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CG's Builds (Cleansing of Cyrene)

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After seeing some of the amazing work done by several members of the Bolter and Chainsword, as well as following Kraut Scientist on his outstanding blog the Eternal Hunt, it became painfully aware that I needed to breathe new life into my old space marine army.


Over the years I've collected a pretty vast collection, but either had problems finding a place to play or just losing interest due to price hikes or life stepping in. No matter the reason, i now have a ton of models to either be reimagined or built for the first time.


As such I will reimagine some of my Knights of Lydda and start a new Alpha Legion army with a heavy cultist theme.


The Alpha Legion will feature an HQ of 4 marine characters with only two being permanantly sworn to a chaos power. I have several other units planned and models are already in my possession, including a daemon prince converted from the old Artemis model from Inquisitor. I will introduce you all to them as they are built.


For now I give you the first chaos lord in my collection:

Caedes the Wrathful follwer of Khorne





This guy is a kitbash from multiple kits. Still not quite sure about the helmet. I want it to be more khorne-like, but I'll never fit those bunny ears in the space I have available.

My second HQ, the unaligned sorcerer of the Serpent's Reach

Egestate the Destitute






Raiding my bitz box gave me the old lord power fist and back pack. Simple kit bash, but effective for this sorceror character. I plan to add some effects off if the helmet in the power fist after painting to give the illusion of the kill being used for more power.

  • 3 weeks later...

I have decided to put the background for both armies into one book. I'm using the Imperial Armor books as a guideline to set up my own, which I'm calling the Liber Militae. They will document the engagements of the two armies starting with the Liberation of Cyrene. As I delve into new armies, kill reams, etc. they will be added to the documentation and tied into the overall narrative.


I'm currently working on cover and background for characters of which I'm using the different role playing games from Fantasy Flight to bring them to life. I'll give everyone a taste of that later as my campaign unfolds.


For now I have a new model to show which will be the current apothecary for my Alpha Legion. I give you Quietus Torrim.




He's made from the old metal Fabius Bile model. I've never really liked his head so I have to replace that with one of the hooded ones from the DA terminator knights along with the narthecium him from the same box. I found an old chaos bolt pistol for his right hand and even though I no longer have his original backpack, I was able to connect the arms to the new DV Lord backpack.


Let me know what you guys think.

Looking good overall! A lot of character in your characters ;) I think the Apothecary is probably my favourite so far, the head change is enough to make really nice use of the old Bile model.


If there's anything I'm unsure about it's some of the posing - just not sure about the 'flow' or direction of momentum in some of these. Could just be me? I keep swaying between thinking the fist/helm positioning on the sorcerer is inspired and quite cool, or a bit awkward...

Off to a good start for a force - I also think your apothecary is a big improvement on Fabius.


If you have a chance before priming, take a few minutes to clean up the mold lines. From the photos, the terminator's left hand and the sorceror's left shoulder and cloak have a couple remaining - there may be others too.

Thanks for the critique guys!



It looks better in person. It's my Hamlet tribute! Seriously though, i think the camera angle plays a big part in what you're sering. In person the helmet is level like he's holding up a trophy for others to see.


@Sgt. Blank

I usually get rid of mold lines once priming is about to begin. I found that if I stop to take them off when I'm building I will forget something I wanted to do certain way. I'm going to start trying to cut mold lines when taking the parts off sprue.


Thanks again fellas!

I've gone into my  my boxes and bits to see what all I have to build with. It turns out I've been getting things and not keeping up with purchases! Currently my Alpha Legion army will consist of the following:


(Chaos Lords)
Caedes the Wrathful- terminator lord with combat familiar and dual chainfists

Egastate the Destitute- Lord from DV box with power fist holding SM helmet and sorcerer backpack. Helmet to be converter to show sorcerer power.

Initium the Pleasing- Emperor’s champion model with new head, chaos backpack, wings, power sword, shield

Qiuetus the Lost- Bile model with hooded head and modified “medicae” backpack, plasma pitol, and narthecium

Dark Apostle- Sisters of Battle model w/ power maul, combat familiar, added spiked arch from vehicle sprue on backpack, and bolt pistol. Head modified with horns from DV box.

Daemon Prince
Artemis 54m model with DP arms (modified to carry two swords), DP shoulder pads and armor plates, modified backpack (added vent pinions from DP model), and DP head

Daemon Prince (only thing on this list to still purchase)
Deamon prince model with sword arm and power armor, wings, dragon head (w/ sculpted neck)

Chosen- 10 (DV box w/ 3 converted blood warriors from SoS box)
Helbrute- 2 (DV box)
Terminators- 5 (box set)
Plague Marines- 5 converted CSM
Berserkers- 27 (box set)

Chaos Marines- 10 with champion  (Berserkers with out MoK on the armor)
Brotherhood of the Serpents Eye (Cult)
Chaos Cultists- 20 From DV box using trench coat leader
Chaos Cultists- 15 From DV box using hooded leader
Chaos Cultists- 25 Converted Blood Reavers
Chaos Cultists- 10 converted Wyches

Fast Attack
Warp Talons- 5
Raptors- 6 with Night Lord converted leader

Heavy Support
Obliterators- 3 converted from Storm Cast Eternal Retributors (SoS box)
Obliterators- 2 converted Storm Cast Eternal Liberators  (SoS box)
Havoks- 5 with champion


That should keep me busy for a bit this year. After all I still have just as many regular space marines in my Knights of Lydda chapter to overhaul. I plan on trying to convert and build at least one of these entries each week. Painting has me wondering if I still go full in or wait on some for the next challenge.


So here's the problem opportunity before me, how do I stay on target to get this done without burning out? There is a lot of conversion work to do plus painting it all. I'm not a schedule kind of guy and life has a nasty way of jumping up. If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear them and try to put some into practice. The worst that could happen is they don't work for me.

  • 1 month later...

Been a while but I finally have my Knights of Lydda kill team about at 50%. Still a couple of hard to get to mold lines, painting, and basing to go.


Took my time to get the conversions right. I've found that speed(as in I want to get everything done so quickly) is my biggest enemy to staying on task. Spent quite a lot of time on each of these a d pretty pleased with the f I've had and the results so far.


So, without further ado, here is Kill Team Nemia of House Leo of the Knights of Lydda space marine chapter:



Veteran Scout Sergeant Waine



Scout Briison



Scout Jaimizon



Scout MaCade



Scout Purvaas




Scout Haal



Scout Hixxon



Scout Ainjel, Combat Specialist



Scout Coale, Guerrilla Specialist



Scout Zachariah, Dirty Fighter Specialist




As always, let me know what you think.


Edit: fixed photo link

  • 3 months later...

Been a little while, but I have been busy! The local gaming store has a league going and I put together a model or two for it. 1500 point list for the Knights of Lydda using Black Templar rules. Whirlwind not pictured.


Obligatory Group Shot



Field Commander Kaeleb Rize (Captain)



Crusader Squad



Crusader Squad



Crusader Squad



Scout Squad



Honor Guard



Terminator Squad



Bike Squad



Assault Squad


  • 2 weeks later...

Getting more models for the league play done up.


I have found that putting together those centurian suits is an ordeal and a half. So far I have one completely put together and the other two at 50%. Hopefully I can get them and the Stormhawk assembled before game time tomorrow.


I will post new model pictures soon as well as painting ones. I have finally been able to get the colors I wanted, so no time like the present.

Marines are coming along well!


Can't say I'm a fan of the plumed helms, but I dig the skullcap type headwear on the scouts.


Nice bit use on Kaeleb Rize, the overall effect is great, though I'm unsure on the length of the swords - I feel like slightly shorter blades would look much more effective. To each his own though :tu:

I "needed" a Chapter Master, so I decided that I would build my own counts as Helbrecht. I give to you Lord Commander Jaree Solomon "the Wise" Chapter Master of the Knights of Lydda.


  • 1 month later...

Just aquired some long awaited pieces for my land raiders! Spearhead incoming as I rebuild them as a land raider, crusader, and redeemer complete with BT doors.


Also on the to do list, a couple of stand in from the new Gathering Storm books. Plus, the army above begins getting some paint work! Going to try to do a five man squad or one vehicle per week once painting begins. The goal is to keep plugging away without burning out.


That's just for starters. Still have allies and enemies for this force to join the ranks later. Hoping to have a vast majority of this army finished by the end of the year.

I picked up the Guillimam model from the triumverate box in a joint purchase with some friends. My intwntion has always been to subtly convert to model to go with my Knights of Lydda space marine chapter. To do so I removed the Ultramarine iconography from the knee, shoulder, and belt. Templar crosses an seals will be added as I learn some scuplting and casting techniques.


I didn't like just having his right foot propped up on what is essentially just whatever is handy style terrain. I had a dragon head in my bits box and thought about it for a bit. My chapter's most hated enemy is the Alpha Legion. So, I thought what better way to show it than to replace the eagle head rubble with a vanquished dragonoid? So I cut and sanded, then cut some more to make the head fit under Guilliman's foot. After I was happy with the placement I included the toungue laying on the ground from the dragon's mouth. I kind of like the cartoony aspect of it, and it doesn't do anything to take from the model.


Thinking about adding a cape to the back and maybe some chains or cloth under the belt to add to the sense of motion. The pose is intended to be one of turning to charge heaflong into the next fight.


As always, comments are welcome and encouraged!

  • 3 weeks later...

I figured out how I would like to finish up my Calgar model. Problem is, I can't find a bits place that has the burning portion of the wings from the flamespyre pheonix.


I have been getting my parts from Hobby Titan and Hoard O'Bits. So, I'm not oppossed to getting them outside the U.S. if any one can direct me to a bits place that keeps me from buying an $80 model that I only need two pieces from.


For all who try to help, thanks in advance!

  • 1 month later...

I have been eagerly awaiting 8th edition and have pretty much put everything on hold until i can get my hands on the new books. While waiting I have decided to join the Tale of Gamers vowing more completion to my DIY chapter the Knights of Lydda and a thirty man force of Astral Knights.


I know, I know, they are technically a dead chapter. I am going to focus on the survivors though. While writing the Cleansing of Cyrene I will be focusing on these survivors and their interactions with my main chapter.


With that said, I know I'm days away from the Tale's official June start date, but I couldn't help myself. Here is how I am bringing Librarian Milivoj back to his brothers:


He was looking out the veiwport of the Deathwatch orbital fortress in the Darlan subsector when his Captain entered the room.


"Milivoj," Captain Nero began, "I come with grave news." The captain paused as to measure Milivoj's reaction. "And that news Watch Captain?" he asked expecting less than the answer he would receive. "Your chapter, the Astral Knights has been decimated thwarting the Necrons. The remaining of the chapter have been given a ship to ply the stars, but only few remain."


"And what of them? Do they still port at our homeworld?" "I am afraid that honor now belongs to the Sable Swords," Nero answered grimly. "Milivoj, I have been authorized to give you a choice concerning this matter. You are a considerable battle brother and asset to my forces. However, your brothers need you. We have been in contact. We know that Thade leads as Chapter Master and a mix of thirty marines and scouts remain. It is not enough to rebuild." Nero paced the floor slightly. He was waiting for rage from Milivoj, but received none.


"What of this choice Nero?" Milivoj asked with slight nervousness, "Am I to become a black shield due to my chapter's failure?" Nero was taken back for a moment. Milivoj was always the good soldier, always shouldering the responsibility of others. This was but one of the many things Nero valued in him. "No my brother, the fought with honor and there is glory in their stand. Your choice is simpler. You may remain here with us as a librarian of the Death Watch or return to your brothers. We will extend the courtesy of getting you to their ship should you decide to join them."


Milovoj stood extending his right arm to Captain Nero. "I would like to join my brothers in their darkest hour." "So be it." said Nero as he clasped his friend's forearm for what might be the final time. "Transport will leave in three hours. Emperor willing we will meet again and the numbers of your chapter will rise."


Pict captures:












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