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I got my codex today and I only have the Death Masque Death Watch atm, but even then I don't know where to start, the simplest thing is to just construct them normally but there's the different types of kill teams and such. Could someone help me? I mostly face Eldar.

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Well its really hard to tell you what to do. 

I would suggest that you head over to the army list section of this forum. There you can get some ideas on how to build a Deathwatch army. You will soon discover that there are many ways to play the game. 


In the end, all the various Kill Teams have a certain task. 

If you are uncertain on what is best and not sure what your most common opens field, then just select the Aquila Kill Team. The Aquila Kill Team will offer re-roll 1's vs all targets. While the other kill teams focuses on other specific groups, but if they do target their specific group they re-roll all instead. 


An example as many have stated, going for Furor Kill Team is usually a good thing. This because most armies contain at least two Troops selections. This will give a unit who are good at taking out troops. 



First of all what you need to think of:


1. Pure Deathwatch or combined with others?


2. Do you want to use Deathwatch formations/detachment or the standard CAD from the core rule book when building the army. 


3. Play style/theme etc


And then the list could go on. 

Well that's a good box set to start but If you want to play strictly competitively against Eldar I probably wouldn't go with the default formations. Artemis is good, and I actually like the named Venerable Dreadnought. Otherwise the frag cannon guy and the librarian are a must in my opinion.


After that you need to start constructing the remainder with a mix of the Kill Team boxes. In its simplest form it appears the codex base elements of strength will come from basic vets with Frag Cannons and solid HQ choices to compliment the Vets.


After that it's really up to you how you use the add ons. I really don't think it's a good beginner codex simply because the options are nearly limitless and overwhelming. If you're not careful you can end up with a very tiny list with no direction and low model count.


For now I would re-emphasize the importance of building up your base of veterans and HQ choice then take it from there.

Well then drop pods are what you need. The BSSF is is a nice feature but the deep strike rules are unreliable. A drop pod is much more dependable.


If your facing a lot of D-cannon batteries I suggest a Watch company with one Malleus Kill Team, one Furor and two Aquila Kill teams.


Make sure you have at least three drop pods. Half of them (rounding up) will arrive in turn one. That's something BSSF can't do either.


Then you can take out perhaps two batteries of D-cannons.

I'm thinking of just putting normal back packs on the vanguard from the box to fill out the squad a bit more. What do you think of this layout



Librarian - level 2 -95

Watch Sergeant with Xenophase blade

Black Shield with Power Maul and CCW

Veteran with Frag Cannon

6 Veterans with standard layout

- 373


Drop Pod - 35


Could this take out a battery? The idea is to drop in with a drop pod, the basic bolters with hellfire are better at hurting the actual D cannon platform since when shooting at them you have to use their toughness. Then get into combat where I should be easily able to deal with the guardians. The phase blade is to deal with any HQ and the power maul lets me instant kill touch 3 multi wounds and to hurt any grotesques which my opponent tends to use. 


I don't know if I've gone to thin on the equipment. If I went for CAD this would be one of my troop choices, I don't know about the new librarian psychic powers but I've added a lvl 2 just in case, perhaps using divination.

Edited by WoT

ok first we need to know what points your likely to play, picking up a few tac squads on ebay or calth marines and a few anvil industries frag cannons could be a worth while buy too.


wounding on 2s against his artillery is a massive advantage, even if he has cast reroll saves on it. you may find certain cool weapons are that points efficient like xenos blade, but it depends on your gaming opponents and how they play (pure efficiency, normal armies or just waac multisource)


have a look at the army list section, some great stuff flying about

I saw you wanted to get up close and personal. You might like this kill team as maybe a start player in your list and make something around it. It's something from the list i'm putting together which is all about librians and terminators, so you might drop the libby. You could then instead get a watch captain or osmething

Lib level 2

Terminator w/ Powerfist w/ Melta

Veteran w/ Frag Cannon

4x Veterans w/ Shotguns/ (maybe) Boltguns





6/7 dude all crammed in a pod,  drop right in your face, and start water hosing everybody.  Melta & frag give you a shot of popping open a rhino if you need to get at the juicy insides.

Edited by mmimzie

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