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The Emperor's Harbingers: WIP LOG

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Well Last night I started Painting.

Got the first bits of paint on the Vindicare Assassin, I painted the suite a number of shades of grey and then I used a null-oil wash to darken it... it looks a little darker in the photo.


I also worked on my Scouts. I have a basic plan on how to paint the Camo-Cloaks and Armour.



As always let me know what you think!

Uverons Weekly Update 1st week.

Ok, so it’s been a busy week. Sorry for not being more active, I will try and look at what everyone is posting soon!

Review of last week.

Last week was my first week of real painting, with the Iron Halo behind me I concentrated on working on the Harbingers (For the Tail of 20 Gamers, and The Rage against Salvation Event).

First up was the Vindicare Assassin, I painted the model a number of grey shades and then I used a null-oil wash to darken it, I then touched up large areas with black paint, and did some edgings with grey paint.


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I then started with Sniper Scouts. Took a bit of time to get become happy with the Ivory and the browns of the Cameo Cloaks. Mostly happy with the models now I realized I hated the flesh tones with the browns and the Ivories so I decided at the last min to replace the sergeants head (hence the photo of the head on a sprue).

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Finally I also finished putting together and magnetizing my Baal Predator (Only Magnetized the Turret, going to stick the Heavy bolters on the model once painted).


Plans for this week.

I think I plan on adding some battle damage to the amour of the scouts, it’s something I will not do as much with the Tactical Marines, or Terminators but the Scouts I want to have the appearance of a unit that’s been deployed for some time, so will have a dirtier bust-up look. But should have this unit finished by the end of the week so I should be able to wrap up my October Vow. (I then will do the next part of my Call of Chaos Vow, before seeing about painting another unit for this event).

Also I need to work out how to fix this heavy bolter, was trying to drill out the barrel and then I slipped and managed to ‘blow it out’… Have to put my thinking hat on.


If anyone had any questions, or comments, advice please let me know!

Uverons Weekly Update 2nd week.

Ok, so it’s been another hetic week preparing for the Amrys of Parade, with my chaos forces.

Review of last week.

First up! I Declare my VOW COMPLETE!

I, Uveron vow on the honour of all of the sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit of 6 Space Marine Scouts with Sniper Rifles, and One Vindicare Assassin. For a Total of 258pts

Last week I finished my my scouts and the Vindicare Assassin.



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Following this I started working on some models for my Call of Chaos Vow, but this weekend I spent a good few hours getting the whole army out and went to town with the sandpaper and Green stuff to prepare the rest of the army for priming next weekend.


I also worked on building bases for all of the Tacticals and Terminators, I had a bit of fun cutting up tank parts, going to paint them up as wrecked Iron Warriors Tanks.


Plans for this week

Well first up

I, Uveron vow on the honour of all of the Sons of Sanguinius, to paint a Unit of 5 Space Marine Scouts for a Total of 55pts


So I will start getting these guys painted, and then get everyone primed so I am ready for the winter.

Taking a Page from @Augustus b'Raass book. I am looking for names for my Emperor Harbingers. (And I Should also gives credit to Brother Heinrich for being Augustus’s inspiration).


Unlike Augustus, I presume none of you know much about my chapter, so for a second let me talk about the background I am developing for the Chapter.


The Chapter was founded at the start of the Age of Apostasy in the 19th founding. The chapter was established to reinforce an area of the known as the Obsidian Rift, an area of Frontier space that spans the part of border between the Segmentum Obscurus and Segmentum Ultima Segmentum. This area had long been rife with pirates and others looking to exploit the administrative bureaucracy of the border.  The area had never been brought fully into the Imperium as such the Chapter worked to make sure that no worlds are lost to the enemies of mankind. In recent years a force of Iron Warriors have united many of the warlords of the Obsidian Rift and recently have started a push into imperial space. The Emperors Harbingers stand with the other forces of the Imperium as the Bulwalk to this menace.


Now I don’t plan on building a whole chapter going to focus on a force sent to battle the Black Crusade. (I am also writing a much longer history of the chapter which also will describe the loss of a lot of the chapter in Shield of Baal leaving only 250 battle brothers). As for the culture of the chapter... At this time they are very close to the Blood Angels. I havent sat down and plotted divergences in culture yet. 


Anyway back to the naming, I am looking for GrimDark versions of "Late Roman” sounding names I'd also prefer a first and a last name. (I have previously described this as  Romano-Gothic let me know if you need help!). The list below shows the available slots of models I have built, others will be added as more are constructed. 


Note: I currently have the both of the Captains names reserved, Not sure how I want to pick them. So A cool name from another unit may end up being promoted to the Ranks of Captain.  


++ Chapter Headquarters ++


Captain [Chapter Master] – Hector Vivianus - UVERON


Captain [ 2nd Company- Master of the Watch] – ** Reserved **


++ 2nd Company Detachment ++


Tactical Squad


Veteran Sergeant - Alesu Silex -  Augustus b'Raass

Heavy Weapon Specialist [Heavy Flamer] - Adeodatus Ignatius -  gaurdian31

Battle Brother  
Battle Brother  

Battle Brother 


Combat Squad Leader

Weapon Specialist [Meltagun]

Battle Brother  
Battle Brother  

Battle Brother 


++ 1st Company Detachment ++


Terminator Assault Squad


Veteran Sergeant - Sallustius Lucullus -  Lord Commander Eidolon

Battle Brother  
Battle Brother  

Battle Brother 

Battle Brother 


++ 10th Company Detachment ++


Scout Squad 


Veteran Sargent

Heavy Weapon Specialist [Missile Launcher]

Sniper - Tethys Vaal - Rangaman






Scout Squad 


Veteran Sargent - Marcus Prisca - Lasuria





Combat Squad Leader 






++ Armory Support ++


Baal Predator 


Vehicle Name


Gunner - Othos Uvero - Dosjetka




List of Frater claiming a name:

Coolbeans! Massive kudo's indeed to Brother Heinrich for this idea, as it has proven to be a great source of inspiration to me. 


Romano-Gothic, you say... That sounds extremely broad. The Romans became powerhouses from the 2nd Century BCE and built and Empire that spanned much of Europe, Northern Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, while the Gothic building style ruled from the 12th to the 16th Century AD. That's 1400 years and an area spanning about 30 nations and cultures... Could you be just a little more specific? ;) Maybe it helps if you tell us a little more about the culture of the chapter - what are its beliefs, its customs? How do they view the Emperor and the Imperium at large? That'll give yourself and your readers a better idea on which to base the names. :)


I'd love to claim the Veteran Sergeant in the Tactical Squad, and name him Alesu Silex. :tu:

Romano-Gothic, you say... That sounds extremely broad. The Romans became powerhouses from the 2nd Century BCE and built and Empire that spanned much of Europe, Northern Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, while the Gothic building style ruled from the 12th to the 16th Century AD. That's 1400 years and an area spanning about 30 nations and cultures... Could you be just a little more specific? msn-wink.gif Maybe it helps if you tell us a little more about the culture of the chapter - what are its beliefs, its customs? How do they view the Emperor and the Imperium at large? That'll give yourself and your readers a better idea on which to base the names. smile.png

Yes, I had worried about that, people were going to presume it was too Broad, or too Narrow! (I was incidentally thinking of this). Well then lets Try "Late Roman". As for the culture of the chapter... At this time they are very close to the Blood Angels. I havent sat down and plotted divergences in culture yet.

I will edit the first post to include this information.

I'd love to claim the Veteran Sergeant in the Tactical Squad, and name him Alesu Silex. thumbsup.gif

Done! Thanks again for the inspiration.

I've always wondered what I'd look like in Terminator Armour, so if the Sgt is up for grabs, let him be henceforth known Sallustius Lucullus.

Done! Did you mean to copy a name of a Roman Governor of Britain? If you did thats Cool, I spent a fun few moments reading up on Sallustius Lucullus trying to work out how to put some of the history into the background of the Veteran Sargent.

I would like to help by naming your Heavy Weapon Specialist (Heavy Flamer) in the Tactical Squad Adeodatus Ignatius.

Great Name! Also like Lord Commander Eidolon, did you take inspiration from history? Pope Adeodatus I looks like he was linked to the use of lead seals on documents, which created the traditions and art that created the Purity Seal. So I think the model will need a few others added to it!

You know what? I had no idea Low-Gothic was called Romano-Gothic! See? You learn something everyday. ;) So basically Late Roman + Vampires, huh? Should get some awesome names from that. "Instantaneous Combustus" is not one of them, if you ask me! ;)

You know what? I had no idea Low-Gothic was called Romano-Gothic! See? You learn something everyday. msn-wink.gif So basically Late Roman + Vampires, huh? Should get some awesome names from that. "Instantaneous Combustus" is not one of them, if you ask me! msn-wink.gif

Yes Late Roman + Vampires! Iam working on a Mephiston counts as based on THIS model. Mostly for the Cloak, And Yes! I have messaged appiah5 about that name already.

Looking at the names I have so Far, Iam debating on cutting it down to single names. It does appear to be how the BA do the names... Having a bit of a debate with myself.

You know what? I had no idea Low-Gothic was called Romano-Gothic! See? You learn something everyday. ;) So basically Late Roman + Vampires, huh? Should get some awesome names from that. "Instantaneous Combustus" is not one of them, if you ask me! ;)

Hey it was just a jest. Ill have a more serious contribution later. Promise.

I don't know of a naming convention for Blood Angels ? I'd suggest doing as the romans used to and follow the Tria Nomina.


I could see that as an option. The issue I have is that when one becomes a Marine, there is a re-birth to the process. (I think this is also much stronger with the Blood Angles Successor as it is within the fists).  So the Praenomen name would be the name they had before they became a marine, The Nomen is the Family they belong to, which is now the Chapter having drank from the blood of Sanguinius. That leaves the Cognomen which would be the personal name. 


So taking that all into a process, A Marines Name Becomes:  Brother (Praenomen),  Personal Name (Praenomen), Chapter (Nomen)


Also looking at lexicanum I can only find one Blood Angle with a 2 part name. I do think that a Single Name could be the best choice... Hmm.. 

You know what? I had no idea Low-Gothic was called Romano-Gothic! See? You learn something everyday. msn-wink.gif So basically Late Roman + Vampires, huh? Should get some awesome names from that. "Instantaneous Combustus" is not one of them, if you ask me! msn-wink.gif

Hey it was just a jest. Ill have a more serious contribution later. Promise.

I know, I know! biggrin.png The jest was awesome, it's just that the name contained in it made me puke in my mouth a little! ;)

I'll take a stab in the dark for one of the Scout Snipers..."Tethys Vaal".


I can't really tell if that fits the pseudo-Latin/Roman-Gothic dialect, but you can change it to suit if you want.




I like the name, I think it fits in well. 


I don't know of a naming convention for Blood Angels ? I'd suggest doing as the romans used to and follow the Tria Nomina.


I could see that as an option. The issue I have is that when one becomes a Marine, there is a re-birth to the process. (I think this is also much stronger with the Blood Angles Successor as it is within the fists).  So the Praenomen name would be the name they had before they became a marine, The Nomen is the Family they belong to, which is now the Chapter having drank from the blood of Sanguinius. That leaves the Cognomen which would be the personal name. 


So taking that all into a process, A Marines Name Becomes:  Brother (Praenomen),  Personal Name (Praenomen), Chapter (Nomen)


Also looking at lexicanum I can only find one Blood Angle with a 2 part name. I do think that a Single Name could be the best choice... Hmm.. 



If you plan on naming your squads as well you could use that as the nomen instead of the chapter. It would induce a rather strong sence of brotherhood inside your squads I think.


The correct order however is praenomen, nomen, cognomen. The first beeing chosed by the parents it could very well be the name of the marine before "ascending". The nomen would be the chapter (or the squad) and the cognomen something that resemble a surname as we would use it today.


The fact that romans had three names doesn't mean they were used every time though, so it doesn't really contradict the fact that all blood angels names that we know are only personal names. Just that when referring to Dante for example there is no need to say his full name since everyone would know who that is ... 


I've always wondered what I'd look like in Terminator Armour, so if the Sgt is up for grabs, let him be henceforth known Sallustius Lucullus.


Done!  Did you mean to copy a name of a Roman Governor of Britain? If you did thats Cool, I spent a fun few moments reading up on Sallustius Lucullus trying to work out how to put some of the history into the background of the Veteran Sargent. 




Nice spot dude! Being British I wanted a British Roman-esque name, then thought, why not check out some actual Romans. I was going to cobble a name from a selection of famous Romans but I figured Sallustius Lucullus was pretty damn warhammery as is!!



If you plan on naming your squads as well you could use that as the nomen instead of the chapter. It would induce a rather strong sence of brotherhood inside your squads I think.


The correct order however is praenomen, nomen, cognomen. The first beeing chosed by the parents it could very well be the name of the marine before "ascending". The nomen would be the chapter (or the squad) and the cognomen something that resemble a surname as we would use it today.


The fact that romans had three names doesn't mean they were used every time though, so it doesn't really contradict the fact that all blood angels names that we know are only personal names. Just that when referring to Dante for example there is no need to say his full name since everyone would know who that is ... 



True. I do follow that logic, and I think it will be one I shall go with. I do also like the Idea of using the Nomen as the Squad, that's a very interesting idea.  And something I may work into the fluff at a later date. 


Thanks! This has been a intresting and geeky conversation! Do you have a sugestion for a name? 





Nice spot dude! Being British I wanted a British Roman-esque name, then thought, why not check out some actual Romans. I was going to cobble a name from a selection of famous Romans but I figured Sallustius Lucullus was pretty damn warhammery as is!!


Fantastic, he actual is quite an interesting person it appears. Governing Britain following the invasion of Scotland and ties to the Revolt of Saturninus. Kinda Fun and paints a picture of someone who wants to be politically active but not quite backing the right horse. Which in my fluff works well for a Sargent of the First company who didn't join with the rest of the chapter to fight at Baal, and was left to defend the home world, and even now with the losses he hasn't been promoted to Captain... the story almost writes itself. 

True. I do follow that logic, and I think it will be one I shall go with. I do also like the Idea of using the Nomen as the Squad, that's a very interesting idea.  And something I may work into the fluff at a later date. 

Thanks! This has been a intresting and geeky conversation! Do you have a sugestion for a name? 


You are most welcome :) 


I do have a name to suggest for the Scout Veteran Sergent : Marcus Prisca. Prisca as a cognonem translates to "ancient", and I kinda like the idea of a old scout sergent teaching the newbies :D


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