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My first homebrew chapter, hope you enjoy!


Basic Lore (very brief):

Initially, these guys basically just pulled a Celestial Lions - they saved a world from some heresy with the help of an inquisitor who, afterwards, decided that all the non-fighting civilians must definitely be corrupt and evil and heretical and so ordered exterminatus. The Ardents said "Hey dude stop murdering innocents or we'll have to fight you to protect them" and the like, the response to which was "HERESY!!! HERESYHERESYHERESYHERESYBLAMTHEMFOR SUCH A CRIME!" Which happened. The Inquisitorial ships opened fire on the marines' ships, and took down most of them pretty easily. The Ardents fought back but suffered heavy losses. In order for the chapter to not be completely destroyed they had to flee into the warp. They stayed in there probably a bit too long than is really safe, but didn't suffer all too many more losses or mutations. It did, however, alter their minds a bit, although they did keep their insanely strong devotion to the Emperor, which was one of their big things. They escaped, found a couple of decent recruiting worlds or whatever and I'm not all too sure on this bit. BUT, at some point, in their warp-addled minds they decided that the best way to truly serve the Emperor would be through using the powers and gifts of the Chaos Gods. Fight fire with fire, a little like the Relictors. And so they pledged themselves to Chaos while still 'serving the Emperor'. Which translates to being like normal Chaos marines but saying "it's fine because emperor!" or something similar. Alternate idea is that they rationalised the use of Chaos with stuff along the lines of 'Tzeentch offers really powerful magic and the like. He is also really smart and stuff. The only being that is that smart is the glorious God-Emperor of Mankind. Therefore Tzeentch = Emperor = Tzeentch stuff is OK'. Only trouble with that one is I don't know how to rationalise the other Gods. Maybe Khorne = Emps because strength? Not sure.

Basically they just do a load of normal, heretical Chaos marine things while blaming it on the Emperor and believing that they are carrying out his holy will, or whatever their warp-addled minds make it out to be, while really being massive pawns of Chaos. Need help with it though, input much appreciated.


Colour Scheme:

Mostly silver, hence the 'Argentum' part of the name. Want some extra variety though, so maybe they could recruit from other chapters and display that on the shoulder pads? Otherwise, will likely give them normal silver stuff with either blue or green as a secondary colour. Definitely don't want them to look like Iron Warriors. As they still consider themselves to be loyalists, even if the other false astartes aren't, they'll probably still retain the blue librarians and the like.


Definitely want input on this, would appreciate it massively. 

How about they believe the Emperor is angry at his Imperium because of things like Inquisition and is actually trying to bring it down.



The chaos gods represent different aspects of the Emperor.


Tzeentch = psyker/ tactician

Khorne = rage / warrior

Slaanesh = pride / noble

Nurgle = his apathy at how futile this conflict really is / mad bio skills


Any good?


EDIT: like the Aspect warriors and Khaine

Edited by Erasus

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