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chaperist watch

Deamon Wolf

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I can't think of a good reason off the top of my head as to why they would exclude other Chapters. Perhaps through mere chance a watch-fortress might have inductees solely consisting of Guilliman's gene-line, but that would purely be because most Chapters are of his lineage. I wouldn't count on that being anything but a rarity, though.

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You could always model a four 5-strong squads and make a watch demi-company.

20 veteran marines, selected to infiltrate and secure some xenos tech from an Iron Warriors warband. 

Dorn's successors may be perfect for this type of mission.

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Having a single geneseed line kill-team seems possible. Having a full Watch Fortress of the same does not. Chance really isn't a huge factor in this because it's not like the Deathwatch are picking what chapters to recruit from at random. They'll be looking to shore up gaps in their knowledge and expertise and possibly even try to court some patronage from a particular chapter. Because of this, I can't see an entire Watch Fortress somehow only having one geneseed line.
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Having a single geneseed line kill-team seems possible. Having a full Watch Fortress of the same does not. Chance really isn't a huge factor in this because it's not like the Deathwatch are picking what chapters to recruit from at random. They'll be looking to shore up gaps in their knowledge and expertise and possibly even try to court some patronage from a particular chapter. Because of this, I can't see an entire Watch Fortress somehow only having one geneseed line.


Thats what I was kind of thinking, like all my Vanguard Vets be Blood Angels and Successors, Bikes be White Scars and Successors that sort of idea.

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Having a single geneseed line kill-team seems possible. Having a full Watch Fortress of the same does not. Chance really isn't a huge factor in this because it's not like the Deathwatch are picking what chapters to recruit from at random. They'll be looking to shore up gaps in their knowledge and expertise and possibly even try to court some patronage from a particular chapter. Because of this, I can't see an entire Watch Fortress somehow only having one geneseed line.

Thats what I was kind of thinking, like all my Vanguard Vets be Blood Angels and Successors, Bikes be White Scars and Successors that sort of idea.

I wouldn't go quite that narrow with my specializations but I definitely feel that way in general.

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Technically, the majority of Watch Fortresses would have Ultramarine successors already.

It could happen, even statistically. Thousands of years of Deathwatch kill teams. 


Generally a Watch Company is 40+ space marines. I think you can have a few KT's at a time. 

If an Inquisitor or Watch Commander wanted to request a trooper from here and a trooper from there... it could happen. 

It's not like a random dice roll with Deathwatch. They provide experts that are needed. 

The skill set and even the geneseed could be known in advance. 


I agree it wouldn't be likely to have a watch fortress JUST using one source of geneseed, but it could happen in certain instances. 

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I mean, I see the appeal (having a roughly coherent force and honoring a favorite chapter), but if that's your bag why not play C:SM?  The Sternhammer Strike Force and Imperial Fists Chapter Tactics are both reasonably strong and offer just this solution.  You could always include a Kill Team or two if you want to play C:DW as well.

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Having a single geneseed line kill-team seems possible. Having a full Watch Fortress of the same does not. Chance really isn't a huge factor in this because it's not like the Deathwatch are picking what chapters to recruit from at random. They'll be looking to shore up gaps in their knowledge and expertise and possibly even try to court some patronage from a particular chapter. Because of this, I can't see an entire Watch Fortress somehow only having one geneseed line.


Thats what I was kind of thinking, like all my Vanguard Vets be Blood Angels and Successors, Bikes be White Scars and Successors that sort of idea.


Personally, I think a more interesting approach would be to make the specialists from Chapters that are not normally thought of as the optimal choice for the role. Make the biker an Ultramarine. Make the Vanguards Salamanders, Iron Hands or Imperial Fists. Make the watch commander a Marine Malevolent. It makes people question and imagine why that marine is in that role, rather than revert to stereotype. ;)

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Having a single geneseed line kill-team seems possible. Having a full Watch Fortress of the same does not. Chance really isn't a huge factor in this because it's not like the Deathwatch are picking what chapters to recruit from at random. They'll be looking to shore up gaps in their knowledge and expertise and possibly even try to court some patronage from a particular chapter. Because of this, I can't see an entire Watch Fortress somehow only having one geneseed line.

Thats what I was kind of thinking, like all my Vanguard Vets be Blood Angels and Successors, Bikes be White Scars and Successors that sort of idea.

Personally, I think a more interesting approach would be to make the specialists from Chapters that are not normally thought of as the optimal choice for the role. Make the biker an Ultramarine. Make the Vanguards Salamanders, Iron Hands or Imperial Fists. Make the watch commander a Marine Malevolent. It makes people question and imagine why that marine is in that role, rather than revert to stereotype. msn-wink.gif

This is my preferred approach as well and it was something I encouraged heavily when GMing the Deathwatch RPG. We've all seen the stereotypes a thousand times and we all know how well they operate. But how does it affect a marine whose upbringing wasn't (in many cases, literally) bred for the role? That is a more interesting question for me.

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This is my preferred approach as well and it was something I encouraged heavily when GMing the Deathwatch RPG.  We've all seen the stereotypes a thousand times and we all know how well they operate. But how does it affect a marine whose upbringing wasn't (in many cases, literally) bred for the role?  That is a more interesting question for me.


Yeah, it would be a very good reason why he is in DW. If his Chapter doesn't exactly need his talents, rather than waste them they can dump him in closest Watch fortress and score major points for keeping oaths and good recruit material.

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Like a not so dynamic duo of a black templar and raven guard devestators.


One banished for pointing guns at the foe from afar instead of beating them with it up close. The other for being entirely unsneaky and unsubtle.

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Banished? You make it sound like "The Dirty Deathwatch". I like it...


Watch Master: "Where is your Watch Captain, marines?"

Deathwatchers: "Blown up, sir!"

Watch Master: "Where have you been?"
Deathwatchers: "Training, sir."
Watch Master: "What kind of training?"
Deathwatchers: "Astaaaartes training, sir."

Watch Master: "So, am I to understand you completed your training on your own?"

Deathwatchers: "That's the fact, Jack!"

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