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2k->3k Imperial Fists


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Hello! I am new to HH and want to build ~3k Imperial Fists list around this core:
Base List:
+ HQ +
Legion Praetor (200pts): Tartaros TDA, Mastercrafted Paragon Blade, Storm Shield, Digital Lasers, Pride of the Legion.
+ Troops +
Legion Terminator Squad (915pts): 9x Tartaros TDA, 3x Chainfist, 6x Power Fist, 9x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield;
····Legion Terminator Sergeant: Thunderhammer, Storm Shield;
····Legion Spartan Assault Tank: Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield.
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (270pts): 9x Veterans, 2x Heavy Bolter w. Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla, Marksmen;
····Legion Veteran Sergeant Artificer Armour, Power Fist;
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier.
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (270pts): 9x Veterans, 2x Heavy Bolter w. Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla, Marksmen;
····Legion Veteran Sergeant Artificer Armour, Power Fist;
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier.
+ Heavy Support +
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts): Aiolos Missile Launcher.
Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts): Aiolos Missile Launcher.
Subtotal: 2095pts
For the rest of the list I came up with a couple of options:
Option 1:
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (270pts): 9x Veterans, 2x Heavy Bolter w. Suspensor Web, Legion Vexilla, Marksmen;
····Legion Veteran Sergeant Artificer Armour, Power Fist;
····Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier.
Legion Glaive Special Weapons Tank (650pts): Armoured Ceramite (or some other superheavy tank with wargear minmaxing).
Ditch chainfists on termies or mastercrafted on praetor to 3000pts
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Option 2:
Master of Signal (95pts).
Legion Heavy Support Squad (360pts): 8x Lascannons, Augury Scanner.
Legion Rapier Support Battery (210pts): 3x Quad Launcher, Shatter Shells.


Imperial Bunker (80pts): Ammo Store, 1x Barricades


Substitute 1 chainfist termie with:

Primus Medicae (155pts): Tartaros TDA, Solarite Power Gauntlet, Vigil Pattern Storm Shield.


Add melta bombs and dozer blades to Veterans.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


The thing is, I already have one deathstar-ish unit in core list, so I am not really sure that investing into another big expensive thing is a good idea, especially considering that in the case of option 2 this thing is stationary.


I also like the visual design of Caestus Assault Ram and am thinking of substituting Spartan with it as a means of terminator transportation.


So what can you advise me?

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Tartaros terminator armor cannot take storm shields, but otherwise I like the bunker idea.

Since when, even slips has said you can use tartoros and shield?


Ever since they screwed up big time and made Tartaros its own pattern without changing the wording to the Storm Shield Wargear Option.


Still waiting to hear back from FW about that messed up

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It was the ONLY Reason to use Tartaros apart from being able to Run when not using Cataphractii which can be useful for a unit that can't shoot.

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I also have aesthetic reasons for prefering Tartaros over Cataphractii:
1) Cataphractii are hellish to convert to PF/SSh (and I am not a fan of incoming FW's upgrade – always thought right-handed shields a little bit retarded)

2) I want to use Asterion Moloc for depicting my Praetor.


That being said, will 10-men Shooty Cataphractii with Shooty Praetor (probably volkite) be a viable substitution?

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