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Tahgmata Militia


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I see a distinct lack of Militia and Cult list on this board. So I will try and fix that. This is my Militias and Cults list with ally Mechanicum ro use as the large force for the final game in a campaign I am playing with my buddy. Only thing I am worried about is flyers. 




+++ Tahgmata Militia (2492pts) +++

++ Imperialis Militia and Cults Army List (Age of Darkness) (1302pts) ++

+ HQ (384pts) +

Discipline Master Cadre (154pts)
····Rules: Support Officer
····Discipline Master (42pts) [Carapace Armour (5pts), Needle Pistol (5pts), Power Weapon (7pts), Refractor Field (5pts)]
····Discipline Master (35pts) [Carapace Armour (5pts), Needle Pistol (5pts), Refractor Field (5pts)]
····Discipline Master (42pts) [blast Pistol (5pts), Carapace Armour (5pts), Power Weapon (7pts), Refractor Field (5pts)]
····Discipline Master (35pts) [blast Pistol (5pts), Carapace Armour (5pts), Refractor Field (5pts)]

Force Commander (230pts) [Carapace Armour (5pts), Cyber-familiar (10pts), Digital Laser (5pts), Hand Flamer (10pts), Mastercraft a single weapon (10pts), Planetary Overlord (20pts), Power Weapon (10pts)]
····Rules: Independent Character, Planetary Overlord
····The Muster of Worlds (110pts) [Cyber-augmetics (35pts), Survivors of the Dark Age (75pts)]

+ Troops (543pts) +

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (182pts) [Advanced Weapons (20pts), 17x Grenadiers (85pts), Lasrifles (15pts), 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Plasma Gun (30pts), Vexilla (10pts)]
····Rules: Advanced Weapons
····Grenadier Sergeant (2pts) [Augmented Weapon (2pts)]

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (182pts) [Advanced Weapons (20pts), 17x Grenadiers (85pts), Laslocks (15pts), 2x Special Weapons Grenadier with Melta Gun (30pts), Vexilla (10pts)]
····Rules: Advanced Weapons
····Grenadier Sergeant (2pts) [Augmented Weapon (2pts)]

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (92pts) [Augmented Weapons (15pts), 9x Grenadiers (45pts), Vexilla (10pts)]
····Grenadier Sergeant (2pts) [Augmented Weapon (2pts)]

Imperialis Militia Grenadier Squad (87pts) [9x Grenadiers (45pts), Shotguns (10pts), Vexilla (10pts)]
····Grenadier Sergeant (2pts) [Augmented Weapon (2pts)]

+ Elites (255pts) +

Auxilia Ogryn Brute Squad (205pts) [Carapace Armour (25pts), 3x Ogryn Brutes (105pts), 3x Power Weapon (60pts)]

Imperialis Auxilia Medicae Detachment (50pts) [4x Medicae Orderly (40pts)]
····Rules: Attached Deployment, Medi-pack

+ Fast Attack (120pts) +

Imperialis Auxilia Sentinel Scout Squadron (120pts)
····Rules: Move Through Cover, Scout
····Auxilia Sentinels (40pts) [Combat Blades (+1A) (5pts), Multi-melta (5pts)]
····Auxilia Sentinels (40pts) [Combat Blades (+1A) (5pts), Multi-melta (5pts)]
····Auxilia Sentinels (40pts) [Combat Blades (+1A) (5pts), Multi-melta (5pts)]

++ Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List (Allied Detachment) (1190pts) ++

+ HQ (175pts) +

Magos Dominus (175pts) [Abeyant (25pts), Archaeotech Pistol (10pts), Cyber-familiar (15pts), Machinator Array (25pts), Mastercraft a single weapon (5pts), Rad/irad Cleanser (20pts)]
····Rules: Battlesmith, Cybertheurgy, Feel No Pain, Hardened Armour, It Will Not Die, Move through Cover, Patris Cybernetica, Stubborn, Very Bulky

+ Elites (110pts) +

Tech-Priest Auxillia (110pts) [4x Servo-arm (20pts), 4x Servo-automata (20pts)]
····Rules: Cybernetica, Servo-automata Support
····Adept (45pts) [Augury Scanner (5pts), Lacyraemarta, Magos Auxilia (20pts)]
········Rules: Battlesmith, Lacyraemarta, Stubborn

+ Troops (725pts) +

Adsecularis Covenant (140pts) [Carapace Armour (20pts), Induction Chargers (15pts), Revenant Alchemistry (25pts), 20x Tech-thrall (60pts), The Rite of Pure Thought (15pts)]
····Rules: Induction Chargers, Slow and Purposeful, The Rite of Pure Thought

Scyllax Guardian-Automata Covenant (295pts) [8x Enhanced Array, 8x Scyllax Guardian-Automata (280pts)]
····Rules: Dismemberment, Guardian-Servitor Protocols, Maelstrom, Move Through Cover, Night Vision, Relentless

Thallax Cohort (290pts) [5x Heavy Chainblade (25pts), Icarian (25pts), Photon Thruster (25pts), 5x Thallax (200pts)]
····Rules: Bulky, Djinn-sight, Icarian*, Stubborn

+ Fast Attack (180pts) +

Tarantula Sentry Gun Battery (180pts) [3x Quad-gun (90pts), 3x Tarantula Sentry Gun (90pts)]
····Rules: Shell Shock

The Thallax count as Heavy as far as I can tell so it should be a legal list

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Where are you at with this collection? The reason I ask is because some of the units you've taken are pretty poor performers, or are at least don't mesh with the list you have made. Likewise, takings lots of upgrades on units adds up, but don't always add a whole lot to their effectiveness.



- the Provenances you've taken are awesome - they are exactly the same as I would run. Cyber-augmetics obviously works brilliantly with Mechanicum, and you've cleverly chosen wargear to take advantage of the save buffs. :) The Force Commander isn't a combat monster though - he'll lose against every other character out there. I'd keep him cheap and well-away from combat.

- Discipline Masters are pretty much mandatory outside of Cult Horde, so good choice there. I wouldn't bother with the weapon upgrades though.

- you have a mixed bag of Grenadier units. Advanced Weapons is just awesome, especially on large squads as it's a flat cost for the upgrade. My favourite weapon is laslocks because they become S5! Just note that it's an all-or-nothing upgrade, ie: every squad must have them, or no squads. Maybe consider taking some minimum Grenadier Squads in Rhinos for some mobile objective-grabbers? Also, a Land Raider Proteus or two gives your opponent some AV14 to worry about...

- 3 Ogryns won't survive long without a transport. They'll be tough with a 3+/6++, but a few more models will still be necessary. A Stormlord is pretty much the only Assault Transport available to them though. They also NEED a Discipline Master.

- Medics are cool, but only if you can spare the points.

- Sentinels are a real Dark Horse - Outflank can ruin your opponents day, especially when the unit is so cheap. I prefer autocannon to multi-meltas, as you'll average 3 hits at S7, rather than 1.5 at S8. Also, if they end up on the wrong side of the board, having 48" range will help. Not convinced that combat blades add anything of merit though.



- why have you gone for a Magos Dominus? They only work as a budget HQ or as a robot buffer. You've forked out a lot of points for him, and you have no robots, so I'd swap him for someone else. You seem to have a theme going, so why not take a Magos Prime with Order of High Techno-Arcana (Lachrimallus)?

- Lacyraemarta Tech-Priest Auxilia to buff the Tech-thralls? Sweet. :)

- 20 Fearless Tech-thralls with a 4+/4+FNP and Hatred? Solid choice. My only suggestion is to swap their induction chargers & laslocks for heavy chainblades, as then they can use that Hatred to better effect.

- Scyllax are a funny one - I can't make my mind up about them. With the previously mentioned Lacyraemarta/Lachrimallus theme, I'd swap them for another 20 Tech-thralls, or drop them completely.

- Icarian Thallax are a bit of a trap, as Skyfire and Interceptor is a bit useless on 18" guns. Heavy chainblades are an unnecessary upgrade.

- Tarantulas are normally a bit useless, but they do offer anti-air option. Mechanicum ones having the Anima Override rule is a massive improvement on the Legion ones, so I hope you plan on keeping a Battlesmith nearby!


Sorry if any of this comes across as a bit negative - it's definitely not my intention to upset you, but rather offer some constructive criticism. :)

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No problem, I know it is not all great. I have all the models in for this list here. The Magos was a typo, wrote this up at work and did not check the rules over, he should be a prime. So if I drop the brutes and the medics what should I add? I have plenty of extra models lying around to draft. If I bump the Thallax to 6 men with double photon thrusters does that make a good AA unit at all? The sentinels are converted breaches from the 40k ad mech army so guns are pretty much what ever I want and the combat blades are for WYSIWYG. This is going to be fighting a death guard legion with militia allies, if that helps, maybe need me more AP3?
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Mechanicum don't have really good anti-air options. Yes, 2 photon thrusters on a Thallax unit is awesome with Destructor, but with Icarian it's only 4 shots at S6 (against predominantly AV12 Flyers) without Tank Hunters. I'd probably stick with the quad-gun Tarantulas - they are actually the most efficient anti-air choice!


Awesome use of the Admech Breachers! I planned on using some as Fire Support Squads, and using the Dunestriders as Sentinels.


Personally, I would invest in 2-4 plastic Rhinos for the Grenadiers. They will help keep them alive, give them mobility, and they can now take a pintle-mounted multi-melta. So hot right now. :)


My only other suggestion is to look into some serious armour. You have a truckload of Infantry, but some Leman Russes, Malcadors or even a Super-heavy would do wonders.

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