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2500 pts Iron hands PotL


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Well after several years away from 40k the last BaC box in my LGS inspired me to go back to my Iron Hands with a 30k flavour.


I'm deliberately going infantry focus to get started with.

Will probably pick up some transports, but I'm saving that for winter and one large forge world order, probably Ferrus, 2 Spartans and 3 rhinos minimum unless I decide to go down a drop pod/flyers route.


I'm want to see if you think this list covers all of the bases so far. Im still waiting for my red book from forge world (with my Gorgons and iron father) so just going from battlescribe atm.i think I'm lacking some aa, but hope I've got enough anti-tank, anti-marine and anti hoard.


Vindicator, Scouts and Whirlwind are from my old 40k army so they're just filling in for now until I go full mech for head of the gorgon or if I I get 20+ immortals instead of vehicles to go down a bitter iron route as I love those models


2500pts Iron Hands Clan Kaargul


RoW: Pride of the Legion



* Legion Praetor, Iron Father, Paragon Blade, Combi-Plasma, Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Digital Lasers, Cyber Familiar

* Legion Centurion, Chain Fist, Combi-Melta, Cataphractii Terminator Armour.



* 5 Gorgon Terminators, Hammerbearer with Combi-Melta and Cyber Familiar. 2 pairs of lightning claws, 2 chain fists, 1 graviton gun.

* 5 Cataphractii Terminators. Sergeant with paired lightning claws and grenade harness. 2 pairs of lightning claws, 2 chain fists, heavy flamer

* Legion Recon Squad, cameleoline, recon armour, sergeant with Power Fist, 9 marines, bp&ccw, nuncio-vox.

* Tactical Support squad, Sergeant, plasma pistol, power fist, bolter & augury scanner. 4 marines with plasma guns.

* Veteran tactical squad. Marksmen, Sergeant, thunder hammer, combi-melta, artificer armour. 9 veterans, 7 bolsters, 2 melta guns, vexilla, nuncio-vox.

* Veteran tactical squad. Marksmen, Sergeant, power fist, combi-melta, artificer armour. 9 veterans, 7 bolsters, 2 melta guns, vexilla, nuncio-vox.



* apothecary, augury scanner, artificer armour.

* Contemptor, extra armour, Kheres pattern assault cannon.


Heavy support

* Heavy support squad. Sergeant with nuncio-vox, bp&ccw, augury scanner, artificer armour. 4 marines with heavy bolters.

* Legion Vindicator, dozer blade, extra armour, combi-bolter.

* Whirlwind scorpius.


Total 2491pts

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