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Personaly I'd paint them as deathwatch.

Sooo, Deathwatch allied to marines painted as Deathwatch? tongue.png

Paint them as assets attached to the Deathwatch. Why should it just be marines detached? Some Chapters have other specialties such as the Hawklord's fame for aircraft. Makes sense that their kit, aswell as their specialty would be in demand.

Paint the birds in Deathwatch colours. Use codex space marines for the formation as a counts-as.

That is how I would do it, just an idea.


... a great way to 'include' all of the fun toys not actually in C:DW.

I'm working on a project where I need to do just this.

Thank you.

A nice contrast would be Sons of Medusa imo, the nice vibrant green with white and a bit of black will tie in nicely to the Deathwatch. And what can I say the Sons of Medusa are :cussing awesome.

This is the correct answer. biggrin.png

I used Warpstone Glow for mine (closer to Salamanders) because I despise that bright neon looking Moot Green.  I think the stark white helmets and bionic bits do enough to differentiate them from other chapters, but you be the judge: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/album/12033-velconas-sons-of-medusa/

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