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Kill Teams!


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I had my Kill Team Tournament yesterday. I took the following Veterans list:


Veteran Unit:

Commissar with Power Sword - Leader

Vet Sgt - Poisoned Weapon

Vet w/ Plasma Gun - Sharp Shooter

Vet w/ Meltagun - Infiltrate

Vet w/ Meltagun

7 Vets w/ Lasguns

Chimera w/ Autocannon and Heavy Flamer


1st game against Scions and 2 Mulilaser Sentinels - I won 9 points to his two. Melta Vets took care of the Sentinels. Chimera got blown up turn two by plasma hits. My Plasma Gunner blew himself up.


2nd game against Orks (lots of Orks with one Kopter) - I won 10 points to his 6. Chimera was the big winner. He was trying to line up his Orks to assault it and left them in the open in Heavy Flamer range (It turned into a barbecue). My Plasma Gunner blew himself up..


3rd game against Salamander Space Marines with one Attack bike - I lost 1 point to his 6. I moved forward to quickly and my Vets just couldn't seem to put wounds on the marines. I ended up pulling back and bunkering up in a building to try to wither them down as they advanced. That didn't work either. My Plasma Gunner blew himself up (see a pattern here??)


Overall, I won the tournament on points. It was a lot of fun, as I hadn't really played 40k in awhile.


The list I'm looking at taking next time using my Catachan models:


Veteran Squad:

Vet Sgt w/ Power Sword - Leader

Vet w/ Meltagun - Eagle Eye

Vet w/ Meltagun - Infiltrate

Vet w/ Heavy Flamer

4 Vets with Lasguns

Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team - Sharpshooter


Veteran Sgt

Vet w/ Grenade Launcher

Vet w/ Grenade Launcher

Vet w/ Grenade Launcher

4 Vets with Lasguns

Autocannon Heavy Weapon Team


My issue with the marines was having enough High strength hits to actually wound and I have terrible luck with Plasma. So this gives me 2 Strength 8 shots, 1 Strength 5 flamers, 4 Strength 7 shots with the Autocannons, and 3 Strength 6 shots with Krak rounds.



((Edited because I suck at math...)

Question: (and I think I already know the answer)

Is the 15 points I'm spending on a PW for my leader worth it? He may have 2 attacks, but he's still a guardsman.

Would those points be better spent on Forward Sentries upgrade for both Squads? I could either drop 1 Grenade Launcher and the Power Weapon for the 20 points OR I could drop the Power Weapon and swap 2 Grenade Launchers for 2 Sniper Rifles (They always wound on a 4) and take Forward Sentries for both units  and give one of my Sgt's a Bolter (which is a weapon he use effectively).


Sniper Rifles seem more fluffy for my list anyway.


Indeed you do ;) What are the chances he gets to swing it, as he's a single model and most opponents would beat him (usually striking first)? Not great I'd say, even worse for 15 points!


I think the sniper idea has merit, as they can hang back and help out. With single model units snipers would be getting a Vindicare target selection bonus for free too.

So this is my kill team




Official with bolter, 3x Sniper, Autocannon



Flamer, Autocannon, Krak grenades



Flamer, Autocannon, Krak grenades


The krak grenades is against vehicles if the autocannons fails to finish them. I have some spare points, dont know in what to spend.


Also, each guard with grenade in kill team can use it as assault s6 8" weapon so...... who want lasgun when you have grenades?



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted · Hidden by WarriorFish, October 18, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by WarriorFish, October 18, 2016 - No reason given

Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband (200)

3x Acolyte (45pt.); Bolter; Flamer;

3x Servitor (30pt.); Heavy bolter;

2x Jokaero Weaponsmith (70pt.);

1x Chimera (55pt.).


Alot of dakka in Chimera with nice Jokaero buff =) 


upd: delete please 

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm resurrecting this thread for some advice. I'd like to build a Death Korps kill team, because I love the models but don't have the time to build an entire army. My plan is:



Death Korps Engineers x9

Shotguns, mole launcher (Weapon Specialist: Master-Craftsman), flamer (Dirty Fighter Specialist: Soul Blaze)


Watchmaster (Leader)

Power maul, plasma pistol, meltabombs


Hades breaching drill (? Specialist: ?), converted to have a pilot on board.


200 points even



The basic concept being that the mole hides, the Engineers scatter and the Hades mulches anything it can reach.


I considered giving the mole Eagle Eye to increase its threat range, but the battlefield it small enough as it is. I felt the added accuracy was vital to pick off its target(s) while avoiding friendly fire incidents.


I considered dropping the meltabombs and upgrading the flamer to a meltagun, but I'm paranoid about hordes and I like being able to roast multiple models per phase. That, and a Krieger with a flamer is so damned iconic. Soul Blaze isn't likely to do much but it's also very characterful. I don't mind passing up a more competitive Specialty for something that cinematic.


The Watchmaster is my point dump to fill out the list. He's supposed to stay out of the way, picking off errant models while the Hades goes about wrecking face.


The Hades is obviously the backbone of the list, but I'm not sure what Specialty to give it. Infiltrate or Scout would be nice to gain ground early. not-Rampage or Hit and Run would help if it were tarpitted. FNP would make it even more difficult to stop, but I don't think that that would be fun for anyone.


I don't even know if this is a legal list. Technically, the Hades is removed if all the Engineers in its unit are killed. In Kill Team, every model is its own unit. So, RAW, the Hades is immediately removed after deployment?


What do you think?

Can the Hades take specialities? Sometimes the rules - especially older ones - get a bit shonky in Kill Team but nobody should be taking it too seriously so just talk it over with your opponent and it should be fine.


Can't quiet remember the Soul Blaze rules, but I get the feeling it might not be that useful in KT? Otherwise list looks ok, KT is about cool themes rather than the biggest and bestest lists :)

It's technically Infantry, and not a Beast or Vehicle. I'd write it up as the controlling Krieger being particulalry skilled/bloodthirsty/etc.


Yeah, Soul Blaze will only do something if I wound a multi-wound model. I just like the image of the flamer actually setting things on fire - maybe I'm feeling particularly bloodthirsty, too.

I wouldn't have anything in KT as a "technically", as the game is easily twisted with the modifications so I'd take the specialist skill on a trooper. Soul Blaze isn't a great choice nor is a flamer, what about something like plasma? The Watchmaster is very expensive for KT so taking points from him wouldn't be a bad idea, lest he bite it quickly.

I've gotten good use out of flamers because they can hit multiple models. In Kill Team, each model can only target one other model - so you can never kill more models than you take in your own list, unless you end up in a big melee or use blast/template weapons. 10 Guardsmen are very likely to be outnumbered and can't rely on individual endurance, so any way to target multiple models is a boon. Especially in terrain-dense environments, where models are likely to clump up and have good cover. It also opens up the ability to flame multiple models and charge one of the survivors.


But you're right about the Watchmaster. i typically don't like runnig squad leaders with a lot of equipment - in this case, he's simply a point reserve. I had the leftover points, and no where else to put them, so he gets some extra toys. I have no issue dropping equipment from him in favour of more expensive options in the rest of the squad.

  • 5 months later...

I am using a centaur with 5 storm troopers armed with 2 hot shot volley guns one of which is mounted on the tanks free mounting. 10 veterans with 3 flamers.


Want to use 7 storm troopers with 2 hot shot volley divided between 2 centaur but I am not sure this is legal even of one centaur starts game with its troopers on foot.


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