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The Duel (Some FanFic Rough Draft. )


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An Imperial Fist Marine and a Berserker find themselves thrown into a Dark Eldar arena.  The ground pulls away from them to reveal a massive pit of spikes below their current platform. "Fight for our entertainment, apes. " yelled the announces to the two combatants. They were bitter enemies but still respected the rules of an arena duel. They bowed and saluted each other as they went to their respective sides of the circular platform.


The Berserker charged calling for the slaughter of the false emperor. Brandishing a massive chain axe, swinging as he lunged forward.


The Imperial Fist sidestepped the blow and told him not to worry, since The Emperor already slew Horus around ten thousand years ago.


The Imperial Fist unsheathed his chain sword and leapt at the Berserker. "Purge The Heretic And The Unclean. "


"Unclean." Muttered the Berserker while blocking the blow. "Then perhaps the solution to being unclean is to bathe in your blood. GRAAAAAAAGH. " Roared the Berserker  pushing forward as the Fist was now on the defensive and blocking as they fell back to the other side of the pit, locked in combat and in a blocking position.


The Dark Eldar were mild amused at the banter but were craving bloodshed, not a stalemate. The arena master pushed a button dropping away more of the arena's ground.


The Imperial Fist and the Berserker realized that neither of them would win unless they teamed together, as much as they hated that idea.


There were several flesh hooks hanging above them. They each grabbed one and swung to the opposite side of the arena, dividing the xenos forces so that they each didn't have to fight the whole of the enemy's host. They fought their way to the middle and slew all of the Dark Eldar in the audience, and made their way to the bridge of the ship the arena was located in. The xenos might have been a threat but weapons were not allowed in the audience of the arena and were stored in the ship's armory.


As they made contact with their own nearby ships  the Fist stood on guard while awaiting evacuation from the nearby ThunderHawk as he knew far better than to trust  the Berserker.  The Beserker turned to him and replied that they were not friends but that the Fist's Skull might make quite a fine ornament for his belt if they ever met again. They both agreed that honor was the only reason they didn't attack each other on the ship. The Berserker went along his merry way collecting all of the skulls of the Dark Eldar aboard and fashioned them into a makeshift shrine , creating a portal allowing him to leave and sucking in the skulls behind him, moments before the Imperial Fist destroyed the ship using Melta Bombs on the reactor prior to leaving.


That is merely a story idea for fun. Hope you like the story.



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