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Alpha Orbital assault 1850


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Going to a mainly 40k event thats why it's a 1850 in points. 



Dynat 200




Tactical sq w/ legion vexilla and set w/power dagger and power fist drop pod 200

Tactical sq w/ legion vexilla and set w/power dagger and power fist drop pod 200

support sq x7 6 meltaguns sgt combi-melta power dagger and melta bomb (dynat goes here) drop pod 265




Destroyers x 10, melta bombs x 2 ML set w/AA and power dagger & 3 phosphor bombs drop pod 305

Contempt talon 3 dreads. 1w/dual multi-melbas 1w/dual keres assault cannons 1w/dual TL Vokite culverins w/drop pods (3) 680


comes to 1850 even,


Its small list.1850 is really tough sell for 30K even point drops in new book.  The lack of AA is something i forced to deal with, in pinch the Keres should be able to deal with it.  MT will either be tank-hunter or counter attack depending on what list i am facing.


Any tips on how to make this more effective given the lower point cost? 

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When's the event? Do you have any of this already that you don't want to lose? There's a few issues here, so let me start at the top:


Orbital Assault requires you to take Drop Pods or other Deep Strike options for everything. You have 3 Contemptors without pods that are illegal.


Similarly, if you don't run Orbital Assault, you cannot take Drop Pods on Tactical Squads, Support Squads or Destroyers (unlike in 40k).


As for competitive suggestions, lose the Destroyers. They suck. They really suck. I'd also make the Contemptors a little more combat oriented (ie. keep 1 fist on each and give it an appropriate palm weapon).


If you wanted to make this list legal, you could drop them and buy 3 Dreadnought Drop Pods for the Contemptors. That would leave you with 4 Drop Pod units (the Contemptors will all come in as one unit). Having a 5th pod will help with the alpha strike (3 on Turn 1, other 2 start rolling from Turn 2).

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Thanks for the feedback,


Event in  2 weeks last weekend in august, and not overly attached to any unit in the list.


I forgot to type in drop pods on contemptors  factored in there total cost just left it out when typing. 


Magnetized the arms so swapping a fist  on them wont be an issue.


I can swap out the destroyers, there not  a strong choice I just  happen to like the unit and talk myself in  to bringing them.  There only good and use the word loosely, against Nids and Orks for meq there lackluster.


I can replace them with headhunters, now that they can take combi-weaponds, precision shot over PE not sure how I feel about that.  

Have a leviathan ready and all magnetized up, so with fat cutting on top of swapping out destroyers, thats another option.  


Have other options as well , rapier batteries, flyers and more tac sq and breachers and might make assault sq giving the point drop and all but there about as competitive as destroyers. 

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I don't think you've accounted for the Pods man - that Contemptor unit is 885 points with 3 Dreadnought Drop Pods!


Headhunters are similarly crap. :/ I tried to like them, but they achieved nothing at all after 5 games. Normal Seekers with combi-plasma are still doable though, especially with new Scorpius ammo!


Assault Marines are a decent choice now. Work in Orbital Assault too! Definitely an option I would consider.


Leviathan is the cream of the crop. Definitely take one if you have one! Focus his role though - siege drill and melta lance for anti-tank, or siege claw and grav-flux for anti-TEQ. Take a phosphex discharger either way.


I see you've cottoned-on to the power fist/power dagger combo! Very good option for your Sergeants. Artificer armour is also a must.


Best thing to do is balance anti-horde, anti-tank and anti-TEQ. And always take an odd number of Drop Pod units. :)

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Perhaps i missed the fact that they need to be in dreadnought pods i assumed they could take normal pods, looks like i need reread a few things.


The sgt combo is worth it now with the point drop, before it was only if i could spare the points. Now its pretty much auto-include in my OA list.


If their dreadnought pods only, than i will have rewrite the list, and account for the extra point cost, and squeeze in a Leviathan for sure,

On another note, i never really consider death storm drop pod, they worth it? Just try squeeze the odd number pod in? Or is better option just drop a pod from tactical and DS them via Dynat bonus.


The BA player in me wants to bring assault sq, but seeing there going be more 40k armies Fear actual works and if they lose CC round, they have greater risk of being wipe out. The one thing thats often over look is 30k Fear can really :cuss up your day where in 40k its rule thats pretty much useless against meq

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