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Wages of Sin


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Hi all! This is a Renegade Knight that i recently painted for a friend who I split the Renegade box with. Before I say anything else, i really must thank JeffTibbets and his astounding Queen Bee. Without the close up WIPs and the descriptions of the techniques I wouldn't have been inspired to try out oil paints and weathering powders, so thank you Jeff!

So without further ado, I present Wages of Sin!


I wanted the Knight to look subtly corrupted, not quite as obviously Chaotic as some. I envisioned Imperial forces cheering as it first strode onto the battlefield, only for those cheers to turn to screams as their expected saviour turned its weapons on them.


I have more pictures to put up if anyone is interested, all comments are welcome!

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Thanks Ada, its the first model of this sort of size i've done, so I am pretty pleased with it!


A closer view of the Reaper, I thought it should look like its been shoved through some stuff. Bunkers, tanks, other Knights, that kind of thing.


And of course, the Avenger.

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Thanks Pearson73, I realised that the first set of scratches I put on were going the wrong for the direction of swing, so I had to put some more on going in all sorts of directions to cover that up!

KrautScientist, any praise from yourself is high praise indeed! I wanted to keep the corruption subtle, I always saw the pilot as more of a mercenary than one of the faithful, fighting for whoever could pay him most or keep his Knight running, rather than to advance the plans of the Dark Gods. The skull trophy on the chestplate was actually from his time as a loyal Freeblade, a Greater Daemon he vanquished in single combat. Although perhaps having the skull of Daemon mounted on his Knight is what led to his fall from the Emperors Light. The whispers..........

And who doesn't love a Bonus Havoc? biggrin.png

More pictures!


Fairly plain for this pauldron, it was actually the test piece for the colour scheme. I just added the small Dark Mechanicus symbol for flavour


A bit more decorative for this side, the pattern doesn't match the rest of the colour scheme because I needed somewhere to put the name! The bloody Octed on the back half of the shoulder I saw as the maintenance slaves removing the aquila, and then just slapping it on there.





A few pictures to show off some more weathering, which i'm incredibly pleased with. I dont normally do much weathering, but I think I might start doing a little more now!


As those of you with the Renegade box will be aware, there is only one launcher in the box, so I had to build this one out of spare missile launchers from a converted Storm Talon, and an Imperial Guard heavy bolter. Looks almost Lucius pattern to me, which kind of fits the story of a mercenary replacing parts with whatever he can get his hands on!


The trophy that (may) have started it all!

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Thank you for all the kind words, my wife said its good, but in this instance I think I'll trust the opinions of the good folks of BnC. Don't tell her I said that though....... And keep an eye out for my half of the Renegade box, a Paladin should be heading this way hopefully before too long
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Nice work! The stance, the marine on the base, the extra chaos bling wich is just enough to give it that chaos feel without being exaggerated - it all works out just fine! I really like the colors. Well done sir.

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