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2500 point, Death Guard (The Reaping)


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So here goes...


Started this list a couple weeks ago, I have mortarion on the way and have been wanting to make a DG list for a while. Now that my NL are done I can focus on these bad boys...

First things first, I believe that it is an alrounded list, with a mix of armour and fire power. The only lacking aspect of this force is the anti-air capabilities.

Note: I am using the DG Relic on the Praetor, and my m8's at my local GW are fine with me using it (it is 40 points!!)



- praetor, Artificer Armour, melta bombs, paragon blade, bolt pistol, iron halo, rad grenades, digital-lasers, The Barbaran Thurible - 220p

- Legion centurion, Consul: Master of signal, artificer armour, refractor shield, rad grenades,

melta bombs - 130p

- Deathshroud terminators X5 - 210p



- Heavy support squad X5, Lascannons, hardened armour, SGT [artificer Armour, melta bombs] - 265p

- Legion veteran squad X10, Legion Vexilla, X2 missile launchers with suspencor web and Flakk missiles, SGT [artificer armour, combi-flamer, power sword, rad grenades] Veteran Tactics: (Don't know yet) - 280p

- Legion veteran squad X10, Legion Vexilla, X2 missile launchers with suspencor web and Flakk missiles, SGT [artificer armour, combi-flamer, power sword, rad grenades] Veteran Tactics: (Don't know yet) - 280p


Heavy support

- Legion Spartan Assault tank, flare shield, armoured ceramite - 370p

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught, grave-flux bombard, siege drill, phosphex discharger, twin-linked volkite caviller X2 - 320p



- Mortarion, RoW: The Reaping - 425p


Total: 2500p!!


It is a small and elite list but I also think that it is kinda fluffy. The tactics Behind this list is that mortarion can get off a turn 1 charge by disembarking from the Spartan once it moved 6' then move forward 6' then use his 10' stealth move then charge, it is a 24-34' kill zone. The rest of the terminators will be in the Spartan with the praetor, the centurion will be with the heavy support squad up the back and making sure nothing deep strikes nearby. Vets will foot slog (or outflank) while the leviathan provides close range support...



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Jeez, I didn't know that.


Well in that case i have some changes to make:



- praetor, Artificer Armour, melta bombs, paragon blade, bolt pistol, iron halo, rad grenades, digital-lasers, The Barbaran Thurible - 220p

- Legion centurion, Consul: Master of signal, artificer armour, refractor shield, rad grenades,

Power Weapon - 140p

- Deathshroud terminators X5 - 210p



- Heavy support squad X5, Lascannons, hardened armour, SGT [artificer Armour, melta bombs] - 265p

- legion tactical squad X10, legion vexilla, SGT [artificer armour, power Weapon, rad grenades, melta bombs - 170p

- legion tactical squad X10, legion vexilla, SGT [artificer armour, power Weapon, rad grenades, melta bombs - 170p



- legion quad mortar support battery X3, shatter shells - 210p


Heavy support

- Legion Spartan Assault tank, flare shield, armoured ceramite - 370p

- Leviathan Siege Dreadnaught, grave-flux bombard, siege drill, phosphex discharger, twin-linked volkite caviller X2 - 320p



- Mortarion, RoW: The Reaping - 425p


Total: 2500p!!

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I'm using the praetor as a back up master of the legion I case I want to play 2000 point games, so I drop Mortarion and use him. I like more elite armies as I'm planing on making this list more of a 1st company army
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That's fair enough. The only thing reaping is doing in this is letting you take rad grenades. It's slowing your army down.

I'd personally drop the pretor and Mo's and take a siege breaker and some phosphex shells. Then with spare points take a missile launcher squad for anti air.

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I mean, in which case make a DIFFERENT list for when you are only running the Preator, just use Mortarion.


Mastor of signals is also only used minimally, maybe go for a different consul who's not a support officer. A chaplain is cheap and a great buff to the Deathshroud etc and his skull face fits the them :D

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