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Return of the Blood Guardians

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Hello ladies and gentlemen of BnC. I know I have gone silent since my last posting in a previous thread I had started about my DIY Blood Angels, the Blood Guardians. After a hiccup with school and with work, the hobby got put on hold after Christmas. BUT! I have managed to get some stuff done since getting out of school and working. First off, here is what my work area currently looks like (Sorry for blurry pics, took the pics with my phone):


As you can see, I have a lot to do! But, what you do not see is what I have in my display case. Combine that with what I have on the table right now, this takes me up to a full Battle Company of Space Marines of the Blood Guardians chapter! But, the main part of this post is to show the Forgeworld goodies I got for Christmas, which is a Scimitar Jet Bike and a Recon Marine squad. I have already painted up the Jet bike, and here she is in all her glory:




As you can see, despite much debating and consideration of what I wanted to paint both the bike and recon marines, I finally settled on painting them up in the colors of the Guardians (Sorry to all the Night Lord players I promised I would join the darkness when I got some FW models, but the blood of Sanguinius runs too strong in my veins msn-wink.gif )

Now, comes the WIP of the post, my Recon Marines:


As you can see, I have two out of the five models painted, with only two more basecoated and one still naked. Here is what I plan to do for all the cloaks on them, so the cloak can stand out a bit more instead of fading into the rest of the model:


I would like your honest comments and critiques on how I did the cloak and if there are any pointers or tips for me before I advance to the other three cloaks. I would like to thank everyone on this board for the constant work and awesome standard that has been put out there for me to challenge myself to do better with my own minis. So from me to you, thank you!

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Well, since you asked for more:


I am giving the Recon Marines a small break, like posted previously, and this is the stage I have gotten the Interrogator Chaplain, but I have come across a problem. I have both the little two part flap thing over the bottom part of his robe, and cape still to paint, but I am unsure what color to paint them. So, I humble ask you all for tips and suggestions to paint them. Also, once I finish Chaplain Xarlterian "The Voice of Bloodshed" Dragos, I shall proceed to paint up my Assault Captain, pictured here:


I am also debating on what to paint his wings (with a jump pack bit glued onto the back of the wings) and the shield, so more suggestions would be helpful as well!

So, that is my update for today, CMD7 out!


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