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Blood Angels 2k


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Just wanted to run a list by you guys preemptively before I started buying my next heresy army.  I was basing it around the day of revelation rite of war. Any opinions would be very much appreciated. I was also looking at leaving space for expansion when the blood angels (eventually) get some cool legion specific stuff to take it up to 2.5 or 3k, namely primarch and and other cool stuff that may roll along, so what i have here would be a base on which to build and hopefully a viable army in and of itself, anyway without further ado...




Legion Praetor


  Artificer Armour

  Jump Pack

  Iron Halo

  Paragon Blade

  Archeotech Pistol


Legion Centurion (Moritat)


  Jump Pack

  2x Inferno Pistol




  20x assault marines


  20x assault marines




  Legion Destroyer Squad

  jump packs


Fast Attack


  Xiphon interceptor

    ground tracking augries


  Xiphon interceptor

    ground tracking augries


Heavy Support


 5x  Legion Heavy Support Squad

    Assault cannons


Legion Predator Squadron

 2x predator /w T/L assault cannon and side sponson assault cannons


2000 points.


thanks in advance

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looks fun. but same question on destroyer and assault marine load outs.


destroyers look awesome and fit the theme but they are overpriced. i love mine and have had 2 games with them but both times they havent even earned half of their points back.


to fit the theme i would drop them and get jetbikes, they are still fast and can drop in.

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I was trying to keep the assault squads cheap and not give them any additional wargear. just a large unit with lots of attacks. With the Destroyers i was mainly using them as back up for the Moritat, he has to get in close with the inferno pistols and could ruin someones day, my assumption was this would give him some survivability and possibly a chance at shooting another squad. If i were to drop the destroyers in favour of the Jet bikes do you think it would be beneficial to do away with the Moritat as well or just keep him as an individual?

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Youre probably better off trying to hide the Moritat than invest the overpriced points in a squad to hide him.


Upgrades on your assault squad are mandatory, especially on the sergeant - who will face other sarges with ap2 axes and 2+ save. The extra chance of wounding helps you ensure you get the kill.


Jump apothecarys in the assault squad will work wonders too probably. I'd drop them down to 15 though, 20 arr a ball ache to maneuver and just invite more templates.

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