartan with 10 terminators, apothecary and tooled up praetor

- fire raptor

-10 man plasma support squad in drop pod etc


This is the list I took, I know that it's not very competitive and to be honest, I am much more interested in making a themed, fluffy army than something to try and win every game with. That being said, I would appreciate some advice on my list to sharpen it up a bit and give me some more punch.


I know that some of my choices are not optimal and that's going to be the challenge to work around!


Rite of war: The Long March



Abaddon, power sword




Contemptor, kheres assault cannon, plasma blaster

Contemptor, 2 close combat weapons

5 Justaerin, 5 combi plasma, chain fist, 3 lightning claws, 1 power weapon



15 reavers, jump packs, 3 power weapons, power fist, 5 chain axes

15 reavers, jump packs, 3 power weapons, power fist, 5 chain axes

10 legion veterans, 2 plasma guns, banestrike bolters, powerfist

10 legion veterans, 2 plasma guns, banestrike bolters, powerfist


Heavy Support

Deredeo dreadnought, autocannons, aiolos missile launcher

10 heavy support marines, missile launchers


Thats pretty close to 3000 points.


- Should I split my reavers in to units of 10?

- Is it worth getting rhinos for the veterans?

- I have quite a lot of bodies but very little "toys" I am on a bit of a tight budget, so any recommendations which are thematic choices for Sons of Horus would be good



Any suggestions would be most welcome, I am very new to 30k and I'd like to hear from people with experience who can suggest some units or changes to help me out!



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-First and foremost I would drop the expensive missile launchers and put in a Heavy Support vehicle or two in there.

-Second, frankly at 3k points id consider taking Horus instead of Abaddon. 

-Third, keep the Reavers in large groups and give them all chain axes (minus the guys you're giving power weapons to), and see if you can give each squad an apothecary.

-Fourth, Im guessing that the Vets are Marksmen. Giving them rhinos wouldn't be a bad idea since the dedicated transports get outflank too. Also consider taking heavy flamers instead of plasma guns since they wound on +4 and get rending as well. Having a squad pop out of a rhino next to a infantry unit and dropping down two of those HF templates can be brutal.

-Finally, if they can take it,  ALWAYS give each squad a Vexilla and the Sgt Artificier Armor. Park the Sgt in front and have him tank the ap3- shots.

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Do you recommend any particular vehicles for heavy support?

If I drop the missile launchers, should I add a 3rd veteran squad?

Yes, I was using the vets as marksmen, I can see your point about the heavy flamers, that seems like a good option, the 2 plasma guns in the units were pretty underwhelming in the game I played. Do the heavy flamers which normally wound on 3+, wound on a 4+ because of the sniper rule?

I have thought about using horus, but he seems so incredibly powerful, won't it unbalance things a bit in friendly games? biggrin.png

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You need armor killing capability, 2 Sicaran Venators would fix that problem right up.


Dont take any more vets, you have 5 units of infantry already, you need armor support.


The heavy flamers would wound on 3+, but if you were hitting something with a high toughness, then you would be wounding on 4+. Dont forget that it also rends.


Horus is incredibly powerful, but at 3k points hes to be expected in a SoH army.

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I think that's a cool-looking army. To be honest, it'd be a shame to lose any of it. Perhaps you could ask your friends to go up to 4000pts? That'd let you add some of the suggestions above without compromising a cool theme; and you might be able to convince them to add some more basic troops rather than more optimised stuff?
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We're only playing at 3000 points because that's all I have at the moment!


I think my friend has something like 4 or maybe 5000 points if he uses everything, but if I'm going up to 4000 points I'll definitely need some more powerful units which can do some work on the table.


I thought maybe a sicaran venator and a leviathan dreadnought?

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Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, I think I'll aim at doing the following:


- adding rhinos to 2 veteran squads and giving them heavy flamers (if I give the rhino a heavy flamer, does it get rending too? it gets outflank so I'm assuming it gets the sniper rule)

- swapping the 10 missile launcher unit for a 3rd unit of 10 veterans, unsure of their load out yet (possibly 2 plasma guns and stubborn) I don't have a 3rd rhino to put them in!

- possibly swapping abaddon for horus

- adding 5 more justaerin terminators

- adding a venator and a leviathan (storm cannon & claw) in the future


I've got some really useful ideas on where to go with my list now, thanks :)

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Thanks a lot for the feedback guys, I think I'll aim at doing the following:

- adding rhinos to 2 veteran squads and giving them heavy flamers (if I give the rhino a heavy flamer, does it get rending too? it gets outflank so I'm assuming it gets the sniper rule)

- swapping the 10 missile launcher unit for a 3rd unit of 10 veterans, unsure of their load out yet (possibly 2 plasma guns and stubborn) I don't have a 3rd rhino to put them in!

- possibly swapping abaddon for horus

- adding 5 more justaerin terminators

- adding a venator and a leviathan (storm cannon & claw) in the future

I've got some really useful ideas on where to go with my list now, thanks smile.png

No, the rhino doesnt get rending, only outflank.

Do take Horus, the man is a beast

Finally see about giving the Leviathan a Lucius Drop Pod. One of those in the back lines can really throw off the fluidity of an enemy army.

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Hey guys,


I've been building a Sons of Horus army over the last couple of months and finally got around to playing my first game with a friend this week, which I lost very badly!


Abaddon was very poor in my game and I really feel he needs eternal warrior and more bite, I want to try and use him in at least some of my games as it allows me to deep strike my justaerin, if I drop him sometimes will footslogging justaerin be terrible?


My opponent had lots of nasty units which made it tough for me;

- a spartan with 10 terminators, apothecary and tooled up praetor

- fire raptor

-10 man plasma support squad in drop pod etc


This is the list I took, I know that it's not very competitive and to be honest, I am much more interested in making a themed, fluffy army than something to try and win every game with. That being said, I would appreciate some advice on my list to sharpen it up a bit and give me some more punch.


I know that some of my choices are not optimal and that's going to be the challenge to work around!


Rite of war: The Long March



Abaddon, power sword




Contemptor, kheres assault cannon, plasma blaster

Contemptor, 2 close combat weapons

5 Justaerin, 5 combi plasma, chain fist, 3 lightning claws, 1 power weapon



15 reavers, jump packs, 3 power weapons, power fist, 5 chain axes

15 reavers, jump packs, 3 power weapons, power fist, 5 chain axes

10 legion veterans, 2 plasma guns, banestrike bolters, powerfist

10 legion veterans, 2 plasma guns, banestrike bolters, powerfist


Heavy Support

Deredeo dreadnought, autocannons, aiolos missile launcher

10 heavy support marines, missile launchers


Thats pretty close to 3000 points.


- Should I split my reavers in to units of 10?

- Is it worth getting rhinos for the veterans?

- I have quite a lot of bodies but very little "toys" I am on a bit of a tight budget, so any recommendations which are thematic choices for Sons of Horus would be good



Any suggestions would be most welcome, I am very new to 30k and I'd like to hear from people with experience who can suggest some units or changes to help me out!



Ditch A-bad-un'. Drop the Contemptors in pods or make them Mortis variants. In this particular list I would side with the community wisdom of all fists for the Terminators, as you have AP3 more than covered elsewhere. Your Reavers you should just use as assault marines because Reavers are too expensive now.   Banestrike is an insane thing to spend points on in general, more so when you have Sniper.  Rhinos are always worth it for veterans.

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Thanks for the tips, I'll drop the banestrike and get the veterans heavy flamers and rhinos. I'm going to add 5 more justaerin so I'll give them all power fists I think.

I guess if I run the reavers as assault marines, I could swap out maloghurst, I was thinking of a chaplain to join one of the assault squads?

This is the new list I have devised:


Chaplain, jump pack, power fist, artificer armour


15 assault marines, 3 power weapons, 1 power fist (artificer on sergeant)

15 assault marines, 3 power weapons, 1 power fist (artificer on sergeant)

10 veterans with marksman, 2 heavy flamers, vexilla, rhino, (sergeant with power fist, artificer armour)

10 veterans with marksman, 2 heavy flamers, vexilla, rhino, (sergeant with power fist, artificer armour)


10 justaerin, 5 power fists, 1 chainfist, 3 lightning claws, 1 power weapon, 10 combi plasmas

Contemptor talon; 1x contemptor with kheres assault cannon and DCCW (with plasma blaster)

1x contemptor with dual DCCW (2 graviton guns)

Contemptor mortis, 2 twin linked lascannons

Heavy support

Deredeo with autocannons and aiolos missile launcher

Leviathan Dreadnought, siege drill, siege claw, phospex launcher

Lord of War


That puts me on 3400 points

I know the some of the dreadnoughts should really be in pods to be optimal but that will have to wait for the time being!

Hopefully this balances fluff with competitive and should give me more of a fighting chance smile.png

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