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Sacrificial Offering, Word Bearers 2.5k


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Hi all,


planning on starting a word bearer project (post to follow soon on that) and have the below list i like the look of.


Hol Beloth Want to give this guy a try, a combat praetor is about the same cost but this guy causes fear and has the ignore first wound ability, along with the one off boost to Ws that isnt that great but its all a little help when i charge my tac squad in.


Chaplain, refractor field, artificer armour, melta bombs, burning lore



Apothecary, power weapon, Artificer armour

5 Veterans, Marksmen, Melta, 2 combi meltas, melta bomb, rhino

8 Veterans, Weapon masters, 3 power weapons, power fist, Artificer Armour (Hol Beloth and non armoured apothecary in here)


12 Tacticals, power fist, melta bombs, artificer armour

18 Tacticals, power fist, melta bombs, artificer armour (CCW) (Armoured apothecary here plus Chaplain)


Land Raider Phobos, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer blade, Extra armour

Land Raider Proteus, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer blade, Extra armour

Deredeo Dread, Aiolas Launcher


9 Seekers, Power fist, Artificer Armour, 2 combi meltas (mounted in proteus) iv never considered these guys before but the update recently dropped them in price and gave them that new ammo so they become quite interesting. with outflank and their land raider im hoping to get the drop on something valuable with rapid fire.


"Allied Detachment" 1st Bait Regiment




22 Levy, Aegis Defence Line, Comms Relay


2 Medussas


2500 total.


obvious there will be days when out flank doesn't work out as planned but i like the idea of the list and hopefully by having some choice on my angles i can use the "trap" to my advantage. the levy will go to ground pretty much behind the cover and the medussa guns will go in opposite corners of the deployment zone, or behind better cover but hidden as best as possible waiting for reserves to roll in.


im hoping to get some ideals of a list to build towards and will doubtless add other stuff over time but im also trying to get an idea of what i should be aiming for, so all C&C welcome. its been a long time since i built a list so i hope everythings legal but forgive any seemingly obvious errors..

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