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World Eaters 1850 - new to 30k


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Greetings all.


I'm preparing to take my first steps into 30k with a World Eaters list. Here's what I have so far:


Khârn 190

legacy of blood


Gahlan Surlak 110


Apothecarion Detachment 120

two apothecaries with jump packs


Legion assault Squad 255

14 guys with chain axes, sergeant with power fist (one apoth here)


Legion assault squad 255

14 guys with chain axes, sergeant with power fist (other apoth here)


Legion Tactical Squad 190

14 guys with chain axes, sergeant with power fist (Surlak goes here, makes them Inductii)


Red butchers 600

two pairs of lightning claws, two double axes, devoured with a chain fist and axe, Spartan dedicated transport (Khârn goes here)


Vindicator siege tank 130

laser destroyer array


So that's the idea for now. Apoths give the assault marines some sticking power as they rush forward. Fists to deal with tanks (if I last that long!) Vindicator and Spartan acting as other anti armour. Only thing I think im lacking is anti air which is something I would need to consider for more competeive play but in my local gaming group flyers are few and far between.



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looks fun. anti tank is very light and problem with having only 2 Av units is they are going to get targeted and probably popped in turn1. the vindi will drop for sure. AV 14 spartan may last a bit longer especially if given a flare shield.


butchers are best used against tactical squads. their rules mean charging them into elite CC squads they get murdered. so i think Khârn is best placed elsewhere like the tacticals/inductii

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Thanks for the advice! I've had a mix around and managed to get another tank in.


Khan 190

Legacy of blood


Gahlan Surlak 110


Assault squad 234

12 guys with chain axes, sergeant with power fist


tactical squad 205

14 guys with chain axes, sergeant with artificer armour and power fist (apoth here)


tactical squad 205

14 guys with chain axes, sergeant with artificer armour and power fist (surlak here, making them inductii)


Apothecary detatchment 45


Red Butchers 600

2 pairs of lightning claws, 2 double power axe, devoured with chain fist and power axe, Spartan dedicated transport


vindicator squadron 260

two vindicators with laser destroyer arrays


I think the second vindicator will help, but starting to wonder if the red butchers are worth it in this points scale? Perhaps a unit better suited to taking out other elites?

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