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Kill Teams!


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So with the new Kill Team coming up I was thinking of:


Platoon - all with Krak Grenades


>> Command

>>> Commander w/Power Sword

>>> 4 X Guardsmen w/Sniper


>> Troop

>>> Heavy Weapon Team w/Missile Launcher


>> Troop


I think that leaves me at 194 / 200 pts.


Thoughts? And what are you folks running?

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Ok so tried this out again (I'd used similar in old kill team) and I totally forgot that it has a problem with being slow and short ranged (apart from the Missile Launcher and handful of Snipers). Although it has a lot of hitting power with all Krak, opponents like Eldar or Tau can just play keep away.
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Ok so tried this out again (I'd used similar in old kill team) and I totally forgot that it has a problem with being slow and short ranged (apart from the Missile Launcher and handful of Snipers). Although it has a lot of hitting power with all Krak, opponents like Eldar or Tau can just play keep away.

Sure they can, but there's no way around that other than choosing not to play. I had games against a handful of Eldar scatterbikes and never ever had a single line of sight, not even once, before I got tabled. (Makes you wonder why the other guy even bothered to play, but I'm derailing.) I'm trying to say: find another guy who's playing in the spirit of Kill Team also and mobility will be much less of an issue, or much less often anyway. Because it's an issue for both of you. 


Of course you could also fit a Chimera in there. Might help with breaking too early too.


BTW, I don't think dreadnoughts of any kind qualify for Kill Team. Too much front and side armor. Perhaps that puts the question after the meltabomb in perspective.

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Dreadnoughts are too tough for KT, max is AV 12/11/10 if I remember right. As Kortimer says it's a pretty different take on the game so it is easy for some to abuse it. It's also easy for you to spot them and go find someone else to play msn-wink.gif

Provided there are enough people playing the game at your local store. :P


It's in a new two-player boxset, plus anyone with the digital rules got a free update with the new ones.

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Personally I recommend checking out Heralds of Ruin in that case. We've played it a lot locally, and it's a tonne of fun. Steals a lot of ideas from Mordheim.


Heralds of Ruin is brilliant, 


but if you have moved somewhere where the only place to play reliably is a GeeDubs, you're somewhat limited in being able to present that. 


Which is a bit irritating for a "model company,"


but hey, at least GW KT is getting an update - something's better than nothing, though I do wish they'd support it more thuroughly as it's the perfect gateway into their Hobby. 


As for myself, I'm not about to go building any lists until I see what if any changes are made - it'd be, hopefully, a nice easy way to  use my leftover Death Korps models. Death Rider killteam ahoy!

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I've been running a chimera with dozer and stubber (9 shots!) with a squad of vets with cover-ignoring autocannon, twinlinked plasma, and preferred enemy plasma.  It's really pretty cheesy, totally against the spirit of the game, and it's been beaten only once...tabled, in that case, by eldar with TWO dual-cannon vypers.  The autocannon took care of the first one, the second one took care of the chimera, and that was that!  


I don't think a platoon is in the spirit of the game, either, it's too many bodies.  It's supposed to be a squad-sized game.  Probably the most fluffy way to play for guard would be two sentinels and a veteran squad with no heavy weapon (I mean, you're supposed to be patrolling, right?), or maybe  two squads of vets, but definitely no more than 20 models.


What I love about kill teams is that the low points level keeps the cheese at bay.  Some restrictions, like "no 2+ armor saves," really are unnecessary.  I mean, could you imagine a space marine army with a TEQ HQ?  You'd struggle to fit more than six models in, and the five (scouts?) troopers would be pitiably equipped.  It would be child's play to blow that list off the table.  Other restrictions, like the 33 armor value cap and ban on heavy support, are perfect.  Chimeras are monsters in this game, as are vypers.  Imagine if hellhounds, wyverns, exoricsts, falcons, wave serpents, and dreadnoughts were allowed! (by raising the cap to 34 and/or allowing heavy support choices)


As things stand, the cover-ignoring autocannon is the deadliest weapon in kill teams, things like lascannons and meltaguns are completely overpowered and wasteful when you won't see anything higher than AV12 and 3+, and even AV12 is very limited (guard only?)

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I don't seem to find a proper answer for my issue so I'll ask it here, maybe I just missed it somewhere:


Can we take an infantry squad as a part of a kill team, without the necessary PCS and the second squad that are mandatory as a unit in the codex ? I'd be inclined to say no as the unit is described as the infantry platoon, and thus has a composition requirement, but I may be wrong.

Especially since they don't necessarily have to blob up on the table to be a unit. Dilemma..

If yes, then we can then also field just a special weapon squad for example ?


I'm toying around with vets + something for a kill team. And I'd like that something to be a special weapon squad, or just a PCS, or just an infantry squad , but I don't know of it's allowed.


Edit : I also don't know if a heavy weapons team, that is a mandatory 2 people , has to stick together , since in normal rules they have to be 2 to man the gun ?


Thanks for the answers ,sorry if its obvious , but I'm a nitpicker by nature :)

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I don't think you can no, a Platoon is a single army selection that happens to be made from multiple units so you'd have to buy the whole lot. I'm not aware of the new KT rules changing this.


A HWT is functionally a single model that just so happens to have two Guardsmen as part of it. They will use the larger base unless you have the old school metal HWTs that didn't come with the 60mm base (in which case it may get a bit complicated depending on your opponent).

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If you have the old metal ones theyre easy enough to stick the two models together on a single base.

Although best to pin all the models down, otherwise they come of quite easily. A bit of green stuff where they touch the base also helps too! ;)


But yes 1 HWT = 2 models + main gun and only counts as a single model for gaming purposes. The dual guardsmen is factored in the profile.

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Thanks, so I feared regarding the infantry platoon. I'll adjust :)



I have both old and new HWS models so I'll adjust to the opponent . I guess I never really paid attention to the 2wounds for the pair, just did the dice as the profile said and then forgot them..


I guess I'll stick with my vets + rough riders, just got a few old school WHFB dwarf boars from a guy from the local shop (we usually give each other bits to ease our conscience of buying a whole box for one item in it ;) ), it seems fitting for a catachan-style rider!


Thanks for the clarification !

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Thanks, so I feared regarding the infantry platoon. I'll adjust :)



I have both old and new HWS models so I'll adjust to the opponent . I guess I never really paid attention to the 2wounds for the pair, just did the dice as the profile said and then forgot them..


I guess I'll stick with my vets + rough riders, just got a few old school WHFB dwarf boars from a guy from the local shop (we usually give each other bits to ease our conscience of buying a whole box for one item in it ;) ), it seems fitting for a catachan-style rider!


Thanks for the clarification !

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