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Night comes... Heresy Era Night Lords WIP; Now with Custodes


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Hi everyone! I'm a long time lurker and this is my first post. Now that I've started a heresy army I've wanted to start a project log to keep myself motivated.


I bought B@C on the week it got released and got my first test model painted in May and right after that I got three Marines painted last week. Let's hope I get next models painted a bit more quickly. I've painted some dirty Xenos Eldar during the summer, but I think now it's time to get some Night Lords on the table.

This is the first time I've tried to do some weathering and I've used some pigment powders. I've heard that varnish may mess up with the pigments, but does anyone know if using a diluted matt or satin varnish using an airbrush is okay? Currently the pigments can be brushed off and that's not good for models that probably will be used for gaming.

Bases are obviously WIP, they will be city/industrial with some snow. The models have bits from GW, Kromlech, Forge World and Anvil Industry.



The test model from May. In the later models I've changed from drybrushing highlights on the metals to edge highlighting.


Three completed models for my first Terror Squad, finished them last week. I'm quite happy with the finished results.

Some WIPS:



My praetor conversion from the Chaplain model, he feels appropriately imposing :smile.:



Comments, critique and tips are all welcome.

Another recruit for the Legion :biggrin.: Some very nice looking terror marines you've got there. Nice work on the lightning as well :smile.: Some cool conversions going on.


*Edit - no longer relevant*


But a great start! Liking where this is going :biggrin.:


Especially liking the two terror volkite marines on the right :thumbsup:

Nice Night Lords !  Looking forward to seeing paint on all these guys, the poses are great.  Maybe run over the lower legs with a dry brushing of slightly darker brown in spots over the light brown ?  Might give the weathering just a bit more depth.



Thanks for the comments.

@The boater: Glad you saw that, I don't know what I've been thinking. Fixed with green stuff and the correct barrel has been drilled.

@Dosjetka: I'm thinking that I'll try to get some infantry done first. At some point I'll make a Forge World order for the Legion books and I've also been eyeing the Night Lords contemptor and a Sicaran battle tank.

Finished the bases for my previously completed marines. I wanted the bases to show some brown in addition to grey, but these came out very grey with no brown visible (airbrushed black, then brown and then grey). I'll try to get some brown to show next time.










  • 2 weeks later...

Update. I got three more Terror Marines painted including the squad sergeant. Bases are WIP, I usually make them when I have at least 10 unbased minis. I think the skull mask on the sergeant came out quite nice.






  • 3 weeks later...

Update! Three Terminators are now painted, bringing the squad now to 4/5. Reaper autocannon is from a Chaos Terminator as is his power fist. The terminators were painted rather quickly between Sunday-Wednesday, I was away for a week and unable to paint (basecoating and washing for the blue parts were done earlier). I think the bat-like ornament taken from Dark Eldar bits is quite fitting for Nightlords.





A group picture of what is done now.


Next up will be another 4 Terror marines and the last terminators to finish up the squads. At that point I think I'll make the bases for all unfinished ones. I also have a Forge World order coming, but it will take time till I have time to paint that stuff :)

Good looking NLs so far, you could go a bit more all out with the trophies etc. that they tend to be depicted with given that you're kind of going that way with the flayed skin bits. Plus evil looking knives are always a good looking NL accessory.

Stuff came today :smile.: Marine stuff for me and tyranids for a friend.

Sneak peek:




Almost finished painting the rest of terror squad 1 and the last terminator, I'll probably get them done by the end of the week.

Finally finished painting and basing the squads. So now I have 5 Terminators and 10 man Terror squad done. The images are a bit too bright, they're not that bright blue. Enjoy.


These are the ones that I painted last and haven't been seen here.


Group picture, slightly out of focus on the front guys.









A preview of my contemptor, made the base at the same time as other bases.

  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished painting 5 Raptors. I had finished the Contemptor earlier, but I just got pigment binder and I mixed it with the pigment powder. I think I still need to airbrush at least the Contemptor with the binder so the powder doesn't come off. I got a litte overboard with the pigments and I rubbed some of it off, but they are still quite weathered. I also added some pigment to the base, but I'll try different methods on my next bases.








  • 1 month later...

Update after a too long time. Finished 5 marines, one of them being an Assault Marine, other ones are from Terror Squads. Still haven't gotten around making bases.





One of the marines have a "borrowed" Blood Angel bolt pistol, I'm sure the previous owner doesn't need it :smile.:


Some WIP material. I don't have proper lighting on my airbrushing station (also called kitchen table) and it's literally less than 4 hours of light, but today managed to start airbrushing early and got some stuff basecoated :smile.:


A kitbashed Master of Signal (built before BoP came out) and the Praetor, seen earlier



Some Mark III marines, one with a heavy chainsword.



Some more marines. Tried some greenstuffing, I hope it comes out okay once painted.


I've also done some basecoating for my Sicaran and Contemptor dread (not shown here, yet...)




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