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Filling out a roster

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So I am about to start painting my dv set that I bought a while ago.


I think one of the things that I have been doing to myself is that, I know that neither of these armies we table worthy by themselves. They are designed for the scenario inside the set. So how does one determine what to get next to start rounding out these two armies (chaos and da) rosters slowly but surely to have a modest force you won't be embarrassed bringing out of your cave?

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Ah, this is not really a painting related question! ph34r.png

If you ask in the Dark Angels or Chaos sub forums here on B&C, you will undoubtedly receive more thorough answers.

In general terms though, you will need the Codex for your chosen faction, which contains all the rules for your army (including equipment options and points, organisation, and formation details, relics, etc). You use that to build an army list, and then buy the models accordingly. Or buy the models you like and figure the rest out later!

For Dark Angels, I used to recommend buying two more Dark Angels halves of the DV set through eBay to get a total of three Tactical squads, three bike squads, three Terminator squads and lots of characters for converting (like a Librarian on a bike for example). Beyond that, some Ravenwing Black Knights would also be a good start as they look cool, are quite fluffy, and are very effective rules-wise. Not only would that give you a solid core of models for any edition of the game, it's quite a bit to make a start with.


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