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2000pts SOH (new to HH)


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So hello,  I am trying to make a Traitor Sons of Horus centered around the Legion Special rules and the Long March (possibly Black reaving it is hard to choose XD). I would like any mistakes pointed out as I tend to make quite inadequate lists. May have old points cost.




Maloghurst the Twisted

ROW: The Long March




9 Assault marines

2 power weapons

Assault Marine Sergeant

Artificer Armour

Combat Shield

Power weapon



9 Assault Marines

2 Power weapons

Assault Marine Sergeant

Artificer Armour

Power weapon

Combat Shield



8 Veteran Tactical Marines (Marksmen)

6 Combi weapons (possibly Plasma or Melta depending)

1 Missile Launcher with Supensor Web and Flakk Missiles

1 Plasma gun

Veteran Sergeant

Artificer Armour

Power Weapon

Dedicated Transport: Rhino with a Auxillary Drive



9  Reaver Attack Marines

6 chain axes

1 Power Weapon

1 Power Fist

Reaver Chieftain

Artificer Armour

Power Weapon

Dedicated Transport: Anvillus Dreadclaw




Legion Contemptor Dreadnought

Chainfist with twin linked Bolter

Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon

Dedicated transport: Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod



5 Justerian Terminators

1 Pair of Lightning Claws

Reaper Autocannon

2 Combi Weapons (Plasma or melta depends)

Chain fist

Dedicated Transport: Anvillus Dreadclaw



Ideally it will work out as Justerians and Reavers come in first turn and possibly fire out of their drop pods thus making use of the Row rule where you can re roll hit rolls of 1 first turn with possibly BS 5 if in range due to Legion rules. The rest of the army tries to catch up to them to provide support. 2nd turn the Dreadnought drop pods in and either stays in or shoots out of the pod, the Reavers and Justerians tie in 2 squads into combat. 3rd turn Assault Squad catches up and then ties themselves into combat thus increasing chance of Merciless Killer and the Dreadnought comes out of the drop pod to hunt down vehicles and Veterans provide fire support and won't easily break during shooting if they do become a target (Maloghurst) . Hopefully that will work

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Mal should not be hanging with a melee unit that can sweep.


Thanks for pointing that out, I was more thinking about the banner conferring fearless to the squad when I placed Maloghurst in the reavers (incase of Night Lords and other  enemy melee units joining the battle ), so anyway I moved Maloghurst to the Veterans and upped the reaver squad by 1.

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