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Dark Angels - 2000-2500


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So I have been playing HH for about 8 months now and enjoying it. However, I am not a fan of the Dark Angel's ROW; the model restrictions are too tight for me right now, especially Ravenwing. As I do not see many non-Ravenwing or Ironwing lists, here is one of my usual lists.


CC is welcome. My meta is fairly small right now and we self restrict to mostly infantry lists. Nothing like triple Spartans or Prospex shell spam; one Spartan is about all we see right now. My usual opponents are WE, IW, RG and Salamanders.





Legion Centurion (Chaplain)

Artificer Armor, Refractor field, Plasma Pistol, Melts bombs



Tactical Marines (20)

Extra CC weapons, Vexilla, Sgt with power fist, Artificer armor, and a combi- grenade launcher (stasis shell)


Tactical Marines (20)

Extra CC weapons, Sgt with power fist, Artificer armor, and a combi- grenade launcher (stasis shell)


Tactical Support Squad (10)

Volkite caliver, Sgt with Artificer armor and Melta bombs



Apothecarian Detachment (2)

Artificer Armor, Calibanite War Blade and Augury scanner


Terminator Squad

Cataphractii TDA

Sgt with Calibanite War Blade, combi-grenade launcher (stasis shell) and grenade harness

1xTwin lightning claw

2xchainfist and combi-weapon (plasma or Melta).

1xpower fist and plasma blaster


Heavy Support

Heavy Support Squad (10)

Missile launchers, Sgt with Artificer armor and Augury scanner


Heavy Support Squad (10)

Heavy bolters with Molecular Acid Shells, Sgt with Artificer armor, Augury scanner and Melta bombs

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Well, it's definitely infantry-centric. Are lists like this working well in your meta? Because if this is how everyone in your group likes playing, by all means don't ruin it. The main two things that I think would help round out your list would be more mobility and more anti-tank.


Mobility would be rhinos, dreadclaw drop pods, bikes, and/or jet bikes. Rhinos are nice for min sized tac squads (reserve them if you're just trying to score endgame objectives), dreadclaw drop pods are nice for anything you want to get into CC (terminator squads, Melee vet squads, dreadnoughts). Bikes can be nicely tooled for CC, and DA jet bikes are nice with acid shells.


Antitank would be grav rapier batteries, dreadclaw drop-podded dual-grav dreads, etc. Basically the goal with your antitank would be to reliably stop that Spartan in one turn, because anything that's worth buying a Spartan for should stay the heck away from your army.


Even if you aren't in changing your army list that much, I'd probably look hard at that terminator squad. They're expensive, kitted out for CC, but walking across the table without running. Unless your opponent walks right up to them, I have a hard time imagining them being worth their points. Similar with the Tac Squads: if your opponent wants to stand back and shoot with, say a medusa or whirlwind scorpius, you're probably not in for a very fun game.


Add some tank/dread/artillery/bike seasoning!

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