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Triton's Disciple of Caliban, new edition, new update.


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Oh no you've been hit by the Photobucket ransom demand...

On a much more positive note, the vets are looking good I think the issue with the guy on the right is that has gotta be one heavy mace, so the way he is holding it looks wrong because human biomechanincs limit how long you could hold that pose. So that is why on a static model it looks off. Is it too late to swap the arm out? Or rotate that arm a bit so the massive head of the mace isnt held so high?

I usually use blue tac to when I'm assembling this kind of thing so I can fiddle with the posing till I happy and its no hassle to just keep grabbing different arms to try till I find "the one".


For the front light how do you want it to look, I paint my light yellow because in the grim darkness of the far future there are no Halogen bulbs, or something like that. So I do Averland sunset, sepia wash, quite heavy dry brush flash gitz yellow, very light dry brush dorn yellow only in the middle square then paint the bars black. Hope that helps...


On light boxes I made a pretty serviceable one from solvent weld overflow pipe and then stretched two cheap white tee shirts over the cube of pipes I'd made and that worked tolerably for a good few years. but the I got a fold up commercially available one that came with a nice camera tripod and a lighting rig for my birthday last year and its dead easy to use, folds up for storage  and is all round jolly good. Knowing my Sister it almost certainly came from Amazon.      

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Damn photobucket, now uploading from Imgur.

I can still swap thing around, thats the point of asking for feed back :happy.:

Power maul are hard to come by, and the Knight mace head is gigantic on power armored marine!

I imagine a yellow light would look better on the black, anything that break the monotomy of the black and silver is good.


thanks for the tips!

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Here I worked the poses of the V.Sergent and changed all pistol for bolters.


Probleme was, I cant easely change the arm, its a power axe arm with a knight mace head, so I tried to give him a less aggressive look for a change.

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  • 1 year later...

Like all road leading to rome I always find myself back to my Disciples of Caliban

I took a break from my competitive endeavor to paint some of those tasty Primaris.

I wanted to see how my skill evolved compared to some of my older work and well... I will let you juge.

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Nothing that easy

I tried washing a white to get this effect but it always end up a mess.


This is a temple guard blue, geneous layer highlight fenrisian grey, layer highlight celestra grey.

I could add a fine highlight of ultuan grey, but the process is already very time consuming!

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