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Imperial Fists ZM list - 500 pts


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Right. I know trying to get a decent Legion list at 500 points is dumb, but I could use your collective help!


Starting a month's long Zone Mortalis campaign tomorrow with my gaming group, and we need a 500 points base list upon which to build our forces up for future/bigger games. I can change how these units are equipped going forward (gear, numbers, etc.), but the unit has to remain in the list, particularly the HQ, as it's a campaign and my HQ gets advanced as the campaign goes on. I've come up with this so far.


HQ -

Delegatus w/ Cataphractii Armour, Master Crafted Thunder Hammer and Vigil Pattern Storm Shield - 155 points

Pride of the Legion (for now)


Elites - 

Terminator Squad - 5 x Cataphractii Terminators, 2 x TH/SS, 2 x Combi Weapon - 229 points


Troops - 

Veteran Tactical Squad - 5 x Veterans, Power Fist on Sergeant - Marksmen - 115 points


Total 499 points



My plan is to eventually turn this into an IF/UM Shattered Legions Shield-Bros list, because who can say no to T5 Invictarus Suzerains striking at initiative with AP2. I mean come on.


The reason I've got the Delegatus and not something more immediately useful (Forgelord etc.) is because I need to be able to unlock Stone Gauntlet in the next game, and my Warlord has to remain the same throughout the campaign. Obviously I can't choose a Praetor under 1k points, so I'm stuck with him. Trying to make him as survivable as possible to ensure I don't give away the extra VP at the end of the game, thus the Storm Shield, which will obviously aid the squad further once I've switch to Stone Gauntlet.


The Delegatus and the two TH/SS Terminators will run off and attack stuff and take/contest objectives, with the Veterans hanging back and hopefully able to snipe enough stuff with their bolters at BS5 to be effective for their 115 point cost. Thinking axes for the Terminators as the SS guys should hopefully tank some of the wounds.


Obviously all of my opponents will be hampered by the low points cost, because we each need to have an HQ, Elite and Troop choice. My only real worry with this is that someone crafty/stupid will have come up with a naked-ish Centurion, Vet Tac Squad or Apothecaries and 2 x 10 man Tac squads (coming in surprisingly cheap at around 500 points), in which case I'll have no real chance to get through that amount of numbers. Our meta is pretty much based around cool toys and fun though, so I'm hoping that won't be the case.


Any thoughts? I'm hoping I'm on the right track with this (because it's tomorrow and I need to have stuff built and basecoated at the very least), but would appreciate being told if I'm not.


Cheers, mon Frater!

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Looks good. I've got similar plans for a ZM force, though I'm planning on taking a few more vets with plasma to get me to 750. I like that you have some anti-vehicle ( and thus some anti door) in each squad. Locked doors in ZM can be surprisingly irritating.

Personally I'd be more worried about a min list with two castaferrum dreadnoughts. With the nerf to krak grenades, they do pretty well in ZM, contemptors more so.


Try to remember MC on your Delagatus' thunder hammer. I have a habit of missing at important moments and forgetting that it's master crafted.


Keep up the good work.



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Thanks mate. I think 750pts will be either the next Campaign session or the one after, at which point I'll be adding in some Breachers in place of the Vet squad for a more Stone Gauntlet-ish approach and work towards including some Ultras as well to get up towards the coveted Shield-bro status.

Good spot on the anti-door stuff too. I was debating artificer armour on the Sergeant rather than the fist just to add some survivability (Imperial Fists and their challenges. Honestly), but I think the fist adds a bit more utility at this point level, especially if someone does bring a Dreadnought of some kind.

And I know all about forgetting those little bonuses that you pay for. Whenever I play X-Wing, I always forget about actions for at least my first two turns until it's too late and I lose half my shields or something. Can't wait to see how much I mess up a whole campaign! biggrin.png

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