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Iron Warriors 2000 Pt Iron Fire RoW

major higgins

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Hi brothers, this is my last list for fight against friends, so no posphex at all...



Siege Breaker + Catafracti Armor + Chain Fist



10 Veterans + Power Weapon + 2 Melta G + Nuncio Vox + Melta B.



1 Rapier Quad Mortar


2 Rapier Quad Mortar


xxx   .......



10 Tactical Iron Warriors + Nuncio Vox + Melta B.



10 Tactical Iron Warriors + Nuncio Vox + Melta B.




2 Medusaes


5 Tyrant Siege Terminators + 1 Chainfist


7 Iron Havocs + Augury Scanner + M Lounchers



I save exactly 160 Pt, my possible choiches are:


Contemptor Cortus + Twin linked Lascannon


3 Rapier Laser Destroyers


2 Techmarine + 2 Conversion Beamers + 2 Nuncio Voxes


In the last times I had to face solid 14 AV walls in the form of lot of Leman Russ from Solar Auxilia and 4 (yes FOUR) land raiders. All in all my str 8 shoot, although lot of them, are quite useless against so many 14 AV tanks, plus that the Quad mortar more than often have to bombard to maximize the rite of war...


I changed my old Basilisk for a couple of medusaes, and now I have to choose what to put in...


I seriously tempted to put the rapiers, they are str9 Ap1 ordenance, but they lack of range. Techmarines on the other hands  can reach tanks far than 36" (where a cunny opponent will sit till medusaes are destroyed or stunned) but can shoot only once a turn and can still scatter.

For thec I plan to can put them in the havocs or in the tyrant siege (or probably one here and one there) and stay put to scare/hit far tank, hoping to pass thair AV14... not and autopen at all


Contemptor could be a good counterattack unit, but not a serious threat for Land Raiders, nor for Leman Russes

What do you think? Any suggestion?

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Uh, this is an ironfire Rite. Any rapier that is not a quad mortar is a stupid rapier. 36" range on laser destroyers is unfortunate, but they are a pretty good unit for the points.  To take anything other than Quad Mortars in this Rite though is sheer madness.  I would spend the left over points on another Quad Mortar (so you have 2 units of 2), and then pump up the Tyrant and Havoc units.

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