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Blood Angels 2k PotL, mostly against 40k


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Need help with this list. They will mostly fight 40k armies since 30k inst all that popular just here yet, but its getting bigger and bigger.

Also, are Vexillas worth the extra points on the vets? Should I drop some guys and equip one in each squad? What else should I do?



Pride of the Legion - Blood Angels Legion




with Blade of Perdition and Catapractii Terminator Armour



5 Catapractii Terminators

with 3 power axes and 2 chain fists, 

with Spartan - Armoured Ceramite and Flare Shields


10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, Power Weapon, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Rhino


10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, Power Weapon, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Rhino


10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Rhino


Heavy Support


with lascannons



with lascannons


Sicaran Venator



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spartan seems overkill with only 5 terminators. could downgrade it phobos and turn the terminators into a command squad so they fit.


sicarians level the 40k-30k playing field but since the price hike i think should swap 1 for 2x predators. 

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spartan seems overkill with only 5 terminators. could downgrade it phobos and turn the terminators into a command squad so they fit.


sicarians level the 40k-30k playing field but since the price hike i think should swap 1 for 2x predators. 

That is an excellent idea making them bodyguards instead of regular termies!

How about this?

What about taking a Dreadclaw instead of a Phobos. Its an assault unit so its going to get into a scrap even sooner, probably by turn 2, not to mention its a lot cheaper. Also,  since these are BAs, im sure I can get a use out of the Dreadclaw in the future when I run a Day of Revelation list which is a Assault Marine heavy RoW, giving all deep struck units 5++ cover on the turn they come in on.


Edit; And another thing, since this is a force that will mostly be going up against 40k armies, Dropping a termie and the spartan will put me under 1850 points, which is the mainstay for 40k games.

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Basically my list will be this;





with Blade of Perdition, Catapractii Terminator Armour, Digital Lasers


Command Squad

4 Catapractii Terminators

with 2 power axes, 2 chain fists



10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, Power Weapon, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Vexilla, Rhino


10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, Power Weapon, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Vexilla,  Rhino


10 Legion Veterans

with Marksman, AA, one Heavy Flamer, Vexilla. Rhino


Fast Attack

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod


Heavy Support


with lascannons



with lascannons


Sicaran Venator


Total 1795 points, giving me 55 points to spend on ether buffin my vets or adding armoured ceramite to the Sicarans.

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Dreadclaws are great.


I like the list, I'd be tempted to do the following:

combi-meltas for Command Squad - 28

swap heavy flamer to plasma gun and add second plasma gun to unit 1 - 15

add second heavy flamer to unit 2 - 15


That actually puts you 3 points over, but I would cut a guy or two from the last squad or even convert that unit to machine killers.

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