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Triton's Disciple of Caliban, new edition, new update.


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Here is the usual post about how I take on the disciple of Caliban scheme!

Since I painted most of my other tactical in various color while searching for their identity, I started with a Devastator squad.


Turns out free handing a satisfying devastator symbols is harder than the disciple chapter badge!

I really need to practice free handing all the squad designation, but i was surprised how hard the DA DEV one is.


Here's some pic!




Some highlight still to do, I wanted to take the pic while I still had sunlight.

the cable need painting (i did not have the right yellow paint), and some other details are missing 

I just found out I did not close my white paint correctly and the texture in the white area is actually shard of dried paint :sad.: gonna have to buy a new bottle.

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The bronze does look interesting as you say, you self draw that lion?

Every symbols on my marines are painted by hand, yes.

It may not look as good as a decal, but i will say that every one should learn to free hand their chapter symbols at some point, its very rewarding!

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Very nice DoC!

Though: Have you tried to paint the whole lenses in red instead of blue? Somehow I feel red goes best with green and also helps to have a more limited pallet.

I wanted to differentiate the "usual" lenses from the "heavy weapon" lenses to give the devastator a bit of their own personality.

I will see how it looks next to a TAC and assault squad before deciding if I want it all red.


Now that I look at’em through some picture, I really need to work those mould lines on my next models. I tend to forget them, it’s like I don’t even see them anymore. 

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May I ask all experienced brother's here how I should highlight the black?

I did a edge highlight with eshin grey, really dark almost doesn't show... should I push it more with mechanicus standard grey, and then administratum grey for a progressive hightlight or is there a simpler way for the man of the line?

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Thanks for the advice and kind word.


Here is the list and status of my "to-be" 3rd company.

Plenty of work and fun to ahead of me.


Diciple of Caliban Project Log

3rd Company


Master Belisarius : “The lion’s proud”

                   Model with Artificer armor                                                         to be stripped

                   Model with terminator armor                                                    unassembled


Chaplain Arcturus “truth’s mane”

                   Model in power armor                                                                  ready for primer


Command squad and veteran led by Champion Serron

                   5 man veteran squad                                                                      ready to be painted


1st Tactical squad led by veteran sergent  Justinius – DeathWatch returned

                   10 man tac squad                                                                             unassembled


2nd Tactical squad led by sergent Annatiel

                   10 man tac squad                                                                             to be stripped


3rd  Tactical squad led by sergent Dannatel

                   5 man tac squad                                                                                5 to adjust


4th Tactical squad led by sergent Galahad

                   5 man tac squad                                                                                2 ready / 3 to ajust


5th  Tactical squad led by sergent Bohors

                   5 man tac squad                                                                                unaccounted


6th  Tactical squad led by sergent Manathor

                   10 man tac squad                                                                             unaccounted


1ST Devastator squad led by sergent Hildric

                   10 man dev squad                                                                            5 done / 5 unacounted


2nd Devastator squad led by sergent Licinius

                   5 man dev squad                                                                              unaccounted


1st Assault squad led by sergent Brasstus

                   5 man assault squad                                                                        ready for primer


2nd Assault squad led by sergent Diminy

                   5 man assault squad                                                                        unaccounted


Company Dreadnought: Brother Valirius and Brother Arboghast

                   Brother valirius                                                                                unassembled

                   Brother arboghast                                                                           unaccounted

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Here an early pic to my new idea, its still rough since i re-purposed an already painted model.



I realised the deathwing would be a probleme since dark angel termi do not come with blank shoulder, so I cant paint over my chapter badge.

Of course E-Bay is the first thing that come to mind, but what if I could include the Deathwing broken sword in my color scheme?

what if the deathwing from a successor kept the regular deathwing shoulder in honor the Parent chapter? kinda how deathwatch does it.


so? a flash of genius of crazy man dream?

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  • 2 months later...

Been a while since my last update, I painted a squad of assault marine, a squad of robed veteran and am now working on a venerable dread. Pic’s are coming as soon as I finish my light box.


The topic for today is basing. I admit not giving it much though in the past, being quite happy to leave them black.

Now that I want to get to it, I don’t know where to start.


How do you choose your base? What would complement the Disciple of Caliban color scheme?

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I think a light base would complement the dark scheme of the marines personally. Something like a warm beige/biscuit colour?


Alternatively, you could go with a dark grey and then use snow to "lighten" the appearance of the base and provide good contrast with the models.


In terms of style... Well, what do you fancy doing? Interior/ship/building themes are quite easy and look good in light colours, ruins/broken paving/broken concrete/gravel are also quite easy and also look good in lighter colours. Other bases are very doable too, but can quickly start to become quite a bit of work (for example, things like crystals, swamp, dense vegetation, lava, etc.).

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How about a desert world aesthetic?


Agrellan wasteland along some Milliput slate? Maybe add some sand, could also add some mud pit here and there on larger bases... 



My other design would be a "broken and Swampy industrial area" with concrete and metal plate mix with a bit of mud.


No idea how to achieve this though.


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Black triton. I myself am going with swampy, I haven't done it yet, but have a very good idea of what I will be doing. instead of a mud I'm going for walking through/next to a body of water/marsh look. There will be random spots of dirt on mixed in with water. I will be using normal basing material, and where i want my water to be "deep" instead of just on the surface, I will be painting a dark teal color. I'll be adding "real water" by woodlands scenic, i think that's what they're called. For my on "just barely on the surface", i guess muddy, I'm going to add a green wash over my painted sand, and while the wash is still a little wet, brush on some real water. Flock will be added to taste. That's my plan for a swamp base. Testers glass maker seems to work too from my research. Maybe you could add your industrial bits over the water, and brush some real water on it to look wet also.

Just some ideas

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for an update,

I experimented with basing my miniature, here is what my first "succesfull" results are:



This was all done using agrellan earth, agrellan badland and milliput.

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Thank's y'all!


Oh, on another note... The colors on the weapons look great! The worn bronze kind of has a steam punk feel but it really works well on your models.

I like it a lot to, I actually took the idea from "Madfly-art" who did something similar.

I love it since you do not see a lot of bolter in something else than red of black.

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  • 7 months later...

With all the enthusiasm of the new update coming, in I would like to share some update with my force.

It as been nearly 1 year since I decided of my paint scheme and it has grown a lot in the meanwhile!

today some picture of the first Rhino and the Master of the third !




lighting was weird today, will post more when I can get more good picture.

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First Company Deathwing Squad, still some work to be done on details all round, but I liked how they turned out.



although they harbor their chapters color, deathwing of the first company of the disciple of caliban keep the right arm in the bone white of the deathwing to honor the origin and tradition of the First Legion, or so would they tell you... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is my future command squad with a company champion, 

I kitted the Veterant with power maul and bolt pistol, but may change them to Bolter for more versatility to no point cost.

In the backgroud is a WiP of the Razorback I want them to ride along with a chaplain.


I like most of the poses, but the one on the far right is a bit off, and I dont know why..




Bonus pic my first try at a ravenwing, as always all not 3D symbole are free handed
I still dont know how to paint the front light, if anyone has some insight on that.



EDIT: I could really use a light box, if anyone has a good tuto, last one I tried failed miserably.. :blush.:

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