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First Death Guard army list for 30k newby


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Hi guys, 


Only recently joined B&C after lurking for while, just need advice on building a death guard army based around the reaping row. only starting off small and would like a fluffy, but also a tad competitive list, but doesn't have to be balls to the walls competitive, just like to have a bit of fun.


Managed to get it 1455 points if i'm correct, but please correct me if i'm wrong.


Death guard

-Reaping ROW




Legion centurion

  - siege breaker

    -artificer armour


Section leader Crysos Mortug

  -Chem munitions




2 x legion tactical squad

  -10 marines

  -rhino transport

  -additional combat weapons

  -nuncio vox

  -Sgt with artificer armour, deathshroud power scythe and melta bombs


2 x legion heavy support squad

  -5 marines

  -Missle launchers




3 x quad mortar thud guns


Fast attack


1 x Primaris lightning strike fighter

  -4 kraken penetrator heavy missles



Tactics is to infilitrate both heavy support squads into cover and closer to the enemy to try and get those sweet side av spots with tactical marines providing support. Siege breaker will go with one squad of the heavy teams whilst mortug goes with the other. Thud guns will be in the rear to mince infantry whilst the primaris provides anti take. Its the first list i've come up with and would really like feedback as to what to change/better the list.


Many Thanks

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Welcome to the Heresy! What points level are you aiming for?


You have a problem - no Master of the Legion. If you want to run The Reaping, you'll need one. You should also take advantage of rad grenades on some combat units.


You also seem to lack anti-TEQ. The missile launchers and quad launchers (depending on the shells you take) will deal with most armour, while the Primaris should be left for serious armoured problems (like tank squadrons, Spartans and Typhons). Maybe look into some vehicles of your own?


Finally, Morturg has an amazing Warlord Trait. You're plan is a potentially good idea, but there are countless ways to give 3 Infantry units Infiltrate!

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